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Multiprofessional Simulations inTeams for
Better Management of Obstetric Emergencies
Bristol, UK
Southmead Maternity Unit, North Bristol NHSTrust, UK.
, Joanna Croftsb
, Cathy Winterb
Case Study
a. Laerdal Medical AS,Tanke Svilandsgate 30, N-4007 Stavanger, Norway
b. Department of Women and Childrens Health, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
This case study describes how simulation training has been successfully integrated with local
staff training and the improvements in outcomes that have been associated with the training
programme.The document was developed in collaboration with, and approved by, Southmead
Maternity Unit, North BristolTrust., UK
Southmead Hospital, part of the North Bristol NHS Trust, is a teaching hospital located in Bristol, in the southwest of England.
Specialist services at Southmead include urology,renal medicine and transplantation,infectious diseases,neonatal medicine,maternity,
orthopaedic services and pathology.
Southmead Maternity Unit
The Maternity Department is located in a separate building within the hospital site and provides the full range of maternity care to
women residing in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Primary CareTrusts. More than 6,000 babies are born here
each year1
The unit integrated simulation training within their local staff training programme in year 2000.A decade later, the number of term
babies born with a low 5 minute Apgar or hypoxic brain injury has reduced by 50% and neonatal injury following shouder dystocia
has fallen by 75%.
Simulation activity
Figure 1: The columns show number of participants per discipline that train every year.
Case Study from LAERDAL
Website: http://www.nbt.nhs.uk/
Total participants: 350
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Case Study from LAERDAL
The introduction of multi-professional obstetric
emergencies training at Southmead Maternity Unit, Bristol,
UK has been associated with improvements in neonatal
outcomes.The pertinent question is:What are they doing
right? This case study aims to elucidate the background for
their encouraging results by providing insights into why and
how simulation training was integrated with their local staff
training program and how the training is organized.
Substandard clinical care: The Confidential Enquiries into
Maternal Deaths (CEMD) andThe Confidential Enquiries
into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (CESDI) have repeatedly
identified substandard clinical care as a major contributor to
maternal deaths and fetal and neonatal mortalities2
New training requirements: The Confidential Enquiries
contributed to a growing focus on patient safety in the United
Kingdom, and in 2000 the government issued new, national
training requirements for the National Health Service (NHS).
Maternity hospitals managing to adhere to the new training
standards would, as a result, have their insurance premiums
reduced, which incentivized many maternity departments in
the UK to start obstetric emergencies training.
More simulation training: The Maternity Delivery Unit at
Southmead Hospital decided to integrate simulations more
fully within their local staff training program as the new
national training requirements came into effect.
Southmead Maternity Unit is part of the North Bristol NHS
. Currently over 6,000 babies are born each year in the
maternity unit. Southmead Maternity Unit started multi-
professional practical obstetric emergencies training in the
year 2000.
Better training equipment: Back in 2000, there were very
few training mannequins that could be used for obstetric
emergencies training.The Southmead team collaborated
hence with a Bristol based manufacturer of skills training
products (Limbs andThings), to develop an appropriate
training mannequin for shoulder dystocia.The project took
over eight years to complete, and as the mannequin evolved,
it was found to be excellent for training in the management
of normal, vaginal breech and instrumental deliveries too.
Finally in 2007, with much involvement from the Southmead
team during the ongoing product development phase, the
PROMPT Birthing Simulator was a commercial reality and has
since been fully integrated with the training curriculum at the
maternity unit.
Midwife from Southmead Hospital practicing cephalic delivery and essential
communication skills at the same time.A colleague plays the role of the mother.
The training days at Southmead, called Intrapartum Update
Days, are facilitated every 4-6 weeks and are developed in
house by a multi-professional team of midwives, obstetricians
and anaesthetists.They are organized and coordinated by the
practice development midwives.
Lectures, workshops, practical simulations: Each training
day starts with theoretical sessions in the morning, where
doctors and midwives from the unit give lectures and facilitate
workshops on selected topics relevant to pregnancy and
maternity care. Some of the lecturers also act as instructors
and facilitators during the practical drill training that follows
in the afternoon.The curriculum for the training days is
reviewed and revised every 12 months.
Flat structure: Involving staff from all disciplines in the training
helps develop a strong sense of ownership on all levels, and
also a common desire to continue to improve care.The
facilitators have found that keeping an informal atmosphere
promotes the learning process, as participants feel less
anxious about making mistakes and more comfortable asking
Local trainers: All trainers have a medical background as
obstetricians, anaesthetists or midwives. Some have attended
external obstetric emergencies courses, but this is not an
essential requirement. However, local champions (i.e. staff that
have accumulated extensive clinical experience on the shop
floor) are vital members of the training team.
Frequency of training: Once a year all maternity staff
(midwives, obstetricians, obstetric anesthetists and health
care assistants) at Southmead Maternity Unit are allocated a
non-clinical day to attend the local training course. Staff are
not charged by the hospital to attend the course which is run
locally within the maternity unit.
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Faculty per training day
Organizers: 	 2 Practice Development Midwives
Instructors*:	 4 Obstetricians
	 2 Anaesthetists
	 6 Midwives
	 1 Health Care Assistant and 1 labor ward 	
	 secretary to assist with administration etc.
*The list reflects the number of available trainers at Southmead maternity
unit. During training days each drill station is staffed by two trainers (ideally 1
doctor and 1 midwife).
Training facilities
Lectures: The lectures in the morning take place in the
Learning and Research building about a five minute walk from
the Maternity Department.
Simulation research centre: The maternity unit has been
able to adapt an unused room on one of the wards into
a simulation research centre.Training and research are
conducted in this area and it provides space for the storage of
training equipment.The room is also used for one of the drill
stations on the training day while the rest of the drills (6 drill
stations in total) are set up in any of the available rooms in the
maternity unit.
In situ simulation: The faculty aim to run at least one drill
station in a delivery room on the labor ward, as the local
knowledge gained by using the actual emergency call bells,
moving real delivery beds and locating the emergency blood
fridge in the department are all vital factors in the success of
this local training day.The other simulation/drill stations are set
up in whichever rooms are available at the time. It is important
to the faculty that the training day goes ahead, irrespective of
faculty and room shortages and over the past 11 years, the
training day has never once been cancelled.
1. Interactive lectures and workshops
Refreshing and sharing new knowledge: Each training day
starts with interactive lectures and workshops from 09.00
 12.30.This session is an excellent opportunity to refresh
common medical knowledge, share new care guidelines and
medical findings and also to update colleagues on the latest
CMACE release (Center for Maternal & Child Enquiries).
The UK Report Saving Mothers Lives is released every 3
years.The report provides information on the total numbers
of maternal deaths in the UK and recommendations for
improvements in care.There were 261 maternal deaths in the
period 2006-08, but the number is decreasing.The leading
cause of direct maternal deaths in the UK is currently sepsis.
Examples of interactive lectures
-	 Birth after caesarean (new guideline and patient info
-	 Recognition and management of puerperal sepsis
(including patient cases)
-	 Complications of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia
-	 Recognition of venous thrombo-embolism
-	 Bladder care
-	 CTG interpretation (workshop)
2.	 Simulationtraining
Multi-professional teams: After lunch, the participants
are divided into six multi-professional teams (comprising
midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, health care assistants
and students) of around eight colleagues. Each team rotates
through six 30 minute simulation drill stations during the
course of the afternoon.
The instructor explains the topic of the scenario before it starts.
Validation: Sometimes a quick lecture is provided directly
before or after the simulation, other times it is purely a
practical drill session with debriefing at the end.When a
new working document has been developed or revised,
such as transfer forms (used when transferring patients from
delivery to the ICU) or obstetric early warning charts, these
documents are included within a scenario and hence are
tested prior to being released into routine clinical practice.
Topics: Although the teams are not informed about the
actual topic of each upcoming scenario, the participants are
aware that the selected learning objectives will reflect some
of the themes covered in the previous morning lectures. Each
simulation lasts 30 minutes, including the debriefing which
takes place immediately after each scenario is completed.
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Using everyday tools and equipment helps prepare staff for real emergencies.
How: The multi-professional teams move on to each drill
station which are manned by 2 instructors.The instructors
are staff (midwives, obstetricians and anaesthetists who
work in the maternity department). Prior to each scenario,
5-6 participants are assigned an active role in the simulated
scenario. All staff are told to act within their usual role
(eg midwives act as midwives and anaesthetists act as
anaesthetists). Some participants will observe and fill in
prepared checklists. Relevant information here is the timings
of performed clinical care actions and aspects of team
working. Observers are assigned active roles at the next
The instructor assesses the patients vital signs.
Structured, but not rigid: When the team is ready, the
instructors provide a short introduction/handover before
running the simulation on the fly.The method is structured,
but not rigid. Instructors will help and encourage along the
way, but avoid stepping in too early.They aim to make it a fun,
educational experience, rather than intimidating. Hence there
is no formal test or assessment at the end of the training day.
Instead the training team prefer to monitor the success of the
training program on the effect on clinical outcomes.
Clinical outcomes: Since training was introduced there has
been a 50% reduction in term babies with a low Apgar score
and a 50% reduction in the number of babies developing
HIE (Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy), both markers of
future cerebral palsy.There has also been a 75% reduction in
neonatal injury following shoulder dystocia.These outcomes
are continually audited as an indicator of a well-trained and
functioning work force.
Non-threatening atmosphere: Each simulation is followed
by a relatively short debriefing session from within the team
themselves using structured clinical and teamwork checklists.
There is always an emphasis on what the team did well.Again,
the aims are to create a non-threatening, friendly atmosphere
where everyone feels happy to ask questions.
The checklists that are filled in by observing participants
during the simulation sessions are used to pinpoint timings
of performed actions and to demonstrate whether required
care decisions were completed. Communication and team
roles and leadership are also discussed with reference to
One team member is tasked will filling in timing of performed actions during the
The instructor-led debriefing takes place right after the scenario is completed and
is facilitated in a non-threatening, friendly atmosphere.
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Level of activity: When the training day first started in 2000,
only midwives and obstetricians trained together, but now that
the anaesthetists and health care assistants also participate,
the entire maternity staff practice multi-professional simulation
training in teams.
Compulsory training: It is a mandatory requirement that
all 350 staff in the maternity unit attend the training day
once a year.This includes 250 midwives, 35 obstetricians, 6
anaesthetists and all health care assistants on labor ward and
in the community.
Attendance: A database of attendance is kept by the Practice
Development Midwives and bookings for each date are
coordinated by the labor ward secretary.Those who are not
able to attend on the booked date are contacted and asked
to reschedule for the next session.Attendance is monitored
via the midwives annual supervisory review process and the
medical staff, via their mandatory appraisals.
The curriculum is developed by a multi-professional training
steering group including the labor ward lead obstetrician,
the labor ward midwifery matron, the community midwifery
matron, the lead obstetric anaesthetist, the maternity unit
risk manager and the practice development midwives. New
and revised national guidelines and recommendations are
used as a basis for the new program, which is renewed
each year and introduced each April.Although the new
training requirements require maternity hospitals in the UK
to facilitate a scenario on maternal collapse every year, the
curriculum developers are free to decide on the causes
leading up to this critical event.
Most frequently used scenarios
-	Eclampsia
-	 Cord prolapse
-	 Shoulder dystocia
-	 Twin delivery
-	 Vaginal breech delivery
-	 Maternal collapse
-	Sepsis
- 	Inverted uterus
-	 Ruptured uterus
-	Antepartum
-	 Post partum
-	 Neonatal resuscitation
-	 Theatre practice update
The team at Southmead use a variety of training equipment
to facilitate their scenarios.
	 	PROMPT is used to teach the management of shoulder
dystocia, assisted vaginal breech delivery and the
intrapartum management of twins.The importance of
communication with the patient is a key message of the
training at Southmead, and the PROMPT mannequin is
integrated with a patient-actor (hybrid simulation) to
increase the fidelity of their simulations.
Instructors using the PROMPT to demonstrate breech presentation.
	 SimMom is currently being used by the team at Southmead
for their maternal collapse scenarios.
Maternal collapse:Team practicing CPR on SimMom during delivery.
	 	MamaNatalie has been used to learn the management
of Post-partum haemorrhage.Again the integration
of MamaNatalie with a patient-actor helps to practice
essential communication skills.
MamaNatalie is also used to teach the management of post-partum
haemorrhage and essential communication skills.
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Following the implementation of obstetric emergency training,
there has been an associated 50% reduction in the number of
babies born with low Apgar scores at term and also the develop-
ment of hypoxic brain injury2
. Occurrences of brachial plexus
injury following shoulder dystocia have reduced by 75%3
, and the
management of cord prolapse has improved4
Dr. Joanna Crofts, Southmead Maternity
Unit, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK
Identified Benefits
As the training is owned by the unit, everybody feels part of
it.With ownership comes pride in your work. Everyone can
contribute their ideas to enhance the training program.
You are able to train and learn in the teams that would attend
emergencies in real life.
The added benefits from inter professional team working,
especially the communication between obstetricians and
People used to worry about training, but the non-threatening
atmosphere has changed that. Now people expect to train and
there is no problem with staff attending.
Having local experts to facilitate the
simulations yields higher competency levels in general.
In addition to well known advantages like having people who
normally work together train together using the equipment they
normally use; in situ training is also more cost effective, as there is
no need for specific training facilities.
Identified Challenges
-	 A dedicated team are required to constantly drive the training
-	 The full support and backing of higher management is
required to ensure the release of staff to attend
-	 Financial incentives such as CNST (The Clinical Negligence
Scheme for Trusts) are essential
-	 As the maternity unit becomes busier, it becomes more
difficult to run the training days. However, the increase in
clinical workload facing staff makes it even more important to
continue the trainingagainst all odds at times
Identified Success Factors
-	 Common ownership
-	 Multi-professional training in teams
-	 Includes all staff
-	 Facilitated in situ
-	 Practical scenarios
-	 Imagination and the passion colleagues exhibit during training
-	 A non-threatening atmosphere
Practice Development Midwife Cathy Winter and Dr. Joanna Crofts, Southmead Maternity Unit, North Bristol NHS Trust.View the interview in high quality
using the link http://bit.ly/GQTHD2 or scanning the QR code.
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The above mentioned factors at Southmead Maternity Unit
correspond well with Siassakos et al5
who reviewed the
process of obstetric emergencies and teamworking training
programs that have been associated with improved patient
outcomes in hospitals throughout the world.
Active components of effective training:
	 Institution-level incentives to train
	 Multi-professional training of all staff in their units
	 Teamwork training integrated with clinical teaching
	 Use of high fidelity simulation models
Issenberg et al6
reviewed and synthesized existing evidence in
educational science that addressed the question:What are the
features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead
to most effective learning?
Issenberg argued, that the weight of the best available
evidence suggests that high-fidelity medical simulations
facilitate learning, when training is conducted under the right
Right conditions:
	 Feedback is provided during the learning experience
	 Learners engage in repetitive practice
	 Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule
	 Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty
	 Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning strategies
	 A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided
	 Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled
	 Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized
educational experiences is provided
	 Learning outcomes are clearly defined
	 Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool
1 2 3 4
Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized
educational experiences is provided
Learning outcomes are clearly defined
A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided
Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled environment
Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty
Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule
Learners engage in repetitive practice
Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning strategies
Feedback is provided during the learning experience
Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool
Figure 2. The rows indicate to what degree Southmead Hospital delivers on
each of the right conditions as assessed by the hospital on a 4-point Likert
Southmead Maternity Unit has evidently found a successful
formula for improving the management of obstetric
emergencies, yet their training staff continue to seek new and
effective ways of implementing local training.
They wish to continue their collaboration with the simulation
industry and assist with the development of evaluated training
tools to improve clinical outcomes for mothers and babies all
over the world.
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The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at
Southmead Hospital has widely published their research into
effective obstetric emergencies simulation training. The team
consider monitoring the effect of training on real clinical
outcomes is essential.
2010: DraycottT, SibandaT, Laxton C,Winter C, MahmoodT,
Fox R.
Quality improvement demands quality measurement.
BJOG 2010; 117(13):1571-4.
2010: Siassakos D, DraycottTJ, Crofts JF, Hunt LP,Winter C,
Fox R.
More to teamwork than knowledge, skill and attitude.
BJOG 2010; 117(10):1262-9.
2010:Attilakos G, Psaroudakis D,Ash J, Buchanan R,Winter C,
Donald F, Hunt LP, DraycottT.
Carbetocin versus oxytocin for the prevention of postpartum
haemorrhage following caesarean section: the results of a
double-blind randomised trial.
BJOG 2010; 117(8):929-36.
2009: SibandaT, Sibanda N, Siassakos D, Sivananthan S,
Robinson Z,Winter C, DraycottTJ.
Prospective evaluation of a continuous monitoring and
quality-improvement system for reducing adverse neonatal
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009; 201(5):480.e1-6.
2009: Siassakos D, Hasafa Z, SibandaT, Fox R, Donald F,Winter
C, DraycottT.
Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery interval with
umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training.
BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1089-96.
2009: Siassakos D, Hasafa Z, SibandaT, Fox R, Donald F,Winter
C, DraycottT.
Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery interval with
umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training.
BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1089-96.
2009: Siassakos D, Crofts J,Winter C,Weiner C, DraycottT.
The active components of effective training in obstetric
BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1028-32.
2009: SibandaT, Crofts J, Barnfield S, Siassakos D, Epee Bekima
M,Winter C, DraycottT.
PROMPT education and development: saving mothers and
babies lives in resource poor settings.
BJOG 2009; 4: 868-9.
2009: Crofts JF, Fox R, Ellis D,Winter C, Hinshaw K, DraycottTJ.
Observations from 450 shoulder dystocia simulations: lessons
for skills training.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;112(4):906-12.
2008: Crofts JF, Bartlett C, Ellis D, Fox R, DraycottTJ.
Documentation of simulated shoulder dystocia: accurate and
BJOG 2008;115(10):1303-8.
2008: DraycottTJ, Crofts JF,Ash JP,Wilson LV,Yard E, SibandaT,
Whitelaw A.
Improving neonatal outcome through practical shoulder
dystocia training.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;112(1):14-20.
2008: Ellis D, Crofts JF, Hunt LP, Read M, Fox R, James M.
Hospital, simulation center, and teamwork training for
eclampsia management: a randomized controlled trial.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;111(3):723-31.
2008: Crofts J F; Bartlett C; Ellis D;Winter C; Donald F; Hunt L
P; DraycottT J
Patient-actor perception of care: a comparison of obstetric
emergency training using manikins and patient-actors.
Quality & Safety in Health Care 2008;17(1):20-4.
2007: Crofts J F; Ellis D; DraycottT J;Winter C; Hunt L P;
AkandeV A
Change in knowledge of midwives and obstetricians following
obstetric emergency training: a randomised controlled trial of
local hospital, simulation centre and teamwork training.
BJOG 2007;114(12):1534-41.
2007: Crofts Joanna F; Bartlett Christine; Ellis Denise; Hunt
Linda P; Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J
Management of shoulder dystocia: skill retention 6 and 12
months after training.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007;110(5):1069-74.
2007: Crofts Joanna F; Ellis Denise; James Mark; Hunt Linda P;
Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J
Pattern and degree of forces applied during simulation of
shoulder dystocia.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2006: Crofts Joanna F; Bartlett Christine; Ellis Denise; Hunt
Linda P; Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J
Training for shoulder dystocia: a trial of simulation using low-
fidelity and high-fidelity mannequins.
Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006;108(6):1477-85.
2006: DraycottTimothy; SibandaThabani; Owen Louise;
10 www.laerdal.com
Case Study from LAERDAL
AkandeValentine;Winter Cathy; Reading Sandra;Whitelaw
Does training in obstetric emergencies improve neonatal
BJOG 2006;113(2):177-82.
2005:Attilakos G; SibandaT;Winter C; Johnson N; DraycottT
A randomised controlled trial of a new handheld vacuum
extraction device.
BJOG 2005;112(11):1510-5.
2005: Crofts Joanna F;Attilakos Georgios; Read Mike; Sibanda
Thabani; DraycottTimothy J
Shoulder dystocia training using a new birth training
BJOG 2005;112(7):997-9.
1.	 North Bristol NHSTrust.Available from: http://www.nbt.nhs.uk/.
2.	 Draycott,T., et al., Does training in obstetric emergencies improve neonatal
outcome? BJOG:An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
2006. 113(2): p. 177-182.
3.	 Draycott,T.J., et al., Improving neonatal outcome through practical shoulder
dystocia training. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(1): p. 14-20.
4.	 Siassakos, D., et al., Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery
interval with umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training. Bjog, 2009.
116(8): p. 1089-96.
5.	 Siassakos, D., et al.,The active components of effective training in obstetric
emergencies. Bjog, 2009. 116(8): p. 1028-32.
6.	 S. Barry Issenberg,William C. McGaghie, Emil R. Petrusa, David Lee
Gordon, Ross J. Scalese
	 Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective
learning: a BEME systematic review, MedicalTeacher,Vol.27, No.1, pp. 10-28,
Laerdal Medical is an international market leader in training and therapy
equipment for lifesaving treatment.The companys solutions are used by
voluntary organizations, educational institutions, hospitals, the military and
many other organizations worldwide.
For more information, visit www.laerdal.com
SimMom and MamaNatalie are trademarks of Laerdal Medical AS or its affiliates.
Ownership and all rights reserved.
View more videos on the use of birthing simulators:
1. SimMom Birthing Simulator: http://www.laerdal.com/us/SimMom
2. PROMPT Hybrid Birthing Simulation:
3. MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator: www.laerdal.com/us/obstetrics
1.	 2. 	 3.
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  • 1. Multiprofessional Simulations inTeams for Better Management of Obstetric Emergencies Bristol, UK Southmead Maternity Unit, North Bristol NHSTrust, UK. EllenThomsetha , Joanna Croftsb , Cathy Winterb Case Study a. Laerdal Medical AS,Tanke Svilandsgate 30, N-4007 Stavanger, Norway b. Department of Women and Childrens Health, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK This case study describes how simulation training has been successfully integrated with local staff training and the improvements in outcomes that have been associated with the training programme.The document was developed in collaboration with, and approved by, Southmead Maternity Unit, North BristolTrust., UK VIDEO INSIDE
  • 2. SOUTHMEAD HOSPITAL IN SHORT Southmead Hospital, part of the North Bristol NHS Trust, is a teaching hospital located in Bristol, in the southwest of England. Specialist services at Southmead include urology,renal medicine and transplantation,infectious diseases,neonatal medicine,maternity, orthopaedic services and pathology. Southmead Maternity Unit The Maternity Department is located in a separate building within the hospital site and provides the full range of maternity care to women residing in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Primary CareTrusts. More than 6,000 babies are born here each year1 . The unit integrated simulation training within their local staff training programme in year 2000.A decade later, the number of term babies born with a low 5 minute Apgar or hypoxic brain injury has reduced by 50% and neonatal injury following shouder dystocia has fallen by 75%. Simulation activity Figure 1: The columns show number of participants per discipline that train every year. 2 Case Study from LAERDAL Website: http://www.nbt.nhs.uk/ 0 70 140 210 280 350 Midwives:250 Obstetricians:35 Anaesthetists:6 Healthcareassistants:59 Total participants: 350
  • 3. 3 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL 3www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL The introduction of multi-professional obstetric emergencies training at Southmead Maternity Unit, Bristol, UK has been associated with improvements in neonatal outcomes.The pertinent question is:What are they doing right? This case study aims to elucidate the background for their encouraging results by providing insights into why and how simulation training was integrated with their local staff training program and how the training is organized. WHY SIMULATION WAS IMPLEMENTED Substandard clinical care: The Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths (CEMD) andThe Confidential Enquiries into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy (CESDI) have repeatedly identified substandard clinical care as a major contributor to maternal deaths and fetal and neonatal mortalities2 . New training requirements: The Confidential Enquiries contributed to a growing focus on patient safety in the United Kingdom, and in 2000 the government issued new, national training requirements for the National Health Service (NHS). Maternity hospitals managing to adhere to the new training standards would, as a result, have their insurance premiums reduced, which incentivized many maternity departments in the UK to start obstetric emergencies training. More simulation training: The Maternity Delivery Unit at Southmead Hospital decided to integrate simulations more fully within their local staff training program as the new national training requirements came into effect. HOWTHE PROCESS EVOLVED Southmead Maternity Unit is part of the North Bristol NHS Trust1 . Currently over 6,000 babies are born each year in the maternity unit. Southmead Maternity Unit started multi- professional practical obstetric emergencies training in the year 2000. Better training equipment: Back in 2000, there were very few training mannequins that could be used for obstetric emergencies training.The Southmead team collaborated hence with a Bristol based manufacturer of skills training products (Limbs andThings), to develop an appropriate training mannequin for shoulder dystocia.The project took over eight years to complete, and as the mannequin evolved, it was found to be excellent for training in the management of normal, vaginal breech and instrumental deliveries too. Finally in 2007, with much involvement from the Southmead team during the ongoing product development phase, the PROMPT Birthing Simulator was a commercial reality and has since been fully integrated with the training curriculum at the maternity unit. Midwife from Southmead Hospital practicing cephalic delivery and essential communication skills at the same time.A colleague plays the role of the mother. ORGANIZATIONAL MODEL The training days at Southmead, called Intrapartum Update Days, are facilitated every 4-6 weeks and are developed in house by a multi-professional team of midwives, obstetricians and anaesthetists.They are organized and coordinated by the practice development midwives. Lectures, workshops, practical simulations: Each training day starts with theoretical sessions in the morning, where doctors and midwives from the unit give lectures and facilitate workshops on selected topics relevant to pregnancy and maternity care. Some of the lecturers also act as instructors and facilitators during the practical drill training that follows in the afternoon.The curriculum for the training days is reviewed and revised every 12 months. Flat structure: Involving staff from all disciplines in the training helps develop a strong sense of ownership on all levels, and also a common desire to continue to improve care.The facilitators have found that keeping an informal atmosphere promotes the learning process, as participants feel less anxious about making mistakes and more comfortable asking questions. Local trainers: All trainers have a medical background as obstetricians, anaesthetists or midwives. Some have attended external obstetric emergencies courses, but this is not an essential requirement. However, local champions (i.e. staff that have accumulated extensive clinical experience on the shop floor) are vital members of the training team. Frequency of training: Once a year all maternity staff (midwives, obstetricians, obstetric anesthetists and health care assistants) at Southmead Maternity Unit are allocated a non-clinical day to attend the local training course. Staff are not charged by the hospital to attend the course which is run locally within the maternity unit.
  • 4. 4 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL Faculty per training day Organizers: 2 Practice Development Midwives Instructors*: 4 Obstetricians 2 Anaesthetists 6 Midwives 1 Health Care Assistant and 1 labor ward secretary to assist with administration etc. *The list reflects the number of available trainers at Southmead maternity unit. During training days each drill station is staffed by two trainers (ideally 1 doctor and 1 midwife). Training facilities Lectures: The lectures in the morning take place in the Learning and Research building about a five minute walk from the Maternity Department. Simulation research centre: The maternity unit has been able to adapt an unused room on one of the wards into a simulation research centre.Training and research are conducted in this area and it provides space for the storage of training equipment.The room is also used for one of the drill stations on the training day while the rest of the drills (6 drill stations in total) are set up in any of the available rooms in the maternity unit. In situ simulation: The faculty aim to run at least one drill station in a delivery room on the labor ward, as the local knowledge gained by using the actual emergency call bells, moving real delivery beds and locating the emergency blood fridge in the department are all vital factors in the success of this local training day.The other simulation/drill stations are set up in whichever rooms are available at the time. It is important to the faculty that the training day goes ahead, irrespective of faculty and room shortages and over the past 11 years, the training day has never once been cancelled. METHODOLOGY 1. Interactive lectures and workshops Refreshing and sharing new knowledge: Each training day starts with interactive lectures and workshops from 09.00 12.30.This session is an excellent opportunity to refresh common medical knowledge, share new care guidelines and medical findings and also to update colleagues on the latest CMACE release (Center for Maternal & Child Enquiries). The UK Report Saving Mothers Lives is released every 3 years.The report provides information on the total numbers of maternal deaths in the UK and recommendations for improvements in care.There were 261 maternal deaths in the period 2006-08, but the number is decreasing.The leading cause of direct maternal deaths in the UK is currently sepsis. Examples of interactive lectures - Birth after caesarean (new guideline and patient info leaflet) - Recognition and management of puerperal sepsis (including patient cases) - Complications of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia - Recognition of venous thrombo-embolism - Bladder care - CTG interpretation (workshop) 2. Simulationtraining Multi-professional teams: After lunch, the participants are divided into six multi-professional teams (comprising midwives, obstetricians, anaesthetists, health care assistants and students) of around eight colleagues. Each team rotates through six 30 minute simulation drill stations during the course of the afternoon. The instructor explains the topic of the scenario before it starts. Validation: Sometimes a quick lecture is provided directly before or after the simulation, other times it is purely a practical drill session with debriefing at the end.When a new working document has been developed or revised, such as transfer forms (used when transferring patients from delivery to the ICU) or obstetric early warning charts, these documents are included within a scenario and hence are tested prior to being released into routine clinical practice. Topics: Although the teams are not informed about the actual topic of each upcoming scenario, the participants are aware that the selected learning objectives will reflect some of the themes covered in the previous morning lectures. Each simulation lasts 30 minutes, including the debriefing which takes place immediately after each scenario is completed.
  • 5. 5 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL Using everyday tools and equipment helps prepare staff for real emergencies. How: The multi-professional teams move on to each drill station which are manned by 2 instructors.The instructors are staff (midwives, obstetricians and anaesthetists who work in the maternity department). Prior to each scenario, 5-6 participants are assigned an active role in the simulated scenario. All staff are told to act within their usual role (eg midwives act as midwives and anaesthetists act as anaesthetists). Some participants will observe and fill in prepared checklists. Relevant information here is the timings of performed clinical care actions and aspects of team working. Observers are assigned active roles at the next station. The instructor assesses the patients vital signs. Structured, but not rigid: When the team is ready, the instructors provide a short introduction/handover before running the simulation on the fly.The method is structured, but not rigid. Instructors will help and encourage along the way, but avoid stepping in too early.They aim to make it a fun, educational experience, rather than intimidating. Hence there is no formal test or assessment at the end of the training day. Instead the training team prefer to monitor the success of the training program on the effect on clinical outcomes. Clinical outcomes: Since training was introduced there has been a 50% reduction in term babies with a low Apgar score and a 50% reduction in the number of babies developing HIE (Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy), both markers of future cerebral palsy.There has also been a 75% reduction in neonatal injury following shoulder dystocia.These outcomes are continually audited as an indicator of a well-trained and functioning work force. 3. DEBRIEFING Non-threatening atmosphere: Each simulation is followed by a relatively short debriefing session from within the team themselves using structured clinical and teamwork checklists. There is always an emphasis on what the team did well.Again, the aims are to create a non-threatening, friendly atmosphere where everyone feels happy to ask questions. The checklists that are filled in by observing participants during the simulation sessions are used to pinpoint timings of performed actions and to demonstrate whether required care decisions were completed. Communication and team roles and leadership are also discussed with reference to teamwork. One team member is tasked will filling in timing of performed actions during the scenario. The instructor-led debriefing takes place right after the scenario is completed and is facilitated in a non-threatening, friendly atmosphere.
  • 6. 6 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL Level of activity: When the training day first started in 2000, only midwives and obstetricians trained together, but now that the anaesthetists and health care assistants also participate, the entire maternity staff practice multi-professional simulation training in teams. Compulsory training: It is a mandatory requirement that all 350 staff in the maternity unit attend the training day once a year.This includes 250 midwives, 35 obstetricians, 6 anaesthetists and all health care assistants on labor ward and in the community. Attendance: A database of attendance is kept by the Practice Development Midwives and bookings for each date are coordinated by the labor ward secretary.Those who are not able to attend on the booked date are contacted and asked to reschedule for the next session.Attendance is monitored via the midwives annual supervisory review process and the medical staff, via their mandatory appraisals. Curriculum The curriculum is developed by a multi-professional training steering group including the labor ward lead obstetrician, the labor ward midwifery matron, the community midwifery matron, the lead obstetric anaesthetist, the maternity unit risk manager and the practice development midwives. New and revised national guidelines and recommendations are used as a basis for the new program, which is renewed each year and introduced each April.Although the new training requirements require maternity hospitals in the UK to facilitate a scenario on maternal collapse every year, the curriculum developers are free to decide on the causes leading up to this critical event. Most frequently used scenarios - Eclampsia - Cord prolapse - Shoulder dystocia - Twin delivery - Vaginal breech delivery - Maternal collapse - Sepsis - Inverted uterus - Ruptured uterus - Antepartum hemorrhage - Post partum hemorrhage - Neonatal resuscitation - Theatre practice update TRAINING SOLUTION AND USAGE The team at Southmead use a variety of training equipment to facilitate their scenarios. PROMPT is used to teach the management of shoulder dystocia, assisted vaginal breech delivery and the intrapartum management of twins.The importance of communication with the patient is a key message of the training at Southmead, and the PROMPT mannequin is integrated with a patient-actor (hybrid simulation) to increase the fidelity of their simulations. Instructors using the PROMPT to demonstrate breech presentation. SimMom is currently being used by the team at Southmead for their maternal collapse scenarios. Maternal collapse:Team practicing CPR on SimMom during delivery. MamaNatalie has been used to learn the management of Post-partum haemorrhage.Again the integration of MamaNatalie with a patient-actor helps to practice essential communication skills. MamaNatalie is also used to teach the management of post-partum haemorrhage and essential communication skills.
  • 7. 7 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL REFLECTIONS AFTER 10YEARS Following the implementation of obstetric emergency training, there has been an associated 50% reduction in the number of babies born with low Apgar scores at term and also the develop- ment of hypoxic brain injury2 . Occurrences of brachial plexus injury following shoulder dystocia have reduced by 75%3 , and the management of cord prolapse has improved4 . Dr. Joanna Crofts, Southmead Maternity Unit, North Bristol NHS Trust, UK Identified Benefits As the training is owned by the unit, everybody feels part of it.With ownership comes pride in your work. Everyone can contribute their ideas to enhance the training program. You are able to train and learn in the teams that would attend emergencies in real life. The added benefits from inter professional team working, especially the communication between obstetricians and midwives. People used to worry about training, but the non-threatening atmosphere has changed that. Now people expect to train and there is no problem with staff attending. Having local experts to facilitate the simulations yields higher competency levels in general. In addition to well known advantages like having people who normally work together train together using the equipment they normally use; in situ training is also more cost effective, as there is no need for specific training facilities. Identified Challenges - A dedicated team are required to constantly drive the training program - The full support and backing of higher management is required to ensure the release of staff to attend - Financial incentives such as CNST (The Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts) are essential - As the maternity unit becomes busier, it becomes more difficult to run the training days. However, the increase in clinical workload facing staff makes it even more important to continue the trainingagainst all odds at times Identified Success Factors - Common ownership - Multi-professional training in teams - Includes all staff - Facilitated in situ - Practical scenarios - Imagination and the passion colleagues exhibit during training - A non-threatening atmosphere Practice Development Midwife Cathy Winter and Dr. Joanna Crofts, Southmead Maternity Unit, North Bristol NHS Trust.View the interview in high quality using the link http://bit.ly/GQTHD2 or scanning the QR code. TRAILER
  • 8. 8 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL The above mentioned factors at Southmead Maternity Unit correspond well with Siassakos et al5 who reviewed the process of obstetric emergencies and teamworking training programs that have been associated with improved patient outcomes in hospitals throughout the world. Active components of effective training: Institution-level incentives to train Multi-professional training of all staff in their units Teamwork training integrated with clinical teaching Use of high fidelity simulation models WHAT MAKES GOOD SIMULATION PROGRAMS Issenberg et al6 reviewed and synthesized existing evidence in educational science that addressed the question:What are the features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to most effective learning? Issenberg argued, that the weight of the best available evidence suggests that high-fidelity medical simulations facilitate learning, when training is conducted under the right conditions. Right conditions: Feedback is provided during the learning experience Learners engage in repetitive practice Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning strategies A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled environment Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized educational experiences is provided Learning outcomes are clearly defined Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool 1 2 3 4 Individualized learning with reproducible, standardized educational experiences is provided Learning outcomes are clearly defined A wide variety of clinical conditions are provided Learning on the simulator occurs in a controlled environment Learners practice with increasing levels of difficulty Simulation is integrated into the normal training schedule Learners engage in repetitive practice Simulation training is adapted to multiple learning strategies Feedback is provided during the learning experience Ensuring the simulator is a valid learning tool Figure 2. The rows indicate to what degree Southmead Hospital delivers on each of the right conditions as assessed by the hospital on a 4-point Likert scale. FUTURE PLANS AND PROSPECTS Southmead Maternity Unit has evidently found a successful formula for improving the management of obstetric emergencies, yet their training staff continue to seek new and effective ways of implementing local training. They wish to continue their collaboration with the simulation industry and assist with the development of evaluated training tools to improve clinical outcomes for mothers and babies all over the world.
  • 9. 9 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL RESEARCH ACTIVITY The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Southmead Hospital has widely published their research into effective obstetric emergencies simulation training. The team consider monitoring the effect of training on real clinical outcomes is essential. 2010: DraycottT, SibandaT, Laxton C,Winter C, MahmoodT, Fox R. Quality improvement demands quality measurement. BJOG 2010; 117(13):1571-4. 2010: Siassakos D, DraycottTJ, Crofts JF, Hunt LP,Winter C, Fox R. More to teamwork than knowledge, skill and attitude. BJOG 2010; 117(10):1262-9. 2010:Attilakos G, Psaroudakis D,Ash J, Buchanan R,Winter C, Donald F, Hunt LP, DraycottT. Carbetocin versus oxytocin for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage following caesarean section: the results of a double-blind randomised trial. BJOG 2010; 117(8):929-36. 2009: SibandaT, Sibanda N, Siassakos D, Sivananthan S, Robinson Z,Winter C, DraycottTJ. Prospective evaluation of a continuous monitoring and quality-improvement system for reducing adverse neonatal outcomes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2009; 201(5):480.e1-6. 2009: Siassakos D, Hasafa Z, SibandaT, Fox R, Donald F,Winter C, DraycottT. Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery interval with umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training. BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1089-96. 2009: Siassakos D, Hasafa Z, SibandaT, Fox R, Donald F,Winter C, DraycottT. Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery interval with umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training. BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1089-96. 2009: Siassakos D, Crofts J,Winter C,Weiner C, DraycottT. The active components of effective training in obstetric emergencies. BJOG 2009; 116(8): 1028-32. 2009: SibandaT, Crofts J, Barnfield S, Siassakos D, Epee Bekima M,Winter C, DraycottT. PROMPT education and development: saving mothers and babies lives in resource poor settings. BJOG 2009; 4: 868-9. 2009: Crofts JF, Fox R, Ellis D,Winter C, Hinshaw K, DraycottTJ. Observations from 450 shoulder dystocia simulations: lessons for skills training. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;112(4):906-12. 2008: Crofts JF, Bartlett C, Ellis D, Fox R, DraycottTJ. Documentation of simulated shoulder dystocia: accurate and complete? BJOG 2008;115(10):1303-8. 2008: DraycottTJ, Crofts JF,Ash JP,Wilson LV,Yard E, SibandaT, Whitelaw A. Improving neonatal outcome through practical shoulder dystocia training. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;112(1):14-20. 2008: Ellis D, Crofts JF, Hunt LP, Read M, Fox R, James M. Hospital, simulation center, and teamwork training for eclampsia management: a randomized controlled trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;111(3):723-31. 2008: Crofts J F; Bartlett C; Ellis D;Winter C; Donald F; Hunt L P; DraycottT J Patient-actor perception of care: a comparison of obstetric emergency training using manikins and patient-actors. Quality & Safety in Health Care 2008;17(1):20-4. 2007: Crofts J F; Ellis D; DraycottT J;Winter C; Hunt L P; AkandeV A Change in knowledge of midwives and obstetricians following obstetric emergency training: a randomised controlled trial of local hospital, simulation centre and teamwork training. BJOG 2007;114(12):1534-41. 2007: Crofts Joanna F; Bartlett Christine; Ellis Denise; Hunt Linda P; Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J Management of shoulder dystocia: skill retention 6 and 12 months after training. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007;110(5):1069-74. 2007: Crofts Joanna F; Ellis Denise; James Mark; Hunt Linda P; Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J Pattern and degree of forces applied during simulation of shoulder dystocia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2007;197(2):156.e1-6. 2006: Crofts Joanna F; Bartlett Christine; Ellis Denise; Hunt Linda P; Fox Robert; DraycottTimothy J Training for shoulder dystocia: a trial of simulation using low- fidelity and high-fidelity mannequins. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006;108(6):1477-85. 2006: DraycottTimothy; SibandaThabani; Owen Louise;
  • 10. 10 www.laerdal.com Case Study from LAERDAL AkandeValentine;Winter Cathy; Reading Sandra;Whitelaw Andrew Does training in obstetric emergencies improve neonatal outcome? BJOG 2006;113(2):177-82. 2005:Attilakos G; SibandaT;Winter C; Johnson N; DraycottT A randomised controlled trial of a new handheld vacuum extraction device. BJOG 2005;112(11):1510-5. 2005: Crofts Joanna F;Attilakos Georgios; Read Mike; Sibanda Thabani; DraycottTimothy J Shoulder dystocia training using a new birth training mannequin. BJOG 2005;112(7):997-9. REFERENCES 1. North Bristol NHSTrust.Available from: http://www.nbt.nhs.uk/. 2. Draycott,T., et al., Does training in obstetric emergencies improve neonatal outcome? BJOG:An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2006. 113(2): p. 177-182. 3. Draycott,T.J., et al., Improving neonatal outcome through practical shoulder dystocia training. Obstet Gynecol, 2008. 112(1): p. 14-20. 4. Siassakos, D., et al., Retrospective cohort study of diagnosis-delivery interval with umbilical cord prolapse: the effect of team training. Bjog, 2009. 116(8): p. 1089-96. 5. Siassakos, D., et al.,The active components of effective training in obstetric emergencies. Bjog, 2009. 116(8): p. 1028-32. 6. S. Barry Issenberg,William C. McGaghie, Emil R. Petrusa, David Lee Gordon, Ross J. Scalese Features and uses of high-fidelity medical simulations that lead to effective learning: a BEME systematic review, MedicalTeacher,Vol.27, No.1, pp. 10-28, 2005. LAERDAL MEDICAL Laerdal Medical is an international market leader in training and therapy equipment for lifesaving treatment.The companys solutions are used by voluntary organizations, educational institutions, hospitals, the military and many other organizations worldwide. For more information, visit www.laerdal.com SimMom and MamaNatalie are trademarks of Laerdal Medical AS or its affiliates. Ownership and all rights reserved. View more videos on the use of birthing simulators: 1. SimMom Birthing Simulator: http://www.laerdal.com/us/SimMom 2. PROMPT Hybrid Birthing Simulation: http://www.laerdal.com/us/doc/224/PROMPT-Birthing-Simulator 3. MamaNatalie Birthing Simulator: www.laerdal.com/us/obstetrics 1. 2. 3.
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