This document classifies and explains different categories of effects that can be used when mixing music projects. It identifies three main categories: dynamic effects which control volume and loudness using tools like compressors and limiters; delay effects which provide a sense of space using reverb, delay, and other tools; and filter effects which alter timbre and allow for transitions using EQ filters. Examples are provided for different effects within each category to demonstrate their impact on sound.
2. Introduction
Producing a song is not only about placing melodies and sounds
together but also to unify them and make them sound right all
together. When mixing, effects are really important features to
take care of that can change the hole project and I’m going to
classify and explain them. This lesson belongs to week 3 of
Introduction to music production at
3. Dynamic effects
• Dynamic effects are all those related to amplitude, which is one
of the principles of sound. These effects control volume and the
perception of loudness of the project. Some of these effects are
compressors, limiters expanders and gates.
4. • Here is an
example of an
expander effect.
We can hear the
5. Delay effects
• Delay effects are all those related to propagation, which is
another of the principles of sound. These effects give us a sense
of space of the project. Some of these effects are reberb, delay,
phaser,flanger and chorus.
7. Filter effects
• Filter effects are all those related to timbre, which is something
we would like to change over time to make transitions or just to
change any specific sound. Some of these effects are the high
pass filter, band pass filter, low pass filter, parametric EQ and
Graphic EQ.