This document provides information on precast solutions for railways from Caya Constructs. It summarizes their offerings for precast decentralized RCC structures, boundary walls, monolithic toilets, and other miscellaneous precast items like drains and ducts. Examples of past work are provided for projects in Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, and Jaipur. Key benefits highlighted include factory production providing speed, standardization, quality control and easy installation.
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Caya Precast solutions for railways application
1. C A Y A C O N S T R U C T S
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 0114601 5064 |
Precast Solutions for Railways
2. Precast Solutions
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 1
Decentralized RCC Structures
Boundary Wall Monolithic RCC Toilets
3. Decentralised RCC Structures
Pre-Cast pre stressed RCC Structure made with M30 grade panels
Factory-made, speed of construction, standardisation and easy to install
Versatile and flexibility in terms of size and utility S&T Room, ALH, Gang rooms, Guard
Rooms etc.
Long life of the structure
Light fittings
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 |
4. Some Work done in past
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 3
Deoband, Uttar Pradesh for NR
5. Some Work done in past
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 4
Guard Room with Toilet & Bathroom, Lucknow
6. Some Work done in past
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 5
Jaipur Section, DFFCIL structure on piles
7. RCC Boundary Wall
Pre-Cast pre stressed RCC panels made with M30 grade panels
Factory-made, speed of construction, standardisation and easy to install
Long lasting and not prone to vandalism or theft
Independent of soil type and its load bearing capacity Light fittings
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 |
8. RCC Boundary Wall
Light fittings
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 |
9. Monolithic Toilet Structure
Pre-Cast RCC single-unit Structure made
with M25 grade reinforced cement concrete
Factory-made, easy to install, modular
flexibility for line toilets
Built in Sanitary Connections, great for
multiple use, easy to clean
Options of Indian, western or zero-water
Options of paint, tiles, light fittings, solar,
water tank, accessible toilet, hand washing
unit, dustbins in female toilets
Perforated door for ventilation
Waste management can be done using
septic tank or bio-digester
Light fittings
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 |
10. Misc. Precast Items
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 9
Drains and Ducts
Products being manufactured today at scale:
1. Precast RCC Drains
2. Precast Cable Ducts
11. Unique Features
High Quality with centralised and high degree of
quality control
Standardised product with similar look and feel
Highly scalable
Scientifically tested and validated by data modelling
Portable setup for every 300 - 400 kms distance
Based on detailed R& D
Collaboration across country with other companies
Light fittings
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 |
12. Our Client List
B 38, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi 110049 | 011 46015064 | 11