The document outlines an agenda for a catechist meeting that includes introductions, going over materials, assigning rooms, and announcing upcoming certification, workshop and Sunday events. It also reviews a CARA report on the state of Catholic families which found that most Catholic children are being raised by married Catholic parents, two-thirds view sacraments as important but many don't enroll their kids in religious education, and over 70% of parents agree prayer is important but many don't pray daily or know how to pray the Rosary. The document leaves off with questions about how to better engage parents and ensure their children continue in the faith.
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Catholic family for catechists by Leslie McGowan
1. Welcome
Catechist Prayer
Go through bags
Room assignments
CADRE workshop September 19
Catechetical Sunday September 20
Teaching Touching Safety October 4 makeup Oct 11 Theme
is grooming and recognizing risky adult behavior
On Fire With Faith
3. CADRE workshop September 19
go over brochure
Catechetical Sunday September 20
installation at 10:45am Mass
4. Certification
Teaching Touching Safety October 4 makeup
Oct 11 Theme is grooming and recognizing
risky adult behavior
On Fire With Faith
5. Current Affairs
Catechetical theme: Safeguarding the dignity
of every human person
Year of Mercy
World Meeting of Families
7. Most Catholic children are being raised by
married Catholic parents. 79%are married
and 76% have a Catholic spouse.
13% are single and living with a partner.
Four percent are divorced and one percent are
8. Mass attendance
31% attend Mass monthly
22% attend Mass weekly or more often
Catholic families have an average of two
children in the home. Those with three or
more children at home are much more likely
to attend Mass at least once a month.
9. Sacraments and Religious Education
66% of parents say that it is very important
for their children to recieve first communion
and Confirmation.
However, most Catholic parents (68%) today
dont enroll their children in a Catholic school,
nor do they participate in the parish faith
formation program. Those who attend Mass
at least once a month are more likely to enroll
their children in the parish program.
10. Most parents still hold core Creed beliefs such as..
belief in heaven
belief in Jesus resurrection
belief in angels, and spiritual messengers
belief in the devil
belief in God creating humans in his image
Mary, the mother of God, was immaculately conceived
11. Prayer
71% of parents agree that prayer is important and most say they
talk to God regularly.
36% say they pray at least once a day.
23% pray less than daily, but at least once a week.
When asks what their obstacles to prayer are they cite lack of time,
missing Mass, or it just didnt cross their minds.
76% pray more often by themselves than with family members.
42% pray during times of crisis
51% pray to God the Father
52% pray for the well-being of their family
31% pray for wellbeing of others they know
64% say they dont pray the Rosary because they have no desire
dont remember it or never learned it and dont have the time.
12. Family Life and Media use
51% eat dinner together as a family every night
35% eat dinner together a few times a week
62% gather with their family outside of dinner at least once a week
81% of parents believe it is very important to monitor their childs
media content, however, only 18% say they never let their kids
watch tv without supervision.
53% of parents report they watch 2 or more hours of tv a day and
spend the same or more amount of time on the internet.
73% of parents have a facebook profile and 24% have a pinterest
42% regularly look at the church bulletin online or in print
12% regularly look at their parish website
9% have facebook accounts associated with Catholics or Catholic
44% of parents are somewhat satisfied with Catholic programming
13. Where does that leave us
How do we engage parents?
Will they choose to come to a parish and
attend Mass?
How will they and their children come to
know their faith?
Will their children marry in the church?
Will the parents pass on their faith to their
15. Homework
Read the top ten mistakes at
week-mistakes/ and let me know you did that.
Read the first chapter of 31 Days to Become a
Better Religious Educator and submit answers
to questions.
Do one icebreaker with your kids and video it
if you can and get me the video.