2. • Tn Rifky / 21 th
• MOI : Kecelakaan berangkat kerja, sepeda motor vs bemo
• Keluhan : nyeri lengan bawah dan pergelangan tangan bawah , tidak
bias digerakkan, bengkak
• Penjamin : BPJS - Tenaga Kerja
3. • St. Lokalis R. wrist :
• Look : deformitas , swelling, hematoma
• Fell : nyeri tekan , krepitasi, piano tuts sign +, AVN distal normal
• Move : ROM terbatas ok. Nyeri
• Dx : Galeazzi Fracture + DRUJ dislocation
• Tx : ORIF Radius + Rekontruksi DRUJ dislocation dg tendon PL graft
• Implant : small DCP locking titanium6 hole 6 screw, Etibon, Anchor
screw ( Y Knot RC ), arthroscopy set
6. Hook plate
• The Hook Plate was originally designed for lateral end clavicle
• This application has been extended to AC joint dislocations.
• It has been associated with numerous complications including
Acromial Fractures, plate bending, and AC arthritis as high as 41 %,
and a definite second surgery for hardware removal [14].
• Hook plate eroding through acromion has been noted as early as 32
days after surgery.