? Anguiano Morales Benjam¨ªn
? Chaves P¨¦rez Sergio Alejandro
? Maga?a Cortes Mois¨¦s ??Salazar Samperio Gustavo Pedro. ??Valdez L¨®pez Axel
? La sensaci¨®n representa el conocimiento del cambio consciente o subconsciente de los cambios en el medio interno o externo. La naturaleza de las sensaciones y el tipo de reacci¨®n generada var¨ªan de acuerdo con los impulsos que conducen la informaci¨®n sensitiva al SNC.
? Cuando los impulsos
alcanzan la parte baja del tronco encef¨¢lico dan lugar a reflejos m¨¢s complejos, y cuando los impulsos alcanzan la corteza cerebral, adquirimos
consciencia de los est¨ªmulos
sensoriales de entrada y podemos
localizar e identificar con precisi¨®n las sensaciones como tacto dolor o¨ªdo y gusto.
Modalidades sensoriales
Cada tipo de sensaci¨®n como el tacto, el dolor, la vista y el o¨ªdo se denomina como modalidad sensorial. Las diferentes modalidades sensoriales pueden agrupare en dos clases; sentidos generales y sentidos especiales.
? Los sentidos generales se refieren a los sentidos som¨¢ticos (de so¨®ma cuerpo) y viscerales. Las modalidades somato sensoriales abarcan las sensaciones t¨¢ctiles, t¨¦rmicas, dolorosas y propioceptivas.
? Los Sentidos Especiales comprenden las modalidades sensoriales de olfato, gusto, vista, o¨ªdo y equilibrio .
Estructuras Accesorias del Ojo
El Parpado
? Parpado superior e inferior.
? Hendidura o fisura palpebral.
? Comisura lateral.
? Comisura medial.
? Car¨²ncula lagrimal.
? Pesta?as.
? Cejas.
Aparato Lagrimal
Es un grupo de estructuras que produce y drena el l¨ªquido lagrimal o l¨¢grimas.
El l¨ªquido producido por las gl¨¢ndulas lagrimales es una soluci¨®n acuosa que contiene sales, algo de mucus y lisozima una enzima bactericida protectora. Cada gl¨¢ndula produce alrededor de 1 ml de l¨ªquido lagrimal al d¨ªa.
Esta conformado por:
? Gl¨¢ndulas lagrimales/conductillo excretor lagrimal.
? Conductillo lagrimal superior e inferior.
? Punto lagrimal.
? Saco lagrimal.
? Conductillo naso lagrimal.
? Cornete nasal inferior.
? Cavidad nasal.
M¨²sculos Extr¨ªnsecos del Ojo.
? El globo ocular de un adulto mide alrededor de 2.5 cm de di¨¢metro. De su superficie total solo un sexto de la parte anterior est¨¢ expuesto, el resto se halla oculto y protegido por la ¨®rbita. La pared del globo ocular consta de tres capas: la capa fibrosa, la capa vascular y la retina.
? Capa Fibrosa: La capa fibrosa es la cubierta superficial del globo ocular y esta constituida por la c¨®rnea, anterior y la escler¨®tica, posterior.
? LA CORNEA: es una t¨²nica transparente que cubre al iris coloreado. Su curvatura ayuda a enfocar la luz sobre la retina. Su cara anterior est¨¢ formada por epitelio pavimentoso estratificado no queratinizado.
? La ESCLEROTICA: o esclera, el ¡°blanco¡± del ojo, es una capa de tejido conectivo denso formada pr
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation by simply clicking the "GET STARTED" prompt. In just one sentence, it pitches presentation creation using Haiku Deck on ºÝºÝߣShare's platform.
Ademola Ezekiel Adekoya is applying for a position as a Data Clerk Consultant with Management Sciences for Health (MSH) in Abuja, Nigeria. He has over 5 years of experience collecting, entering, analyzing, and reporting data for various HIV/AIDS projects in Kwara State. This includes updating patient registers and supporting monitoring and evaluation activities. Adekoya holds a BSc in Microbiology from the University of Ilorin and is currently pursuing an MSc in Medical Microbiology and Parasitology. He is proficient with computer programs and data management. Adekoya is requesting consideration for the open Data Clerk Consultant role based on his relevant experience and qualifications.
Pesticidal efficacy of crude aqueous extracts of Tephrosia vogelii L., Alli...researchagriculture
Cabbage aphid (
Brevicoryne brassicae
L.) is one of the most problematic
pests in smallholder vegetable production, causing significant yield losses in heavy
infestations. Current control strategy focuses on use of synthetic pesticides that
consequently lead to decimation of natural enemies, development of insect
resistance and resurgence and upset biodiversity. Botanical pesticides have been used
widely in smallholder farmers but not much documented literature exists on efficacy
of these products. A field trial was done to assess the efficacy of crude aqueous
extracts of
Tephrosia vogelii
Allium sativum
Solanum incanum
in controlling
Brevicoryne brassicae
Brassica napus
production. The trial was laid in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments replicated four times. The five
treatments used in the experiment were
dimethoate and control. Wingless adult female aphids were inoculated three weeks
after transplanting of seedlings. Spraying and data collection were done weekly for
four weeks. Data was collected on aphid nymph and adult counts on the third leaf
from the aerial plant part of randomly selected plants from each treatment for
24 hours after the application of treatments and total plant fresh weight per each
treatment. There were significant differences (p<0.05)><0.05) on the yield of rape. It was concluded that
T. vogelii
aqueous crude extracts have some pesticidal
effects on aphid in rape
Este documento describe las redes de aprendizaje y c¨®mo se diferencian de las redes sociales. Explica que las redes de aprendizaje se enfocan en compartir informaci¨®n acad¨¦mica, cient¨ªfica, t¨¦cnica y filos¨®fica para construir conocimiento colectivamente, mientras que las redes sociales comparten cualquier tipo de informaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n discute tres aspectos clave de las redes de aprendizaje: lo pedag¨®gico, lo tecnol¨®gico y lo comunicativo.
Alliance Group, Malta - MICE PresentationMICEboard
This document provides information on things to do in Malta, including staying in luxury hotels, dining in historic venues, exploring historic sites like Valletta and the three cities, visiting the islands of Gozo and Comino, relaxing in Mdina, indulging in a gastro tour of local foods, enjoying the southern coast, sunbathing on beaches, taking a cruise, and participating in various outdoor activities. Specific hotels, restaurants, attractions, tours, and cruise operators are mentioned throughout.
S.R. Vinoth Kumar is seeking a challenging career in PCB designing with 2.6 years of experience in layout design using Cadence Allegro. He has experience designing boards for Bharath Electronics Limited including an 8-layer servo controller card and 8-layer analog signal condition card. Additional projects include a 30-layer backplane card and 24-layer switch card for Acceleron Solutions. Vinoth Kumar's technical skills include schematic capture, library creation, placement, routing, Gerber generation, and he has designed single to 12-layer boards. He holds a B.E. in Electronics and Communication from Anna University.
This document discusses dissolved oxygen levels in water. It outlines biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) as a measure of oxygen-demanding wastes, and distinguishes between aerobic and anaerobic decomposition. Organic wastes lower dissolved oxygen which can lead to eutrophication, an excess of nutrients that causes algal blooms and reduced oxygen levels. Thermal pollution from higher water temperatures also decreases dissolved oxygen. BOD measurements determine the oxygen used by bacteria to break down organic matter over 5 days, indicating waste levels.
The document reflects on the improvements made from the preliminary task "The Job" to the full product "Station 43". Key improvements included better establishing shots that drew the eye into the scene, improved lighting and exposure of character shots and group shots, and more polished editing and continuity between scenes. The credits for "Station 43" were also improved with a typewriter effect that set the tone. Overall, the document argues the group came a long way in their filmmaking skills and produced a much higher quality thriller opening as a result of the lessons learned from the earlier preliminary task.
Pesticidal efficacy of crude aqueous extracts of Tephrosia vogelii L., Alli...researchagriculture
Cabbage aphid (
Brevicoryne brassicae
L.) is one of the most problematic
pests in smallholder vegetable production, causing significant yield losses in heavy
infestations. Current control strategy focuses on use of synthetic pesticides that
consequently lead to decimation of natural enemies, development of insect
resistance and resurgence and upset biodiversity. Botanical pesticides have been used
widely in smallholder farmers but not much documented literature exists on efficacy
of these products. A field trial was done to assess the efficacy of crude aqueous
extracts of
Tephrosia vogelii
Allium sativum
Solanum incanum
in controlling
Brevicoryne brassicae
Brassica napus
production. The trial was laid in a randomized
complete block design (RCBD) with five treatments replicated four times. The five
treatments used in the experiment were
dimethoate and control. Wingless adult female aphids were inoculated three weeks
after transplanting of seedlings. Spraying and data collection were done weekly for
four weeks. Data was collected on aphid nymph and adult counts on the third leaf
from the aerial plant part of randomly selected plants from each treatment for
24 hours after the application of treatments and total plant fresh weight per each
treatment. There were significant differences (p<0.05)><0.05) on the yield of rape. It was concluded that
T. vogelii
aqueous crude extracts have some pesticidal
effects on aphid in rape
Este documento describe las redes de aprendizaje y c¨®mo se diferencian de las redes sociales. Explica que las redes de aprendizaje se enfocan en compartir informaci¨®n acad¨¦mica, cient¨ªfica, t¨¦cnica y filos¨®fica para construir conocimiento colectivamente, mientras que las redes sociales comparten cualquier tipo de informaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n discute tres aspectos clave de las redes de aprendizaje: lo pedag¨®gico, lo tecnol¨®gico y lo comunicativo.
Alliance Group, Malta - MICE PresentationMICEboard
This document provides information on things to do in Malta, including staying in luxury hotels, dining in historic venues, exploring historic sites like Valletta and the three cities, visiting the islands of Gozo and Comino, relaxing in Mdina, indulging in a gastro tour of local foods, enjoying the southern coast, sunbathing on beaches, taking a cruise, and participating in various outdoor activities. Specific hotels, restaurants, attractions, tours, and cruise operators are mentioned throughout.
S.R. Vinoth Kumar is seeking a challenging career in PCB designing with 2.6 years of experience in layout design using Cadence Allegro. He has experience designing boards for Bharath Electronics Limited including an 8-layer servo controller card and 8-layer analog signal condition card. Additional projects include a 30-layer backplane card and 24-layer switch card for Acceleron Solutions. Vinoth Kumar's technical skills include schematic capture, library creation, placement, routing, Gerber generation, and he has designed single to 12-layer boards. He holds a B.E. in Electronics and Communication from Anna University.
This document discusses dissolved oxygen levels in water. It outlines biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) as a measure of oxygen-demanding wastes, and distinguishes between aerobic and anaerobic decomposition. Organic wastes lower dissolved oxygen which can lead to eutrophication, an excess of nutrients that causes algal blooms and reduced oxygen levels. Thermal pollution from higher water temperatures also decreases dissolved oxygen. BOD measurements determine the oxygen used by bacteria to break down organic matter over 5 days, indicating waste levels.
The document reflects on the improvements made from the preliminary task "The Job" to the full product "Station 43". Key improvements included better establishing shots that drew the eye into the scene, improved lighting and exposure of character shots and group shots, and more polished editing and continuity between scenes. The credits for "Station 43" were also improved with a typewriter effect that set the tone. Overall, the document argues the group came a long way in their filmmaking skills and produced a much higher quality thriller opening as a result of the lessons learned from the earlier preliminary task.
Catalogue - Nhat Quang Industry Equipment Joint Stock CompanyNguy?n Ken
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18. 17
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19. 18
C?m ?ng ng?t gas t? ??ng, an to¨¤n tuy?t ??i cho ng??i s? d?ng
625mm x 330mm 625mm x 330mm