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Cat Behavior
  How To End Cat Behavior Problems Fast

Watch funny cat videos on FunnyCatVideos.tv

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Cat Behavior.............................................................................................................................3
Chapter 2: Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior.......................................................................................5
Chapter 3: Understanding Your Cat's Aggressive Behavior......................................................................7

Chapter 1: Cat Behavior

Cats are known as solitary animals. They don't hunt communally or share the spoils of a
hunt. Sometimes cats with adjoining territories will get together for a pleasant evening
grooming session, but on the whole they are not the most social creatures with others of
their kind. This general wisdom does not always seem to hold up.

 My barn cats are a single family descended from a lone female who wandered onto our
place one day and decided to stay. She and her children and grandchildren police the
local rodent population. Their behavior doesn't always match the solitary hunter of
common wisdom.

 The original female, Patch, used to like to take her kittens for daytrips around the area.
I've watched her bring her little brood back from wherever they've been in the evenings.
One evening I watched her stop and sit down near the edge of a small, lightly used road
running next to our farm. Two of her kittens stopped next to her. As she turned her head
one way and then the other, carefully looking for traffic, the kittens mimicked her
actions. The only one who didn't was the little orange tiger who became distracted by a
butterfly. Patch retrieved her wandering kitten and brought the whole family home.
Walks are still a part of kitten lessons.

    I recently watched Patch, her daughter and three of their kittens taking a walk
around the boundaries of our farm. Patch and her daughter led the way. The two younger
kittens were in the middle. The oldest kitten, not quite a year old brought up the rear.
When one of the younger kittens stopped too long, he tried to move them along. If he
couldn't then one of the mother cats would come back and get the little guy moving. I've
wondered what this little jaunt was about. Possibly Patch was showing the newest
members of her family where their territorial boundaries were?

 Some of the most interesting behavior I've seen regards family member who were
injured. One of Patches' sons is a big burley black and white adult tom. A very
handsome and friendly boy, he unfortunately has a talent for trouble. One day he came
limping heavily into the yard wailing at the top of his lungs. His mother and sisters
raced up to him as fast as they could. While he continued to cry, Patch began washing
his face and ears while his sisters lay down over top of him. They stayed that way for
some time while I called the vet. I'm happy to report that he recovered just fine with
only a hitch in his giddyup to remember his adventure by.

    Another of Patches sons, a brown and white tom just under a year old, got into a

fight with his eldest brother. During the fight his foot was injured and began to swell. I
found him limping along on three legs the following morning. I brought him onto our
porch where I could keep a close eye on him and he could recover without further
injuring his foot. While he was recuperating, various members of the family perched
outside the porch windows, keeping him company.

 These are just a few examples I've seen among my cats. Maybe they are unusual. I've
certainly never seen cats act this way before. Or maybe, just maybe, cats aren't such
social isolates as everyone's always thought!

Chapter 2: Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior

A lot of people think that cats work on their own agenda, not paying much attention to
their owner  provided they have clean litter, food, and water. Cats can behave in odd
manners at times, which can easily confuse their owners and make it really hard to
determine what the cat wants. As much as cat behavior can be confusing, there are some
ways that you can solve common cat behavior mysteries.

A common behavior that almost all cats do is push their heads into any type of object
that will allow them to do it. You've probably seen your cat do this before, probably
against table legs, TV stands, or another object. This can be noticed more when you
have other people who own animals or those with allergies over at your house. When a
cat notices this, he will rub his head against the person. In doing so, he will put a touch
of saliva on the individual. In a cat's mind, he owns what he puts his saliva on.

By putting his saliva on something, that object or person will have a familiar scent.
Although this can be very annoying, you have to understand that other people in your
home are seen as odd or weird to your cat. When a cat does this, he is simply trying to
make the visitor belong. When he brushes up against them and puts his saliva on them,
he is trying to put his scent on them  which in his mind will mean that they belong in
his territory.

Even though marking someone or something with saliva is beneficial to the cat, saliva is
one of the most common forms of pet allergies. When someone wipes the saliva off of
them, the scent will be gone and the cat will go back and attempt to do it again. Even
though it may appear that cats target those with allergies, cats are actually just trying to
make the visitor belong at the house. If the guest simply cannot take the saliva, allow
the cat to rub himself on their pants leg a few times. Normally, this is all takes for a cat
to leave the person alone.

Those of you who an indoor cat should expect the cat to spend quite a bit of time lying
near windows. During this time, you may hear your cat make very strange noises or
weird movements. You shouldn't fear though, as he is simply acting out his hunting
instincts. Whether it's another cat or object outside moving about, the cat will see it and
simply go into his native hunting instinct.

As most already know, cats love to play. They love to played with, especially with toys.
They will pounce on things on occasion, which should always be expected. If you try to
prevent this type of behavior, your cat will take a very negative approach and you"ll end

up with a lot of broken things in your home. You can always play with your cat using a
string, as he will love to chase the string around the room.

The longer you own your cat, the more odd behavior you"ll see him exhibit. Cats
behave in strange ways, although they always have a reason for behaving the way they
do. If you can understand why your cat behaves like he does, you"ll have no problems
keeping him healthy and happy. If you simply pay attention to your cat and the way he
behaves at times  you"ll be able to understand him better than ever before.

Chapter 3: Understanding Your Cat's Aggressive Behavior

Are you a cat owner? If so, your cat may typically appear to be a calm, cool, and
collected cat. After all, many cats are content with lounging around all day with just a
few hours of play. Despite the fact that your cat may appear to be calm and mild
mannered, there may come a point in time when you notice a change. It is not
uncommon for pet owners to report occasional aggressiveness with their cats.

If you have just witnessed your cat in an aggressive state, fear may be the first thought
that enters into your mind. Many cat owners have questions when they witness their
cats attack. Many owners want to know if something is wrong with their cat or if it is a
danger to those around him or her. In all honesty, you will find it depends. Before
deciding if you should contact your cat's veterinarian, there are a number of important
points you will first want to take into consideration.

First, it is important to know that cats, even domestic cats, can be considered predators.
The ancestors of your cat relied on hunting to survive. This is not a trait or a
characteristic that just disappears. Your beloved cat will also have that need and desire
to hunt. This is one of the many reasons why cats occasionally display aggressive

Concerning natural aggressive behavior, many pet owners are concerned, as they
provide their cat with enough food. It doesn't matter how well fed your cat is, he or she
will always occasionally feel the need to hunt. For example, has your cat ever killed a
bird, mouse, or another rodent? If so, did they consume their kill? Chances are not.
This is proof that cats don't just attack for the sake of food.

As for how you can determine whether your pet cat is just exercising his need to hunt,
look at the attack in question. Did your cat try to attack your foot as you walked by? If
so, this a normal occurrence and not a sign of something serious.

Jumping at your feet as you walk by was sited as an example above. This can lead to
another cause of aggression in cats; overexcitement. Some popular cat toys on the
market are those where balls are attached to a string and your catch chases it. These toys
are nice, but they can also lead to some confusion, as your foot may appear similar in
nature to your cat's favorite toy. It is also important to know that cats are sensitive and
their mood easily changes. Is this why playtime with your cat can end with you having a
scratch or a bite mark.

Cats, as with many other pets, are territorial. This is another leading cause of aggression
in cats. Is your cat the only pet in your home? If so, they may react with aggression
when another pet enters into their territory. The same can be said for children. Do you
have children? If not, when a child visits your home, your cat may be frustrated, fearful,
or angry with the change, especially inside their territory. The quick movements of
small children can also cause a cat to act out. As an important note, cats are typically
safe around children. With that in mind, all small children should be watched carefully
when around any kind of pet.

                     How To End Cat Behavior Problems Fast

                  Watch funny cat videos on FunnyCatVideos.tv

MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the
author of this book has an affiliate relationship and/or another material
connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this book and
may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always
perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the
Internet or offline.


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Cat behavior

  • 1. Cat Behavior How To End Cat Behavior Problems Fast Watch funny cat videos on FunnyCatVideos.tv 1
  • 2. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Cat Behavior.............................................................................................................................3 Chapter 2: Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior.......................................................................................5 Chapter 3: Understanding Your Cat's Aggressive Behavior......................................................................7 2
  • 3. Chapter 1: Cat Behavior Cats are known as solitary animals. They don't hunt communally or share the spoils of a hunt. Sometimes cats with adjoining territories will get together for a pleasant evening grooming session, but on the whole they are not the most social creatures with others of their kind. This general wisdom does not always seem to hold up. My barn cats are a single family descended from a lone female who wandered onto our place one day and decided to stay. She and her children and grandchildren police the local rodent population. Their behavior doesn't always match the solitary hunter of common wisdom. The original female, Patch, used to like to take her kittens for daytrips around the area. I've watched her bring her little brood back from wherever they've been in the evenings. One evening I watched her stop and sit down near the edge of a small, lightly used road running next to our farm. Two of her kittens stopped next to her. As she turned her head one way and then the other, carefully looking for traffic, the kittens mimicked her actions. The only one who didn't was the little orange tiger who became distracted by a butterfly. Patch retrieved her wandering kitten and brought the whole family home. Walks are still a part of kitten lessons. I recently watched Patch, her daughter and three of their kittens taking a walk around the boundaries of our farm. Patch and her daughter led the way. The two younger kittens were in the middle. The oldest kitten, not quite a year old brought up the rear. When one of the younger kittens stopped too long, he tried to move them along. If he couldn't then one of the mother cats would come back and get the little guy moving. I've wondered what this little jaunt was about. Possibly Patch was showing the newest members of her family where their territorial boundaries were? Some of the most interesting behavior I've seen regards family member who were injured. One of Patches' sons is a big burley black and white adult tom. A very handsome and friendly boy, he unfortunately has a talent for trouble. One day he came limping heavily into the yard wailing at the top of his lungs. His mother and sisters raced up to him as fast as they could. While he continued to cry, Patch began washing his face and ears while his sisters lay down over top of him. They stayed that way for some time while I called the vet. I'm happy to report that he recovered just fine with only a hitch in his giddyup to remember his adventure by. Another of Patches sons, a brown and white tom just under a year old, got into a 3
  • 4. fight with his eldest brother. During the fight his foot was injured and began to swell. I found him limping along on three legs the following morning. I brought him onto our porch where I could keep a close eye on him and he could recover without further injuring his foot. While he was recuperating, various members of the family perched outside the porch windows, keeping him company. These are just a few examples I've seen among my cats. Maybe they are unusual. I've certainly never seen cats act this way before. Or maybe, just maybe, cats aren't such social isolates as everyone's always thought! 4
  • 5. Chapter 2: Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior A lot of people think that cats work on their own agenda, not paying much attention to their owner provided they have clean litter, food, and water. Cats can behave in odd manners at times, which can easily confuse their owners and make it really hard to determine what the cat wants. As much as cat behavior can be confusing, there are some ways that you can solve common cat behavior mysteries. A common behavior that almost all cats do is push their heads into any type of object that will allow them to do it. You've probably seen your cat do this before, probably against table legs, TV stands, or another object. This can be noticed more when you have other people who own animals or those with allergies over at your house. When a cat notices this, he will rub his head against the person. In doing so, he will put a touch of saliva on the individual. In a cat's mind, he owns what he puts his saliva on. By putting his saliva on something, that object or person will have a familiar scent. Although this can be very annoying, you have to understand that other people in your home are seen as odd or weird to your cat. When a cat does this, he is simply trying to make the visitor belong. When he brushes up against them and puts his saliva on them, he is trying to put his scent on them which in his mind will mean that they belong in his territory. Even though marking someone or something with saliva is beneficial to the cat, saliva is one of the most common forms of pet allergies. When someone wipes the saliva off of them, the scent will be gone and the cat will go back and attempt to do it again. Even though it may appear that cats target those with allergies, cats are actually just trying to make the visitor belong at the house. If the guest simply cannot take the saliva, allow the cat to rub himself on their pants leg a few times. Normally, this is all takes for a cat to leave the person alone. Those of you who an indoor cat should expect the cat to spend quite a bit of time lying near windows. During this time, you may hear your cat make very strange noises or weird movements. You shouldn't fear though, as he is simply acting out his hunting instincts. Whether it's another cat or object outside moving about, the cat will see it and simply go into his native hunting instinct. As most already know, cats love to play. They love to played with, especially with toys. They will pounce on things on occasion, which should always be expected. If you try to prevent this type of behavior, your cat will take a very negative approach and you"ll end 5
  • 6. up with a lot of broken things in your home. You can always play with your cat using a string, as he will love to chase the string around the room. The longer you own your cat, the more odd behavior you"ll see him exhibit. Cats behave in strange ways, although they always have a reason for behaving the way they do. If you can understand why your cat behaves like he does, you"ll have no problems keeping him healthy and happy. If you simply pay attention to your cat and the way he behaves at times you"ll be able to understand him better than ever before. 6
  • 7. Chapter 3: Understanding Your Cat's Aggressive Behavior Are you a cat owner? If so, your cat may typically appear to be a calm, cool, and collected cat. After all, many cats are content with lounging around all day with just a few hours of play. Despite the fact that your cat may appear to be calm and mild mannered, there may come a point in time when you notice a change. It is not uncommon for pet owners to report occasional aggressiveness with their cats. If you have just witnessed your cat in an aggressive state, fear may be the first thought that enters into your mind. Many cat owners have questions when they witness their cats attack. Many owners want to know if something is wrong with their cat or if it is a danger to those around him or her. In all honesty, you will find it depends. Before deciding if you should contact your cat's veterinarian, there are a number of important points you will first want to take into consideration. First, it is important to know that cats, even domestic cats, can be considered predators. The ancestors of your cat relied on hunting to survive. This is not a trait or a characteristic that just disappears. Your beloved cat will also have that need and desire to hunt. This is one of the many reasons why cats occasionally display aggressive behavior. Concerning natural aggressive behavior, many pet owners are concerned, as they provide their cat with enough food. It doesn't matter how well fed your cat is, he or she will always occasionally feel the need to hunt. For example, has your cat ever killed a bird, mouse, or another rodent? If so, did they consume their kill? Chances are not. This is proof that cats don't just attack for the sake of food. As for how you can determine whether your pet cat is just exercising his need to hunt, look at the attack in question. Did your cat try to attack your foot as you walked by? If so, this a normal occurrence and not a sign of something serious. Jumping at your feet as you walk by was sited as an example above. This can lead to another cause of aggression in cats; overexcitement. Some popular cat toys on the market are those where balls are attached to a string and your catch chases it. These toys are nice, but they can also lead to some confusion, as your foot may appear similar in nature to your cat's favorite toy. It is also important to know that cats are sensitive and their mood easily changes. Is this why playtime with your cat can end with you having a scratch or a bite mark. 7
  • 8. Cats, as with many other pets, are territorial. This is another leading cause of aggression in cats. Is your cat the only pet in your home? If so, they may react with aggression when another pet enters into their territory. The same can be said for children. Do you have children? If not, when a child visits your home, your cat may be frustrated, fearful, or angry with the change, especially inside their territory. The quick movements of small children can also cause a cat to act out. As an important note, cats are typically safe around children. With that in mind, all small children should be watched carefully when around any kind of pet. How To End Cat Behavior Problems Fast Watch funny cat videos on FunnyCatVideos.tv 8
  • 9. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that the author of this book has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this book and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. 9