This document provides a case study of Girona University's integration of simulation training into its nursing curriculum. It discusses how the university has gradually expanded its simulation activities from basic skills training in the 1980s to fully immersive simulation today. It allocates significant time and budgets to simulation training for both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students, as well as healthcare professionals. The simulation program is well-organized with dedicated instructors and facilities.
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Integrating Simulation into
Nursing Curriculum
Girona, Spain
Girona University
, Josep Olivet Pujolb
, Dolors Juvinya Canalb
Case study
Laerdal Medical AS,Tanke Svilandsgate 30, N-4007 Stavanger, Norway
Girona University, School of Nursing C/Emili Grahit 77, 17071 Girona, Spain
This case study is one, in a series of three, describing various aspects of
simulation integrated into nursing curriculum.The document was developed in
collaboration with, and approved by Girona University.
2. 2
Case Study from LAERDAL
Girona University is part of the Catalan public university system and is located in the city of Girona,on the northeast coast of
Spain.The university has 14,000 students and offers courses within science,health sciences,social sciences,humanities and tech-
nical studies.In addition to having integrated simulation with pregraduate and postgraduate nursing programs,Girona also offers
simulation training for healthcare professionals.
Floor plan
Simulation activities
Skill trainers are applied to learn and practice defined skill sets and full size manikins are used to translate and refine
the obtained knowledge and skills into simulated clinical settings.
Time allocated to simulation training (hours)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
3-year nursing program 4-year BSc Nursing
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Skills labs 1-7
3. Case Study from LAERDAL
Girona University1
started basic skills training in the 1980s and
a decade later full-scale event based simulations were in place.
This case study provides insights into why and how Girona
managed to make simulation training an integral part of the
nursing curriculum, their achievements, and future prospects
of simulation at the university.
Why Simulation was implemented
Girona University was among the first schools in Spain to
introduce skills training for nursing students.The incentives
for advancing to fully immersive simulation were to prepare
students better for clinical practice and to increase patient
Howthe process evolved
Girona University expanded the simulation activities gradually.
In 1992 the skills training was supplemented by intermediate
simulation training, using basic and advanced life support
manikins, and soon simulation was fully integrated with
the nursing curriculum. Computer simulation was further
introduced in 2002, and four years later the acquisition of an
advanced human patient simulator enabled fully immersive
simulation training at the university.
Undergraduate students
The university established a separate budget for simulation
training as early as the 1980s, when skills training was originally
integrated with the nursing curriculum.The current amount in
this budget now averages € 18,000. Funding generated from
research activity amounts to another € 30,000 per year.Thus,
the simulation program for undergraduate nursing students
administers altogether € 50,000 for daily management and
investments on a yearly basis. Investments such as advanced,
costly equipment and expanded training facilities still require
long term planning.
Postgraduate students
Girona University provides a separate training budget of
€ 20,000 for postgraduate students who, incidentally, are
required to perform more hours of simulation training than
students at the bachelor level.
Healthcare professionals
Training for healthcare professionals (external participants)
is delivered at cost price.This training is mostly paid for by
the participants’ employers, ie mostly hospitals. Individual
healthcare professionals, who wish to enhance their personal
clinical performance at their own expense, may however
also sign up for training here. Quite a few nurses, physicians
and general practitioners take advantage of this opportunity,
partly because increased competence in turn may boost their
professional careers.
The simulation program is fully integrated with Girona
University and is headed by a full-time employed general
manager who reports to the Director of Nursing.The general
manager has a background in emergency nursing and also
acts as instructor.Another six nurses facilitate fully immersive
simulation training on a full-time basis in addition to six nurses
and four physicians who work part-time, focusing emergency
simulations.The skills training is organized by faculty from the
respective departments at the university.
Staff competency levels
All instructors have a medical background.The main
responsible is an ERC and AHA certified ACLS and BLS
instructor, although no instructors have attended formal
simulation instructor courses.As instructor training is
regarded beneficial, the university will seek to obtain this
competency in the future.
• General Manager
• Administrative support from four different university
Instructors: 1 Emergency care nurse (General Manager)
6 Nurses (facilitate the full range of
simulations on a full-time basis)
6 Nurses (facilitate emergency simulations on
a part-time basis)
4 Physicians (facilitate emergency simulations
on a part-time basis)
The simulation facilities occupy altogether 240 sq meters in
two separate buildings and comprise 2 full-scale simulation
rooms, 7 skills labs, 1 separate room for BLS and ACLS
training (with Resusci Anne Skills Station), an 80 sq meter
classroom that may be divided into 4 smaller rooms for
lectures and CPR training, and another 2 IT rooms with
computers for self-directed learning.The simulation theaters
have separate control- and debriefing rooms with audio-visual
equipment and the skills labs are equipped with hospital
beds, carts, care accessories, and a wide variety of manikins
and skills trainers. Offices, board room, library and a student
lounge are located in the main building. Underway:
Girona University plans to set up a new building so the whole
range of simulation activities can be gathered under one roof.
4. 4
Case Study from LAERDAL
Figure 1. One of the seven skills labs.
Girona University develops their simulation scenarios in
compliance with the Spanish national curriculum for nursing.
The simulations are developed to focus selected learning
objectives and are tailored to the students’ various
educational needs.
Up until recently the nursing program was a 3-year college
course with a progressive amount of clinical practice. Due to
the Bologna Process, however, Girona is currently transitioning
into a 4-year BSc Nursing program, of which 50% clinical
practice is compulsory.
To help nursing students attain a defined level of competence,
Girona University has integrated all five learning modalities
reflected inThe Circle of Learning (Fig. 2).The students
acquire the cognitive parts of the curriculum via lectures,
literature, Moodle, microsimulation (using MicroSim by Laerdal
and a self-directed interactive platform developed by Girona
University). MicroSim has been integrated with problem
based learning and students receive extra credits for passing
MicroSim scenarios.The program encourages students to
coach each other, which probably further enhances the
learning outcomes. Subsequent practical sessions take place
in the skills labs, where a defined curriculum is put to use.
Later on the students are introduced to fully immersive
simulation training in teams.The university has an agreement
with six nearby hospitals and a number of other relevant
public health institutions where students have recurring
periods with clinical practice. Here, students are supervised
by both hospital employees and faculty members who
maintain their clinical proficiency by working part-time at
hospitals. Unlike other universities, Girona has not experienced
pressure for clinical placement, why replacing clinical practice
with simulation has so far not been up for debate.
Evaluation: Students were earlier assessed by the level of skills
they were able to demonstrate. Now they are instead graded
by general competencies, which is also in accordance with the
Bologna Process.
Preparation: Students prepare for the simulation training by
attending subject related lectures, study literature, and by the
use of interactive self-directed learning programs.Topics for
upcoming scenarios are announced ahead. Members of faculty
plan to use Moodle to introduce and prepare students for the
simulation sessions.
Brief: Students spend 15-30 minutes in the simulation theater
in order to familiarize themselves with the training equipment.
Simulation training: Groups of 10 students are divided into
smaller groups of 3-4 who in turn work in teams.While one
group of students is active simulating, their peers observe and
learn from the ongoing action via a screen in the adjacent
room. Each scenario lasts about 15 minutes and is repeated
right after completion, but made somewhat more challenging
the second time round.
Figure 2. The Circle of Learning reflects the continuing process of attaining,
enhancing, and maintaining clinical competencies.
Girona is into its 2nd
year of transitioning into the four-year
BSc Nursing program. Consequently, the university currently
has both programs running in parallel.The below overview
(next page) shows the amount of time allocated to simulation
training each year for both programs.
Case Study from LAERDAL
3-year Nursing program
Year 1 30 hrs basic skills training
10 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
Year 2 30 hrs basic skills training
10 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
Year 3 30 hrs basic skills training
10 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
4-year BSc Nursing
Year 1 10 hrs basic skills training
0 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
Year 2 20 hrs basic skills training
20 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
Year 3 0 hrs basic skills training
40 hrs fully immersive simulation training in teams
Year 4 0 hrs basic skills training
10 hrs fully immersive simulation for
competency assessment *
* Students were earlier assessed by their skill master level, whereas now they
are evaluated by competency levels.Assessments are performed using fully
immersive simulation, where students are exposed to six different simulation
scenarios that each portrays several identified competencies the students
must be able to demonstrate prior to graduation.
The first year in the BSc program the students acquire
basic knowledge about health. In the second year they are
introduced to the complexity associated with illness and
to clinical situations in hospital care.The third year students
are challenged with critical care, emergencies, pediatric and
neonatal care in both knowledge acquisition and in clinical
practice.The forth year is basically spent in clinical placement,
except during exam periods.
The high number of attending BSc students causes time
constraints, which in turn allows for a somewhat limited
simulation activity at the bachelor level. Students attending
masters and post-graduate programs, on the other hand, are
required to perform a certain amount of simulation training,
why these groups perform relatively more fully immersive
simulations than the BSc students do at the moment.All
students are however encouraged to perform individual skills
training and microsimulation, in addition to attending classes
organized by the faculty.
In addition to using simulators, Girona regularly employs
student peers, university employees, and students’
grandparents to act as standardized patients during team
Most frequently trained skills include:
• Advanced life support
• Advanced monitoring
• Aseptic non-touch
• Assessment and
• Basic Life Support
• Branch specific skills
• Burns
• Cardiac rhythms (SR,
VF, supra ventricular/
ventricular extra
• Central venous catheter
insertion and removal
• Clinical hand washing
• Colostomy care
• Communication
• Consciousness (various
• Delivery
• Foley catheter insertion
and removal
• Injection technique
• Manual blood pressure
• Maternal care
• Mechanical ventilation
• Medication
• Nutrition and feeding
• Oral care
• Pediatric care
• Personal care
• Perceptions of dying
• Personal safety
• Patient handling
• Trauma care
• Urinalysis
• Wound care (surgical
dressings and chronic
Most frequently used scenarios
• Acute myocardial
• Advanced Life Support
(Pediatric and Adult)
• Apoplexia
• Arrhythmia
• Breaking bad news
• Cardiac arrest
• Chronic Heart Failure
• Conflict resolution
• Deep vein thrombosis
• Diabetic patient
• Discharge management
• Drug administration
• Handover
• Holistic patient
• Managing time pressure
• Myocardial infarction
• Neurological
• Pneumonia/severe
respiratory distress
• Post operative care
• Psychosis/dementia
• Respiratory arrest
• Stroke
Girona University plans to introduce ready made scenarios
developed by the American National League for Nursing
(NLN) as soon as the Spanish translation is completed.
6. 6
Case Study from LAERDAL
Emphasis: High.
Duration: 15 minutes or shorter, depending on the group.
Prior to embarking on higher levels of education, the younger
students are normally more concerned with ‘delivering
what the preceptor wants’ than actively reflecting on self-
performance. Understanding the purpose of debriefing is
therefore somewhat difficult for them to start with, but the
students soon discover the advantages and adapt to the new
way of thinking.
The debriefing takes place immediately after each scenario
and the sessions are facilitated by faculty.Video clips from the
simulations are used to illuminate episodes that went well,
to discuss areas in need of improvement, and to disclose
knowledge deficiencies.After each group has had individual
debriefing, a final debrief session is facilitated with all three
groups present.
Faculty Reflections
Identified Benefits
- Lecturers used to demonstrate to the students.With
simulation this has changed; the students are much more
active now, and we have evaluation and more control.
- Students are more enthusiastic with simulation.
The feedback is especially appreciated.
- Students who transfer from other schools value Girona
higher and postgraduate and master students wish to study
here because we offer simulation training.
- In the past students ‘learned by doing’ in the hospital
– now they simulate before entering clinical practice.
Simulation builds confidence and increases patient safety.
- Students are more used to working with simulations now.
Identified Challenges
- Simulation is not merely a test for students; it’s also a test
for faculty who facilitate the training.
- Persuading more colleagues to get involved in simulation
training, so more faculty can share the work load.
- All instructors need updated clinical experience. Finding
the time to ensure this is difficult.
Identified Success Factors
- Having a proper project plan generates funding more easily.
- Drawing on experience from simulation training with
master students has benefited the bachelor program.
Graduate Student Reflections
- I like the fact that we can repeat and that I get more
involved with the manikins.
Graduate student
Cristina Pujol Pretel
- I would have liked to do more emergency and critical care
Graduate student
Joana Pujolras Aguasca
- We learn protocols, skills and behavior and feel ready to
start our careers as nurses, but more simulation training
during school would have been beneficial. I feel safer
now, but need additional clinical experience to be more
Graduate student
Albert Bartina I Planells
The training equipment currently includes:
1 SimMan
1 ALS advanced
1 ALS MegaCode
1 HeartSim 2000
1 Resusci Anne Skills Station
4 Resusci Anne Skill Reporter
2 Advanced video system (AVS)
60 computers with MicroSim (pre- and inhospital scenarios)
1VitalSim ALS Simulator Advanced *
*VitalSim simulates ECG, heart sounds, fetal heart sounds, breath sounds,
bowel sounds, blood pressure and pulses.
8 Little Anne
1 Resusci Anne Q-CPR/DTraining System
2 Resusci Junior
4 Baby Anne
4 Resusci Baby
1 ALS Baby
1 Ultimate Hurt
1 Nursing Anne (Nasco)
2 full size and 3 nurse baby (brand unknown)
Skills Trainers:
2 IntubationTrainers, 2 Cricoid StickTrainers, 2 Choking
Charlie, 1 IVTorso, IV Arms, Fr2, MRx,AED trainers,Training
ventilator, 4 BLS Ambu manikins, Central Line Man,Vascular
Access Family,TraumaMan System, Birthing simulator.
Case Study from LAERDAL
Girona University has an annual intake of 140 nursing
students.The amount of time the 560 students are involved in
facilitated simulation activities ranges from 10 – 40 hours per
The current training solution is considered sufficient for
today’s training needs; however next year, when the four-
year program is fully integrated, Girona will need to expand
the solution as the university will have an altogether higher
number of students to facilitate simulation training for.
Issenberg et al2
reviewed and synthesized existing evidence in
educational science that addressed the question:What are the
features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead
to most effective learning? Issenberg argues, that the weight of
the best available evidence suggests that high-fidelity medical
simulations facilitate learning, when training is conducted
under the ‘right conditions.’
The right conditions include:
• Feedback is provided during the learning experience
• Learners engage in repetitive practice
• Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule
• Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty
• Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning
• A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided
• Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled
• Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized
educational experiences is provided
• Learning outcomes are clearly defined
• Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool
1 2 3 4
Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized
educational experiences is provided
Learning outcomes are clearly defined
A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided
Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled environment
Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty
Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule
Learners engage in repetitive practice
Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning strategies
Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool
Feedback is provided during the learning experience
Figure 3. The bars indicate to which degree Girona University delivers on each of
the‘right conditions’as assessed by the university on a 4-point Likert scale.
Providing feedback is further considered the most important
feature and Learners engage in repetitive practice the least
prominent feature for Girona University’s simulation based
learning. In their experience, it is however the combination of
factors that matters the most.
• More staff have adopted simulation
• It is a requirement for new employees to get involved
in simulation
• A separate health department building for nursing and
medical students is built (in 5-10 years)
• Nursing students and medical students train together
in teams
• Students and professionals perform in situ team training
in hospitals
• A position designated to multidisciplinary training is in
• Research activity on simulation is increased
• A SimMan 3G is procured
• 90 computers for self-directed learning are available to