Jing is a free screen recording and image capturing software that allows users to easily share what is happening on their computer screens through videos and images in order to better explain concepts. It has both free and paid Pro versions, with the free version providing basic but sufficient functionality for most users' needs. The document demonstrates how to download, use, and share content created with Jing in order to engage and instruct audiences.
JUC Europe 2015: Orchestrating Your Pipelines with Jenkins, Python and the Je...CloudBees
By Pradeepto K. Bhattacharya, MSys-Clogeny
Do you have complex pipeline scripts that you run for your continuous integration (CI)? Do you want to access Jenkins from those scripts? What about searching and accessing the artifacts? Or would you like to block a job until something has finished correctly? Interact with slaves? Would you like to have some kind of synchronization between your jobs and pipeline scripts and yet keep the your job configurations as simple as possible? This talk is about you getting more programmatic control of your Jenkins instance from your pipeline scripts using the Python API. We will look at the power of the API by showing working code examples and demoing the results. This talk will be very friendly to Jenkins beginners and intermediates alike. We will walk through the concepts and actual code during the presentation.
The document discusses two attempts at integrating MOOCs into on-campus courses at the University of Southampton. In the first attempt, called the Power of Social Media MOOC, students posted videos and received feedback from MOOC learners, but results were mixed. In the second, called the Digital Marketing MOOC, students were asked to actively participate in the MOOC platform and write blog posts reflecting on their experience. Feedback indicated that while some interactions were useful, many students struggled without prior MOOC experience or digital literacy skills and more support is needed to prepare students for this type of learning experience.
IPSO is the independent regulator for newspapers and magazines in the UK. It upholds high standards of journalism by monitoring compliance with the Editors' Code of Practice and handles complaints about breaches of the Code. IPSO is committed to balancing press freedom with regulation through independent oversight of the industry.
Industrial emissions contain various harmful gases and particulate matter that can negatively impact human health. Carbon monoxide reduces oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in blood and can cause headaches, nausea, and loss of consciousness at high levels. Nitrates like nitrogen dioxide can damage hemoglobin and cause oxygen deprivation, potentially leading to issues like cardiac dysrhythmias. Ozone and sulfur dioxide can cause respiratory inflammation and reduced lung function. Particulate matter can lodge deeply in lungs and damage lung tissue over time. Long-term exposure to industrial emissions has been linked to increased risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and early death. Protective measures like wearing proper PPE are recommended when near industrial areas.
The document discusses how most plastic ends up in ocean-fills rather than landfills, breaking down over time into smaller and more toxic petro-polymers that contaminate soils and waterways. It raises the issue of how to address the risks posed by these highly toxic and silent killing petro-polymers.
AJI adalah organisasi profesi jurnalis yang berfungsi untuk menegakkan kode etik jurnalistik dan membantu Dewan Pers menciptakan pers yang sehat. AJI memiliki Dewan Etik untuk menangani pelanggaran kode etik oleh anggotanya melalui proses pemeriksaan dan pemberian sanksi. Tantangan utama AJI adalah meningkatkan kualitas etika jurnalistik dan mempertahankan kebebasan pers di Indonesia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas dasar-dasar jurnalistik yang mencakup aturan pembelajaran untuk mahasiswa jurnalistik, proses pengumpulan berita, struktur organisasi redaksi media, dan latihan penulisan berita tentang biografi teman. Terdapat penjelasan tentang teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan penulisan berita untuk media konvensional dan media baru.
Konsep dan regulasi rks dan rkas 2015 final 30 aprilKahar Muzakkir
RKS/RKJM dan RKAS/RKT adalah suatu dokumen yang memuat rencana program kerja dan kegiatan sekolah empat tahun dan satu tahun ke depan dengan mempertimbangkan sumberdaya yang dimiliki untuk memenuhi Standar Nasional Pedidikan (SNP) atau lebih
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Manajemen produksi adalah kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan dengan mengoordinasikan orang lain
2. Ada berbagai jenis proses produksi seperti ekstratif, analitik, fabrikasi, dan saintek
3. Ruang lingkup manajemen operasi mencakup perencanaan sistem produksi, pengendalian produksi, dan sistem informasi produksi
IPSO is the independent regulator for newspapers and magazines in the UK. It upholds high standards of journalism by monitoring compliance with the Editors' Code of Practice and handles complaints about breaches of the Code. IPSO is committed to balancing press freedom with regulation through independent oversight of the industry.
Industrial emissions contain various harmful gases and particulate matter that can negatively impact human health. Carbon monoxide reduces oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in blood and can cause headaches, nausea, and loss of consciousness at high levels. Nitrates like nitrogen dioxide can damage hemoglobin and cause oxygen deprivation, potentially leading to issues like cardiac dysrhythmias. Ozone and sulfur dioxide can cause respiratory inflammation and reduced lung function. Particulate matter can lodge deeply in lungs and damage lung tissue over time. Long-term exposure to industrial emissions has been linked to increased risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma, and early death. Protective measures like wearing proper PPE are recommended when near industrial areas.
The document discusses how most plastic ends up in ocean-fills rather than landfills, breaking down over time into smaller and more toxic petro-polymers that contaminate soils and waterways. It raises the issue of how to address the risks posed by these highly toxic and silent killing petro-polymers.
AJI adalah organisasi profesi jurnalis yang berfungsi untuk menegakkan kode etik jurnalistik dan membantu Dewan Pers menciptakan pers yang sehat. AJI memiliki Dewan Etik untuk menangani pelanggaran kode etik oleh anggotanya melalui proses pemeriksaan dan pemberian sanksi. Tantangan utama AJI adalah meningkatkan kualitas etika jurnalistik dan mempertahankan kebebasan pers di Indonesia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas dasar-dasar jurnalistik yang mencakup aturan pembelajaran untuk mahasiswa jurnalistik, proses pengumpulan berita, struktur organisasi redaksi media, dan latihan penulisan berita tentang biografi teman. Terdapat penjelasan tentang teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan penulisan berita untuk media konvensional dan media baru.
Konsep dan regulasi rks dan rkas 2015 final 30 aprilKahar Muzakkir
RKS/RKJM dan RKAS/RKT adalah suatu dokumen yang memuat rencana program kerja dan kegiatan sekolah empat tahun dan satu tahun ke depan dengan mempertimbangkan sumberdaya yang dimiliki untuk memenuhi Standar Nasional Pedidikan (SNP) atau lebih
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
1. Manajemen produksi adalah kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan dengan mengoordinasikan orang lain
2. Ada berbagai jenis proses produksi seperti ekstratif, analitik, fabrikasi, dan saintek
3. Ruang lingkup manajemen operasi mencakup perencanaan sistem produksi, pengendalian produksi, dan sistem informasi produksi