This summary provides an overview of the sample electronic edition of the Cass City Chronicle:
- The document is a sample of the weekly Cass City Chronicle newspaper, showing some stories and community event listings to demonstrate the electronic format.
- The front page highlights local students who participated in band events, including the MSBOA Solo & Ensemble Festival and Tri-County Honors Band.
- Other stories cover a community needs assessment being conducted in local counties, an engagement announcement, and a girls' basketball game. The sample page provides contact information for the newspaper.
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Cass City Chronicle News
1. This is a sample version of the electronic edition. This sample is a collection of a few stories we
have inside this weeks issue, but it will show you how you can read the Cass City Chronicle on-
line. For any questions, contact us Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at (989) 872-2010.
Note: The Cass City Chronicles actual front page will look different than the sample provided
Living life through Walk for Warmth Weight restrictions
my coffee mugs set Feb. 26 in Thumb in effect in state
Slices of Life, page 3 Page 4 Page 6
Complete coverage of the Cass City community and surrounding areas since 1899
CASS CITY Middle School students who recently
participated in the MSBOA Solo & Ensemble
Festival at USA Schools included: (back row, left to
right) Bryan Pinkoski, Erika Martin, Libby
Venema, Katie House, Luke Koepf, (front row, left)
Alex Graham, Taylor Spencer, Jordan Kittle,
Chandler Cryderman and DeJza Robles. Missing
New kids on the block... are Cacealya Horne and Mandy Czekai.
CASS CITY HIGH School Principal Chad Daniels visits with one of 2 young
goats born last month at the school. The animals are part of a hands-on proj-
ect Ashlee Gibson planned for her agriscience students.
Community Needs Assessment
underway in the Thumb area
The Human Development Lori Offenbecher, executive director have the ability to secure funding
Commission (HDC) is asking resi- of HDC. Offenbecher cited several sources to fix the problems, she
dents of Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac and examples, including efforts to help said.
Tuscola counties to take the time to people secure job opportunities and Every resident in Huron, Lapeer,
complete a very important question- programs to feed people in need. Sanilac and Tuscola counties is
naire - the Community Needs Offenbecher explained that input encouraged to complete the ques-
Assessment. from people in the community helps tionnaire. HDC stresses the impor-
Every 3 years, the agency conducts determine where the needs truly are. tance of having people from all eco-
this comprehensive process to deter- In a way, the questionnaire has nomic and social levels participate,
mine the greatest needs in our com- similar goals as a poll; we want to so that collected opinions are a true CASS CITY High School freshman Kayla Zmierski
munity, and subsequently develop serve the community in the best representation of everyone living in
ways to meet those needs. The ways we can, but in order to do that, the community. performs with the Tri-County Honors Band.
results from this questionnaire not we need to know what people view The questionnaire can be complet-
only help in shaping our communi-
tys goals, but they also assist in
obtaining funding to reach those
as our highest priorities.
According to Offenbecher, some
sources of funding can become
available to our community when the
ed before Monday, Feb. 28, online or
via paper format. The online version
can be found on HDCs website
(; from the home-
Cass City band
Through this process, we have
identified and developed solutions to
many community concerns, said
needs are documented countywide.
When we can show data that clear-
ly illustrates need, we sometimes
page, click on the HDC 2011
Community Needs Assessment link
on the right side of the page. students shine
at area festival
Cass City band students recently Pinkoski, duet, Division II rating;
represented the local school district Chandler Cryderman, Jordan Kittle
well at an area solo and ensemble and DeJza Robles, trio, Division II
festival and through participation in rating; Luke Koepf, snare solo,
the Tri-County Honors Band. Division I rating; and Taylor
A number of Cass City Middle Spencer, trombone solo, Division I
School students took part in the rating.
Michigan School Band and Turning to the Tri-County Honors
Orchestra Association (MSBOA) Band, Lull noted this was the first
Solo & Ensemble Festival at USA time in several years that Cass City
Schools. has participated.
There were several students that Students have to prepare a
played solos, and several students required piece to audition with and
that played (in small) ensembles like are competing for placement with
duets, trios and quartets, explained students in area schools in Tuscola,
Jonelle Lull, director of bands for the Sanilac and Huron counties, she
Cass City Public Schools. All the said.
students that participated this year Kayla Zmierski is a freshman flute
received a Division I or II rating, player in the high school band whos
which earned them a medal with been taking lessons and really devel-
Jessi Essian and either a blue ribbon for a I (the high- oping her flute playing skills. She
Brad Severance est rating possible) or a red ribbon was accepted into the Tri-County
for a II. Honors Band where she placed quite
Jessi Lynn Essian and Brad Participating students were: Erika high in the section of 13 flute play-
Severance, together with their par- Martin, clarinet solo, Division I rat- ers, Lull added.
ents, announce their engagement. ing; Katie House and Libby Venema, Students accepted into the honors
Jessi is the daughter of Pat and duet, Division I rating; Chandler band had a day of rehearsal in mid-
Sheri Lynn Essian of Bad Axe. She is Cryderman, bass clarinet solo, January and the Saturday before the
a 2006 graduate of Bad Axe High Division I rating; Mandy Czekai and concert to prepare all of the music,
School, and will graduate from Cacealya Horne, duet, Division II she said. The concert was on Feb. 6
Grand Valley State University in rating; Erika Martin, Katie House at Vassar High School. Kayla and
May with a BFA in art and design. and Libby Venema, trio, Division I the rest of the Tri-County Honors
Brad is the son of Randy and Deb rating; Alex Graham and Bryan Band did a wonderful job.
Severance of Cass City. He is a 2007
graduate of Cass City High School,
and will graduate from Michigan Cass City Chronicle
State University in May with a
Bachelors Degree in criminal jus- E-mail Subscriptions
tice. After graduating he would like CASS CITYS McKensie Parrish is pushed
to enter into a job in the social sci-
ence field. towards the baseline by Bay City All Saints defend-
$20/ year
The couple is currently planning an er Jill Gerulski Thursday in GTW play. The Red
Oct. 1, 2011 wedding at Evergreen
Park in Cass City. Hawk senior led all scorers with 15 points.