Catechize 2014 Finals was held on Sunday, 27th July 2014 with the National Level Top 6 finalists, all of them were furiously answering and the table turned on the TieBreaker question. The Champion and the Runners Up get Tech Tac Toe Goodies and all 6 get Tech Tac Toe Catechize National level finalists Certificates.
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Catechize Final Questions
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Catechize 2014 Finals was held on Sunday, 27th July 2014 with the National Level Top 6 finalists, all
of them were furiously answering and the table turned on the TieBreaker question. The Champion
and the Runners Up get Tech Tac Toe Goodies and all 6 get Tech Tac Toe Catechize National level
finalists Certificates.
Quiz Time
Q1. It is a piece of hardware that attaches to computer, TV, or other electronic device, and when
attached, enables additional functions such as copy protection, audio, video, games, data, or other
services. Name it.
Answer- Dongle
Q2. Currently a division of L-3 Communications, X is a technology company founded by Qualcomm
founders Irwin M Jacobs, Andrew Viterbi and Leonard Kleinrock. Identify X.
Answer- Linkabit
Q3. Originally launched as Minotaur by X as an e-mail client, it failed to gain momentum. Later it
was revived under the new name Y. Now Y is the default email client for Ubuntu Desktop Operating
System. Identify X and Y.
Answer- X- Mozilla Foundation
Y- Thunderbird
Q4. X is an open source client for the Tor network on Android mobile devices. It allows traffic routing
from a devices web browser, email client, map program, etc., through Tor network, providing
anonymity for the user.
Answer- Orbot
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Q5. The first of its kind was made using ultraviolet ink, but was rejected because the ink faded easily
and was too expensive. Patented in 1949 as Classifying Apparatus and Method by Norman
Woodland and Bernard Silver. Which revolutionary invention has been described above?
Answer- Barcode or UPC(Universal Product Code)
Q6. Wikipedia often provides a message at the end of an article like the one below-
This article is a stub
What does the term stub mean?
Answer- Stub = small
Pic Time
Q1. It is an open source implementation of the Seamonkey Internet Office Suite for the Debian
Project. Identify it from the image below:
Answer- Ice Ape
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Q2. Identify:
Answer- Dynabook
Q3. The device below is the first X. What?
Answer- Printer
Q4. Identify this start-up that makes mobile apps to connect passengers with drivers of vehicles for
hire and ridesharing services.
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Answer- Uber
Q5. What is the significance of this Rice Cooker?
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Answer- Sony
Q6. Which famous companys product is this?
Answer- Nintendo
Tough Time
A. Informally referred as Squiggly, the name of this character comes from a Latin word meaning
title. Which one?
Answer- Tilde Symbol
B. Which Bengali-American entrepreneur started a professional audio equipment company X in
1960s, because he was dissapointed with the performance of a stereo system that he purchased
while pursuing his education from MIT? Name X.
Answer- Amar Bose, X= Bose Corporation
C. X is an annual event created by system administrator Ted Kekatos. Celebrated on last Friday of
July, it exists to express gratitude towards all the IT workers all over the world for their contribution.
Answer- System Administrator Appreciation Day
D. X was named Y, due to its excessive use by its owners and is a reference to the addictiveness of
crack cocaine. Use of the term Y became so widespread that in 2006 Websters New World College
Dictionary named Y as the New Word of the Year. Identify X and Y.
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Answer- X- BlackBerry
Y- CrackBerry
E. Xwas launched first as an application available on Apples App store in the US. It integrated with
services such as OpenTable, Google Maps, MovieTickets and TaxiMagic. It was acquired by Apple on
April 28 2010 and was introduced as a feature of iPhone 4s. Name X.
Answer- Siri
F. He is responsible for the invention of SketchPad which led many real time concepts like GUI, CAD
etc. He is well known as the Father of Computer Graphics. Who?
Answer- Ivan Sutherland
A. The Flipkart website crashed on Wednesday this week (23.07.2014) due to an exclusive sale of a
product. Name it.
Answer- Xiaomi MI3
B. Which Indian corporate is at the center of a controversy where tickets bought by it for FIFA
matches were resold in the black market?
Answer- Reliance Industries
C. This .com started by Marc Lore and Vineet Dharava, is the largest online retailer of baby products.
Name it.
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D. Which Indian Batsmans nickname comes from, or rather derived from the occupation of his
father? (The product of the company he used to work in).
Answer- Rahul Dravid, (NickName- Jammy), His Father worked for Kissan Jam.
E. What does D stand for in Glucose D?
Answer- Dextrose
F. The logo of this company is inspired by the founders zodiac sign and his love for bull fights.
Different products, models of this company are named after famous bulls. Identify the company.
Answer- Lamborghini
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Top Right- Yiying Lu- Maker of the Fail Whale
Top Left- Doug Bowman- Creative Director- Designer of Twitters first interface
Bottom- Dick Costolo- Former CEO Twitter
Answer- Twitter
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Top- A subsidiary of Amazon
Fire- Amazon Trademark
Right- Amazon Headquarters
Answer: Amazon
Left Down- Tumble Beast
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Left Up- Marco Arment- Former CTO
Middle- David Karp- Founder of Tumbler
Answer- Tumbler
E. Connect Hyundai, Budweiser and Adidas. (Think Recent)
Answer- Official Sponsors of FIFA World Cup 2014
F. Connect Boro Plus, Mentho Plus, Fast Relief, Navratna, Sona Chandi and Fair and Handsome.
Answer- Emami
Tie-Breaker Questions:
1. Champaklal H. Choksay, Chimanlal N. Choksey, Suryakant D. Dani and Arvind R. Vakil, in a garage
on Foras Road, Bombay founded this company. The name of the company was picked randomly
from a telephone directory. Forbes Global Magazine USA ranked the company among 200 best small
companies of the world in 2002 and 2003 and presented Best under a Billion award to the
company. Name the company.
Answer: Asian Paints
2. X is a dish, which has its origin in Odisha, though very popular in India specially the eastern part. It
is said to have been introduced by Haradhan Moira in Bengal during the 19th century. It was also
one of the traditional offerings to Goddess Lakshmi. Haradhan Moira is said to have introduced the
traditional X in Bengali including Nobin Chandra Das. Nobin Das simplified the traditional recipe,
which became popular. Identify it.