Victoria is a talented drama student who has experience acting on stage and in front of cameras, making her well-suited to play the protagonist in the short film. Kieran is a funny, lively former drama student who was enthusiastic about taking a role. Jonas is an experienced dancer, actor, and director who will help make the film look more professional. Tawanda is a drama student who enjoys intense roles and is a hardworking, available actor.
O Victoria is a bright, young talented student, who is
currently studying at oaks park sixth form. We
picked her to be the main protagonist in our short
film as she currently under takes drama A-level
and has taken part in many school productions. As
she has experience being in front of a camera and
on stage we thought she would play the part
O Kieran is a funny and lively young
male, he has played many roles and is an
ex-drama student. He was very
enthusiastic about being playing a part in
our production, so we thought he would
make a great addition to our cast.
O Jonas is a keen dancer and actor and is
an inspiring director, he is very interested
in media and hopes to work in the media
field in the near future. We chose Jonas
as he is a very good and experienced
actor which will hopefully make our film
look more professional.
O Tawanda is a drama student at Oaks Park
Sixth Form and enjoys taking on gripping
roles. We chose Tawanda as he is a keen
and hardworking actor, that is happily
available whenever needed.