5. Internet helps us to share our knowledge faster
and more efficiently. However, what about the
quality of information we share on the
6. Peter Steiner, publishedby
The NewYorker on July 5, 1993.
Everything is on
the Internet and
everything on the
Internet is free.
When a decision
maker believes
this, we are in a
deep trouble.
10. International Interlibrary Loan
1883: Austria grants Intl. ILL
1900: Library of Congress
1910s:Royal Library of Berlin-6,500 to 12,000 loan annually.
12. Borrowing top 5 Lending top 5
U.Pennsylvania 106,494 U.Minnesota 131,918
Ohio State 95,791 U.Wisconsin 125.502
Yale U. 87,135 Ohio State 106,507
U.Wisconsin 81,149 U.Illinois, Urbana 86,226
Washington U. 75,889 Colorado U. 82,629
From 2013-2014 ARL)Association ofResearch Libraries( Statistics
13. We try hard but some users, either do not know about our
service or maybe they are not satisfied with what we offer.
So they started
14. When you need an article
which you cannot get access,
send a message on twitter
with hashtag, #icanhazPDF.
Then someone who can access
the article may send you the
After received the file, delete
the twitter message.
Not always the user cannot
access but
16. Created in 2011 by a scholar from
Kazakhstan, Alexandra Elbakyan; a
reaction to high paywall.
More than 5 million articles available.
Elbakyan claims, access credentials
are donated by scholars.
Article Title
Publishers URL of Article
If SCI-HUB has article, immediate PDF
access, otherwise, tries to download it
from a library.
17. Founder: remove all barriersin the way of
Publishers: This is a clear piracy of
copyrighted materials. Ill sue you, lets
talk at the court and they did.
Librarians: Hmmthis is an illegal activity.
But I understandwhy they did it.
Users:I need that article and I need it now.
Since I use it for my research,this is not a
criminal act.
18. What Authors say:
"Im torn in the sense I think it would be better for the
science community if findings were made freely
available," he says. "But Im not sure how to sustain
functions of society journals."
I never felt people were pirating my work
"I feel work paid for with public money should be open
for free
* What Do the Authors of Sci-Hubs Most-Downloaded Articles Think About Sci-Hub? (2016,
May 13). Retrieved May 16, 2016, from http://chronicle.com/article/What-Do-the-Authors-
35. RapidILL
A Web based service which ownsmember
libraries serial holdinginfo(including e-jnl
Requests coming with astandard number will
be sent automatically topossible lenders.
Articlecan besent through RapidX delivery
Oncearticle is received,borrowing library sends
arrival notice automatically tothe user.
44. Meanwhile, here aresomehelps for your ILL Works.
IFLADDRS(DocumentDelivery andResourceSharing
Section) Ask Expert:http://www.ifla.org/docdel
VariousMailing List:DOC-DEL-L,ILL-L
ILLers; a FB Group For Interlibrary Loan Librarians
45. Lets remember, we are all librarians, the same
spices, regardless where we work.
So lets share our resources and ideas.
46. Lets remember, we are all librarians, the same
spices, regardless where we work.
So lets share our resources and ideas.