Expedient provides IT infrastructure and managed services to businesses. To offer more customized security, Expedient deployed Juniper's vSRX virtual firewall, allowing each customer their own firewall. This allows Expedient to quickly provision tailored security services in minutes rather than hours. Over 50 customers now use vSRX, allowing Expedient to introduce new services faster and reducing workload.
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1. Case Study
Expedient Data Centers provides IT infrastructure outsourcing services, including
managed services, private and public cloud, colocation, and enterprise access to
businesses. Expedient is known for its highly reliable and interconnected facilities,
leading-edge services, and technically competent customer service. The privately-held
company has data centers in Boston, Baltimore, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis,
Memphis, and Pittsburgh.
Business Challenge
Businesses, schools, and government agencies rely on Expedients managed network
security services to keep their data safe and available and to keep sophisticated threats
from interrupting their businesses. Expedient wanted to offer customers greater control
over their managed security services so that customers could tailor their protection to
their business needs and compliance requirements.
Technology Solution
To support a more flexible and customizable managed security service, Expedient
wanted to migrate from its physical firewalls to a virtual firewall solution. A year ago,
Expedient deployed Juniper Networks速
vSRX Services Gateway to support its managed
security service, allowing each customer to have its own dedicated firewall. With
vSRX, customers can leave the traditional, monolithic firewall environment behind for
a new solution with granular security control. vSRX provides strong security with the
performance and scale needed in todays virtualized world, with advanced security and
rich networking and routing delivered in a virtual machine.
Business Results
Expedient can now offer security services that are tailored to customers specific needs
and accelerate service delivery. More than 50 Expedient customers use vSRX and the
company expects significant growth as other customers are migrated from its physical
firewall infrastructure.
One of the big positives of vSRX is the different services we can offer to
customers. Using virtual security services has freed up engineering cycles
and support time, which has allowed us to introduce services faster.
Bryan Smith, Regional Vice President, Expedient
Expedient Keeps Customers
Networks Safe and Highly
Available with vSRX
Expedient Data Centers
Business Challenge:
Quickly provision managed security
services that are tailored to
customer needs
Technology Solution:
Juniper Networks MetaFabric
Architecture, which includes:
Junos Space Virtual Director
Junos Space Security Director
Business Results:
Offered highly customized
managed security services
Used automation to deploy
security services in minutes,
not hours
Simplified security operations
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Case StudyExpedient Keeps Customers Networks Safe and Highly Available with vSRX
3520505-002-EN Feb 2015
To handle the demand, Expedient has customized and
automated the deployment of its managed security service,
cutting provisioning from hours to minutes. Security automation
allows Expedient to get customers connected and protected
fasterand significantly reduces the workload of the security
operations center. That efficiency is important for the security
operations team, which provides around-the-clock service,
support, and monitoring of customers networks.
In addition, customers can manage their own security rules with
Expedients self-service option to meet specific business needs or
compliance requirements. Customers have such granular control
over their security policies that they can even enforce different
policies for different applications.
vSRX has enabled Expedient to introduce new products and
services to customers. One of the big positives of vSRX is the
different services we can offer to customers, says Bryan Smith,
regional vice president at Expedient. Using virtual security
services has freed up engineering cycles and support time, which
has allowed us to introduce services faster.
Expedient uses full automation to fail over a customers site from
one data center to another in a matter of minutes. No changes
to Domain Name System (DNS) or IP addresses are made
at the failover site, which vastly simplifies disaster recovery.
This service leverages both vSRX and VMware vCenter Site
Recovery Manager. Customers can push a button and move
their environment from one Expedient location to another, and
bring it back up immediately, says Smith. Its important to make
disaster recovery easier, because you dont know what your
employees will be focused on when the time comes.
Expedient customers can take advantage of comprehensive
security services, including intrusion detection and prevention
and antivirus and antispam protection, based on the advanced
security capabilities of vSRX. Advanced services are critical, as
threats are increasingly sophisticated and organizations of all
types are under constant attack.
With vSRX, Expedient can better protect each customer from
cyberthreats. In a multitenant model with traditional firewalls, if
one customer experiences a cyberattack, the attack could impact
all customers sharing the same physical firewall. Now with vSRX,
an attack or a spike in traffic is isolated to that customer only.
Not only has vSRX allowed us to speed service delivery to our
customers, but it also has reduced operational complexity, says
Kevin Meyer, director of product engineering at Expedient. For
instance, with vSRX, Expedients operation staff works with a
much smaller firewall rule set, which simplifies operations and
mitigates the risk of error.
Next Steps
Expedient is expanding data center locations and offering new
services. Its managed security service is contributing to that growth,
as Expedient migrates more customers to the service based on
vSRX. Expedient and Juniper Networks also are working closely
together to explore the boundaries of scalability and performance
of virtual security for cloud services as well as across multiple
hypervisors. Expedient is looking to test higher speed throughput
in the next-generation vSRX as well as expand the service to
include multiple hypervisors. Expedient plans to take advantage of
advances in Intel processor technology to accelerate encryption,
and Juniper Networks tools to provide its 24x7 operation support
team with a single, easy-to-use interface to manage its ever-
growing technology infrastructure.
For More Information
To find out more about Juniper Networks products and solutions,
please visit www.juniper.net.
About Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks is in the business of network innovation. From
devices to data centers, from consumers to cloud providers,
Juniper Networks delivers the software, silicon and systems that
transform the experience and economics of networking. The
company serves customers and partners worldwide. Additional
information can be found at www.juniper.net.