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Case study ecetera
Using LinkedIn, in just a few days we were able to complete the team and
secure a substantial piece of work which brought in some huge revenue for
the company.
Olivier Lambel  Head of Human Resources & Chief Talent Explorer, Ecetera

Find and Engage Highly Specialised Talent                           Leaving Job Boards Behind
within Days                                                         When Ecetera was recruiting for an office administrator,
Ecetera operates in a technological environment where highly        Olivier initially tried a job board advertisement. He explains,
specialised and often rare skill sets are required. Head of         I got hundreds of responses, none of which were suitable. I
Ecetera Human Resources, Olivier Lambel, was trying to fill a       posted a job on LinkedIn and got really good profile matches
critical role for a project they were working on and specifically   presented to me. Using InMails to target suitable candidates
needed a senior systems admin with a linux and coding skilled       directly, Ecetera found a new office manager within a week.
background. Oliver says, It was the first day we got access to     Olivier says, We wouldnt have found her if we had stuck to a
LinkedIn Recruiter. I immediately did a search and contacted 15     job board advert.
LinkedIn members via InMail. He reports that the responses
to the InMails were almost instant, and Ecetera was able to
hire a contractor within two days, enabling them to successfully
complete the project on time.

Winning More Projects with Winning Teams
Working in an emerging and fast-moving industry, the demand
for Eceteras services is sometimes beyond their immediate
capacity, requiring the sourcing of new talent quickly and
effectively. After recently winning a project with a large
financial institution, Ecetera found themselves requiring two
additional team members quickly. Olivier says, By searching
on Recruiter and putting up a job on LinkedIn we were able to
complete the team within a week and complete a substantial
piece of work which brought in some huge revenue for the
company. Ecetera are now in the process of securing an
extension with the same client for another large project and
they will use LinkedIn Talent Solutions exclusively if additional
talent is required.

LinkedIn Talent Solutions

                                                                    Copyright 息 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn
                                                                    Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their
                                                                    respective owners. All rights reserved.

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Case study ecetera

  • 2. Using LinkedIn, in just a few days we were able to complete the team and secure a substantial piece of work which brought in some huge revenue for the company. Olivier Lambel Head of Human Resources & Chief Talent Explorer, Ecetera Find and Engage Highly Specialised Talent Leaving Job Boards Behind within Days When Ecetera was recruiting for an office administrator, Ecetera operates in a technological environment where highly Olivier initially tried a job board advertisement. He explains, specialised and often rare skill sets are required. Head of I got hundreds of responses, none of which were suitable. I Ecetera Human Resources, Olivier Lambel, was trying to fill a posted a job on LinkedIn and got really good profile matches critical role for a project they were working on and specifically presented to me. Using InMails to target suitable candidates needed a senior systems admin with a linux and coding skilled directly, Ecetera found a new office manager within a week. background. Oliver says, It was the first day we got access to Olivier says, We wouldnt have found her if we had stuck to a LinkedIn Recruiter. I immediately did a search and contacted 15 job board advert. LinkedIn members via InMail. He reports that the responses to the InMails were almost instant, and Ecetera was able to hire a contractor within two days, enabling them to successfully complete the project on time. Winning More Projects with Winning Teams Working in an emerging and fast-moving industry, the demand for Eceteras services is sometimes beyond their immediate capacity, requiring the sourcing of new talent quickly and effectively. After recently winning a project with a large financial institution, Ecetera found themselves requiring two additional team members quickly. Olivier says, By searching on Recruiter and putting up a job on LinkedIn we were able to complete the team within a week and complete a substantial piece of work which brought in some huge revenue for the company. Ecetera are now in the process of securing an extension with the same client for another large project and they will use LinkedIn Talent Solutions exclusively if additional talent is required. LinkedIn Talent Solutions http://talent.linkedin.com Copyright 息 2012 LinkedIn Corporation. LinkedIn, the LinkedIn logo, and InMail are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.