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GMX Series
                                                                      Global Market Standby Power Supply

Line Interactive Ferro Technology
Wide input voltage range of 賊30%
Compact packaging with light-weight Ferro
Field programmable 鍖ash memory
Embedded DOCSIS速 monitoring option
Built-in battery circuit breaker
IEC style line cord

Alphas GMX Series CableUPS 速 uninterruptible power supply is a cost-effective standby power supply designed
for powering signal processing equipment in cable television and broadband LAN distribution systems. It provides
a critical load with current-limited, regulated, AC power that is free of spikes, surges, sags and noise. The GMXs
line interactive ferro topology allows it to compensate for input voltage variations of 賊30% while providing constant
output voltage.

The GMX is an ideal solution for cable operators who need a high-quality, reliable uninterruptible power supply.
Features of the GMX include optional embedded DOCSIS or ethernet status monitoring cards, a user-friendly
smart display, programmable battery self-test, terminal block output connections, output taps for 63V and 87V,
150W auxilary output terminal, external battery temperature probe, built-in chassis handle, and replacable MOVs.
GMX Series
Model:                                                     GMX 915                                                  GMX 915P                                            GMX 915E
Input Voltage (Vac):                                      120                                                       240                                                 240
Input Voltage Tolerance:                                  Operating: 賊30% (80 to 150Vrms)                           Operating: 賊30% (158 to 292Vrms)                    Operating: 賊30% (158 to 292Vrms)
Line Return:                                              賊 25%                                                     賊 25%                                               賊 25%
Nominal Input Current1:                                   13A                                                       7A                                                  7A
Input Frequency:                                          60Hz, 賊3Hz                                                60Hz, 賊3Hz                                          50Hz, 賊3Hz
DC Voltage (Vdc):                                         36                                                        36                                                  36
Low DC Voltage Cutout:                                    1.75V/Cell                                                1.75V/Cell                                          1.75V/Cell
Output Voltage:                                           63/87 (Field Selectable)                                  63/87 (Field Selectable)                            63/87 (Field Selectable)
Output Regulation, 87V TAP2:                              賊3%                                                       賊3%                                                 賊3%
Output Regulation, 63V TAP2:                              賊4%                                                       賊4%                                                 賊4%
Output Current:                                           15A                                                       15A                                                 15A
Output Frequency Stability:                               60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation)                           60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation)                     60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation)
Waveform:                                                 Quasisquare wave                                          Quasisquare wave                                    Quasisquare wave
Battery Charging
Charge Current3:                                                                                                                    10A
Temperature Compensation:                                                                                               -5mV/Cell/属C (Programmable)
Constant Current Operation:                                                                                           High Rate Charge to 90% Capacity
Constant Voltage Operation:                                                                                                 2.40V/Cell (Typ. 7hrs)
Operating Temperature:                                                                                                     40 to 55属C/-40 to 131属F
Humidity:                                                                                                                 0 to 95% non-condensing
Altitude:                                                                                                          0 to 3000m/0 to 10,000ft above sea level
                                                          7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/                                     7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/                               7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/
Dimensions (in/mm):
                                                          198 x 427 x 290                                           198 x 427 x 290                                     198 x 427 x 290
Weight (lb/kg):                                           60/27.5                                                   60/27.5                                             60/27.5
Front Panel Display (LCD):                                2 x 20 Character LCD                                      2 x 20 Character LCD                                2 x 20 Character LCD
Front Panel Indicators (LED):                             Output Status & Alarm                                     Output Status & Alarm                               Output Status & Alarm
Finish:                                                   Black, Epoxy Powdercoat                                   Black, Epoxy Powdercoat                             Black, Epoxy Powdercoat
Status Monitoring:                                                                                                            Optional DSM and ESM
Agency Compliance:                                            UL 1778/CSA C22.2, No. 107.1                               UL 1778/CSA C22.2, No. 107.1                           EN50091-1-2, IEC 60950
                                                                                                                                 CB scheme                                        CB scheme and CE
Emissions:                                                                 FCC, Class A                                       CISPR 22, Class A                                EN 50091-2, (CE Class A)
    Batteries fully charged
    Output regulation at nominal input frequency. Frequency variations will proportionally affect the output voltage (i.e., a 1% reduction in frequency will result in approximately a 1% drop in output voltage)
    Varies with input line voltage and output load.

For contact information visit www.alpha.com
The Alpha Group >               North America                    Europe, Middle East & Africa                                                                    Asia Paci鍖c              Latin & South America
                                USA                              Cyprus                            Germany                            Lithuania                  P.R. China               Contact USA of鍖ce
                                Tel: +1 360 647 2360             Tel: +357 25 375 675              Tel: +49 9122 79889 0              Tel: +370 5 210 5291       Tel: +852 2736 8663
                                Fax: +1 360 671 4936             Fax: + 357 52 359 595             Fax: +49 9122 79889 21             Fax: +370 5 210 5292       Fax: +852 2199 7988
                                Canada                           Russia                            United Kingdom
                                Tel: +1 604 430 1476             Tel: +7 495 925 9844              Tel: +44 1279 501110
                                Fax: +1 604 430 8908             Fax: +7 495 916 1349              Fax: +44 1279 659870

                              Alpha Technologies reserves the right to make changes to the products and information contained in this document without notice.                                    049-242-10-003 (3/09)
                              Copyright 息 2009 Alpha Technologies. All Rights Reserved. Alpha速 is a registered trademark of Alpha Technologies.

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Catv1 Fuente Serie Gmx (Stand By)

  • 1. GMX Series Global Market Standby Power Supply Line Interactive Ferro Technology Wide input voltage range of 賊30% Compact packaging with light-weight Ferro Field programmable 鍖ash memory Embedded DOCSIS速 monitoring option Built-in battery circuit breaker IEC style line cord Alphas GMX Series CableUPS 速 uninterruptible power supply is a cost-effective standby power supply designed for powering signal processing equipment in cable television and broadband LAN distribution systems. It provides a critical load with current-limited, regulated, AC power that is free of spikes, surges, sags and noise. The GMXs line interactive ferro topology allows it to compensate for input voltage variations of 賊30% while providing constant output voltage. The GMX is an ideal solution for cable operators who need a high-quality, reliable uninterruptible power supply. Features of the GMX include optional embedded DOCSIS or ethernet status monitoring cards, a user-friendly smart display, programmable battery self-test, terminal block output connections, output taps for 63V and 87V, 150W auxilary output terminal, external battery temperature probe, built-in chassis handle, and replacable MOVs.
  • 2. GMX Series Speci鍖cations Model: GMX 915 GMX 915P GMX 915E Electrical Input Voltage (Vac): 120 240 240 Input Voltage Tolerance: Operating: 賊30% (80 to 150Vrms) Operating: 賊30% (158 to 292Vrms) Operating: 賊30% (158 to 292Vrms) Line Return: 賊 25% 賊 25% 賊 25% Nominal Input Current1: 13A 7A 7A Input Frequency: 60Hz, 賊3Hz 60Hz, 賊3Hz 50Hz, 賊3Hz DC Voltage (Vdc): 36 36 36 Low DC Voltage Cutout: 1.75V/Cell 1.75V/Cell 1.75V/Cell Output Voltage: 63/87 (Field Selectable) 63/87 (Field Selectable) 63/87 (Field Selectable) Output Regulation, 87V TAP2: 賊3% 賊3% 賊3% Output Regulation, 63V TAP2: 賊4% 賊4% 賊4% Output Current: 15A 15A 15A Output Frequency Stability: 60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation) 60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation) 60Hz, 賊1Hz (Inverter Operation) Waveform: Quasisquare wave Quasisquare wave Quasisquare wave Battery Charging Charge Current3: 10A Temperature Compensation: -5mV/Cell/属C (Programmable) Constant Current Operation: High Rate Charge to 90% Capacity Constant Voltage Operation: 2.40V/Cell (Typ. 7hrs) Environmental Operating Temperature: 40 to 55属C/-40 to 131属F Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing Altitude: 0 to 3000m/0 to 10,000ft above sea level Mechanical 7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/ 7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/ 7.8H x 16.8W x 11.4D/ Dimensions (in/mm): 198 x 427 x 290 198 x 427 x 290 198 x 427 x 290 Weight (lb/kg): 60/27.5 60/27.5 60/27.5 Front Panel Display (LCD): 2 x 20 Character LCD 2 x 20 Character LCD 2 x 20 Character LCD Front Panel Indicators (LED): Output Status & Alarm Output Status & Alarm Output Status & Alarm Finish: Black, Epoxy Powdercoat Black, Epoxy Powdercoat Black, Epoxy Powdercoat Communication Status Monitoring: Optional DSM and ESM Agency Agency Compliance: UL 1778/CSA C22.2, No. 107.1 UL 1778/CSA C22.2, No. 107.1 EN50091-1-2, IEC 60950 CB scheme CB scheme and CE Emissions: FCC, Class A CISPR 22, Class A EN 50091-2, (CE Class A) Notes: 1 Batteries fully charged 2 Output regulation at nominal input frequency. Frequency variations will proportionally affect the output voltage (i.e., a 1% reduction in frequency will result in approximately a 1% drop in output voltage) 3 Varies with input line voltage and output load. For contact information visit www.alpha.com The Alpha Group > North America Europe, Middle East & Africa Asia Paci鍖c Latin & South America USA Cyprus Germany Lithuania P.R. China Contact USA of鍖ce Tel: +1 360 647 2360 Tel: +357 25 375 675 Tel: +49 9122 79889 0 Tel: +370 5 210 5291 Tel: +852 2736 8663 Fax: +1 360 671 4936 Fax: + 357 52 359 595 Fax: +49 9122 79889 21 Fax: +370 5 210 5292 Fax: +852 2199 7988 Canada Russia United Kingdom Tel: +1 604 430 1476 Tel: +7 495 925 9844 Tel: +44 1279 501110 Fax: +1 604 430 8908 Fax: +7 495 916 1349 Fax: +44 1279 659870 Alpha Technologies reserves the right to make changes to the products and information contained in this document without notice. 049-242-10-003 (3/09) Copyright 息 2009 Alpha Technologies. All Rights Reserved. Alpha速 is a registered trademark of Alpha Technologies.