1. A publisher that provides email marketing services partnered with MediaTrust to generate revenue from email campaigns targeting education categories.
2. MediaTrust identified the nursing degree and criminal justice categories as most effective based on the publisher's audience and helped the publisher meet their eCPM targets.
3. Through optimizing low performing traffic sources and enhancing campaign creatives, MediaTrust helped increase the publisher's CTR by over 20% for nursing degrees and over 35% for criminal justice, raising their revenue per click.
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Case Study Publisher's Education
Thanks to MediaTrust, we MediaTrusts PerformanceExchange (MTPX): Providing
easily met our eCPM targets for
all of our campaigns. We
Publishers Education Campaigns that Convert
appreciate them taking the Background
time to work with us to identify This publisher offers email monetization services to email list owners and email list
the categories that were most managers, helping their clients maximize revenue from their data by delivering
effective with our email list targeted email advertisements to their clients email lists.
audience, as well as ways to
improve our traffic quality and Objective
CTRs. The publishers primary goal in partnering with MediaTrust is to generate maximum
revenue for their clients email lists within the Education Vertical. MTPX Email
Channel campaigns had to yield at or above the publishers target eCPMs for traffic
to scale. Target eCPMs within the EDU vertical ranged between $2.00 to $5.00,
depending upon the specific EDU category.
Strategy and Execution
The publisher first sent a sample of consumer traffic to a MediaTrust test campaign.
Once the traffic was approved to run on the MTPX, the publisher and MediaTrusts
Partner Management Team collaborated on which categories within the EDU vertical
would be most effective at generating revenue for the publishers clients. After a
thorough review of the publishers data, MediaTrusts Partner Management Team
presented several campaign categories within the EDU vertical would pay out the
highest possible revenues, while beating or meeting the publishers target eCPMs.
After further testing, the publisher and MediaTrust decided to focus upon 2 catego-
ries that appeared to be most relevant to the publishers email list audience: Nursing
Degree and Criminal Justice.
Analysis and Optimization
After several days of sending targeted email traffic to the Nursing Degree and
Criminal Justice categories, the publishers campaign traffic was analyzed and
further optimized by MediaTrusts Partner Management Team. MediaTrust first
analyzed the publishers traffic quality by taking a deep dive into their campaign
About MediaTrust statistics. MediaTrusts Partner Management Team was then able to identify low
MediaTrust makes performing traffic sources, and the subIDs that were hindering the publishers
overall revenue generation efforts within both categories. After reviewing this
pay-for-results online information with the publisher, low performing subIDs were eliminated from the
advertising easier and more EDU campaigns, and overall quality and value of the publishers traffic increased.
cost-effective. MediaTrust offers MediaTrust then worked with its Creative Department to increase CTRs by enhanc-
an innovative online ing campaigns creatives for compliance and performance.
technology platform,
supported by best-in-class Following this initial review, the publisher then took part in weekly traffic quality
optimization meetings with MediaTrusts Partner Management Team to ensure their
service, and access to the best inventory was yielding maximum RPC.
lead gen and direct response
advertisers and quality affiliate Results
publishers in the performance Within the first two months, the publisher experienced over a 20% increase in their
marketing industry. MediaTrust CTR for their Nursing Degree campaign and over 35% increase in their Criminal
enables its partners to easily Justice campaign. This increase in traffic performance increased their RPC by 6% for
the Nursing Degree category and 10% for the Criminal Justice Degree category.
create and deploy
Within an efficient timeframe of working with their Partner Management on further
pay-for-performance optimizing their traffic quality, the publisher saw a greater increase in the traffic
marketing campaigns that performance, and increase in RPCs, and their eCPMs remain well within their target
deliver clicks, leads and sales. range.
Ad Sales Manager: sales@mediatrust.com 855 North Douglas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245