The document discusses the privatization of AEB, a state-controlled electricity company, in 2000. It provides financial data from 2001-2004 showing that after privatization, the company's revenues, profits, assets, and dividends increased while costs, debt, and number of employees decreased. This indicates that privatizing the company achieved the goal of generating more electricity funds and improving performance.
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3. AEB was operated & controlled under the
state of Anandnagar since 1961, but state
Govt. was not able to generate sufficient
funds out of it. Privatization was intended to
pave the way for the company, as the demand
for electricity always exceeded the supply so it
was privatized in the year (2000). At the time
of privatization, a large financial institution
valued the company at `4,000 million.
6. Profit after the payment of tax (PAT) of the firm
Revenue of the company increased from `13500
million in the year 2001 to `19500 million in the
year 2004.
Profit of the firm increased so payment of
dividend to shareholders increased.
Profit of the firm increased so the companys
debt value decreased from `6000 mn (2001)to
`3600 mn (2004)
7. Payment of employees decreased from `3000mn
(2001) `2600mn (2004),and number of employees
also decreased.
PE ratio also increased from 10.5(2001)
Progress of CPI also increased from 100(2001)
8. Stake holders are the company investors.
They may be employees of the organization, share
holders, govt. etc. Stake holders are also some
what owners of the organization so they should
be informed about the performance and change
in policy of the organization. In case of AEC we can
see that stake holders are fully satisfied as
dividend of the company increased from time to
time, as the company is earning profit.
10. According to the data provided we can say
that, yes the company been able to fulfill their
objectives. The objective of the company was to
maximize the supply of power and fulfill the day
to day raising demand of electricity and also to
gain high revenues. By analyzing the data of given
four years we can say that it has fulfilled its
objective because the revenue and profit has
continuously increased and it has also increased in
the asset side also whereas the creditors has
11. As per the data provided we can see the Debtors
are decreasing year on year.
Decreasing Debtors can improve the cash flow
of the company, at the same time somewhere
company looses its client base.
12. After privatization, AEC is generating sufficient
funds and earning profits. And debt of the firm
has decreased from( 2001 to 2004).
And the PE ratio and CPI also increased.
As a whole, we can say that after privatization the
company's performance has increased leading to
high revenue generation and creating optimum
profit which results in regular and high
distribution of dividends to its stakeholders.