The Cayman Islands is the top destination for captive insurance companies transferring healthcare risks. Over 750 captive insurance companies are domiciled in the Cayman Islands, writing over $12 billion in annual premiums. Healthcare captives, especially those covering medical malpractice and workers compensation, make up a large portion of Cayman's captive industry. The Cayman Islands was one of the earliest adopters of captive insurance and has developed significant expertise in insuring healthcare risks over several decades, maintaining its position as the leading jurisdiction for healthcare captives.
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Top of The Class
1. Top of the class
The Cayman Islands is the second largest domicile for
captives globally and the number one destination for captives
transferring risk from the healthcare sector. But why is
Cayman so well equipped to cater for this sectorand can its
growth continue? Cayman Captive explores.
22 cayman captive 2015
2. cayman captive 2015 23
Anna Jurkovska /
Healthcare captives
According to a report by Aon, as at June 30, 2014, Caymans
764 licensed captive insurance companies wrote premiums
of $12.3 billion and held total assets of $54.9 billion
impressive numbers by any measure.
But the story behind those statistics is an even more fascinating one.
Some classes of business emerge as the clear front-runners when it comes
to the amount of premium allocated against eachalso giving an indication
of the areas in which Cayman is regarded as the domicile of choice.
The Aon report shows the split as follows: medical malpractice 34
percent, workers compensation 22 percent, property 12 percent,
general liability 10 percent, professional liability 9 percent. Other lines
including accident & health, auto, credit life, deferred variable annuities,
life, marine & aviation, product liability, and surety bonds make up the
remaining 13 percent between them.
The Cayman Islands clearly continues to be the leading jurisdiction
for healthcare captives with formations transferring this type of risk
representing the majority of all captives domiciled on Cayman.
Further statistics from the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)
back this up. As of September 30, 2014, figures from CIMA show that
medical malpractice liability continues to be the largest primary line of
business, with 257 companies (see Table 1). Workers compensation is
the second largest line of business with 158 companies.
Practitioners operating in this sector back up these statistics with
anecdotal evidence of its superiority. Cayman represents a solid historical
foundation built on financial strength and flexibility with a track record of
being a domicile of choice for healthcare organisations, says Susan
Pateras, senior vice president and healthcare practice leader at Iron-Starr.
Giselle Lugones, executive vice president of Aon Risk Services,
agrees, adding several specific reasons that she believes Cayman
remains ahead of the game.
Cayman is the easiest venue in which to transact business for
healthcare. Fees are competitive and the ability to utilise various types
of structures is key, Lugones says.
Deep roots
Indeed, the very roots and traditions of the captive sector on Cayman
started in the healthcare space.
According to the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC),
Caymans captive industry began extensively in 1976 when the Harvard
Medical School needed to domicile a medical malpractice captive for
its teaching hospitals.
The Cayman Islands emerged as the domicile of choice as it enacted
legislation that allowed it to write coverage for the hospitals as well as
individual practitioner malpractice insurance. Caymans credibility as an
offshore jurisdiction was immediately amplified.
The US insurance market in the 1980s brought its own challenges.
Big corporations, major cities and even non-profits suddenly found
insurance to be too expensive or unavailable altogether, and more
captives started to emerge in response to these dynamics.
With expertise in the design and management of captives on the rise, their
use began to spread globally throughout the private and public sectors.
This paved the way for the development of the Cayman Islands as
a leading domicile of choice for captivesand healthcare captives in
Cayman has become the preferred domicile for healthcare risks, says
Philip Giles, vice president of sales and marketing at QBE North America.
As one of the oldest domiciles, Cayman has a long-established domicile
infrastructure both in terms of the stability of its regulatory environment
and a mature abundance of necessary service providers such as
insurance and asset managers, attorneys, auditors, and the like.
Having a consistent and stable regulatory environment, especially
one as familiar with the nuances specific to the healthcare industry,
is critical in helping to promote an increased level of stability for the
captives domiciled there.
Healthcare captives are formed primarily to help manage medical
professional liability risk. A large proportion of Cayman-domiciled
captives are sponsored by healthcare entities that use their captives to
help reduce the costs of healthcare to patients.
Through this expertise and the important regulatory partnership
provided by the CIMA, a constructive business environment has been
formed, which has increased the number of healthcare captives that
domicile in Cayman.
Healthcare risksparticularly large hospitals, healthcare systems and
physician groupshave been among the earliest adopters of establishing
captives as a strategic risk financing mechanism, Giles explains.
Since Cayman could provide the regulatory stability, requisite
service infrastructure, and a favourable geographic proximity to the
US, it became a natural domicile for many healthcare risks. Over
time, more healthcare-related risks selected Cayman as their domicile
of choice due to the familiarity regulators had with these classes of
business something I would call a snowball effect of growth.
3. Solving Obamacare
Even more growth is forecast as the healthcare industry in the US
adjusts to the ramifications of the most profound and wide-ranging
changes in its history: the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as
With the Cayman Islands already at the forefront of healthcare-related
captives, many industry professionals believe its role will likely expand
due to increasing costs and complexity associated with healthcare
The medical sides always been very strong, and thats going to be
enhanced somewhat, says Conor Jennings, managing director at
insurance manager Captiva.
Jennings describes the recent inception of a new medical facility in Cayman
called Health City, which is looking to attract people from the US to receive
specialist treatment at a lower cost than would be available in the US.
Many investors and some extremely bright doctors have set up this
facility with massive government backing in order to encourage and
attract medical tourism to Cayman, Jennings explains.
24 cayman captive 2014
Jennings believes that due to the sheer numbers of doctors and medical
practitioners travelling to Cayman, an overlap could be on the horizon.
Perhaps some of these doctors could become directors of local
insurance companies, he says. Were not just a sleepy desert island
with palm treesthere are medical experts and lots of insurance-focused
individuals, which frankly is a big advantage over some other jurisdictions.
That will enhance Cayman as a centre for medical expertise in
captives as well as procedurals.
The dynamic could effectively represent the continuation of something
Giles says has already occurred over the years. He describes a snowball
effect whereby, over time, more healthcare risks have selected Cayman
as their domicile due to the familiarity regulators had with these classes of
He says that Cayman now also has an abundance of captives writing
medical stop loss coverage for employee healthcare coverage.
Again, many of these (stop loss) captives are hospital and healthcare
captives that have expanded their existing Cayman captive to include
medical stop loss as a way to expand/enhance the use and efficiency
of their existing captive.
4. cayman captive 2014 25
Table 1: Insurance business classes of Cayman captives participants
Primary class of business Total licensees Written premium (US$ billion) Total assets
Hospital & medmal liability 257 $3.1 $12.8
Workers compensation 158 $2.1 $7.4
Professional & general liability 151 $0.9 $5.3
Property 93 $1.1 $9.8
Life & annuity 45 $4.3 $51.5
Automobile physical damage & liability 16 $0.2 $0.4
Accident & health 11 $0.1 $0.5
Marine & aviation 10 $0.0 $0.4
Total 741 $11.8 $88.1
Source: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Adding medical stop loss to an existing captive is usually fairly
easy via an expansion or amendment to the original captive business
plan and ensuring that appropriate surplus has been established to
accommodate the new line of business.
He notes that there has been an increasing level of competition
among domiciles both onshore and offshore. But Cayman can still
come out on top.
With more domicile options, comes significant variance in
distinguishing qualitative standards between different domiciles.
Some of the newer domiciles (especially onshore) have experienced
growing pains of inconsistent regulatory management, however
Cayman has maintained an enviable track record of friendly
(pro-business), stabile and consistent regulatory environment,
Giles says. l