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                              Middle School
                              A Tradition of Excellence & Equity

                              PRINCIPALS MESSAGE
                              Dear Parents,                 garding our school,               Fifth Grade
                                  I hope everyone had       please call us at 655-         Cognative Abilities
                              a restful holiday recess.     1324.
                                  It is hard to believe
                              that we are almost one        Best Wishes for 2012!         Our fifth grade students
                              half the way through                                        will take the CoGAT tests
                              our academic year. Sec-                                     during the first week of
                              ond semester begins on                                      February. These are as-
                              Monday, January 30.                                         sessments of academic
                                                                                          potential we use to help
                              Report cards will be          Jean J. Regan, Ed.D.
                                                                                          us have a greater under-
                              available on Power-           Principal                     standing of our students.
                              School on February 3.                                       The mathematical subtest
                                  Please see the test       Spring Testing Schedule       is one of the indicators
                              schedule listed below to                                    used in determining rec-
                              assist in your planning.                                    ommendation for acceler-
                                                            ELAApril 17,18,19            ated seventh grade math.
                              It is very helpful to us if
                                                              8:1010:30 AM               We will send home indi-
                              you could schedule ap-
                                                                                          vidual reports with the
                              pointments around             Math  April 25,26,27
INSIDE THIS ISSUE:                                                                        results in the early Spring.
                              these dates.                                                If you have any questions,
                                                              8:1010:30 AM
PRINCIPALS             1
                                  If you have any ques-                                   please do not hesitate to
MESSAGE                       tions or concerns re-                                       contact Dr. Regan at 655-
YEARBOOKS               1

                                  Due to increased costs,      Those students who         online as well at
TWELVE DAYS OF          3     yearbooks will no longer be   have yet to order a Year-     www.yearbooksonsale.com
                              provided free of charge to    book received an informa-
MUSIC DEPT. NEWS        4-5   all students in the Middle    tional letter in homeroom.
                              School. Our P.T.A. will be    Please return the com-
HEALTH OFFICE           6     underwriting a portion of     pleted form to the office.
UPDATE                        the cost and the remaining    The deadline is January 31,
CALENDARS               7-8   balance will be $8.00 each.   2012. They may be ordered
MIDDLE SCHOOL MESSENGER                                                                                PAGE 2

    The Middle School Science         to drop an egg without cracking it    handy in the coming weeks as we
Club has been honing their obser-     using a limited amount of supplies.   get ready for the Middle School
vation and reporting skills as well    Next, they all created snowmen       Science Olympiad competition
as hypothesizing and then con-        to send to Kansas where 4th           being held at Syracuse University
structing based on those guesses.     grade students tried to match         in March. Good luck!
 Some of them had to build a          them with the descriptions we
tower of cards that would be the      read during a video con-
tallest as well as the strongest.     ference in the library. All
While the others created a way        of these skills will come in
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1                                                            PAGE 3

   Mrs. Burrys Reading/Language       The Twelve Days of Holidays
Arts Classes worked on a very spe-     by Sadie Coleman & Chloe Willard
cial project before break. They re-
wrote the Twelve Days of Christ-        On the first day of Christmas my
mas. The results were very enter-              true love game to me,
taining. Please enjoy their efforts.         a star on top of my tree.
                                        On the second day of New Years
  The Twelve Days of Dogs              my true love put together for me,
 by Lily Loveless and Kelly Cowen                 a big, fancy party.
                                       On the third day of Valentines my
On the twelfth day of Christmas my              true love gave to me,
     groomer gave to me . . . .             a box of chocolate hearts.
      12 doberman pinschers             On the fourth day of St. Patricks
        11 pointers pointing                my true love game to me,
        10 lakeland terriers               a big green four leaf clover.
       9 dalmations dancing            On the fifth day of Easter my true
         8 monster mastiffs                        love gave to me,
       7 shetland sheepdogs                a big milk chocolate bunny.
          6 gordon setters              On the sixth day of Mothers Day
         5 golden retrievers                my true love gave to me,
          4 boarder collies                  a big bunch of red roses
          3 french bulldogs             On the Seventh day of Arbor Day
            2 great danes                    my true love gave to me,
    and a basset hound puppy                   a seed to plant a tree.
                                       On the eighth day of Fathers Day
                                             my true love gave to me,
                                                 a gun to go hunting.
The Twelve Days Before Vacation        On the ninth day of Independence
 by Delaney Yorks, Scout Mueller,      Day my true love gave to me, a set
         Carly McManus                   of fireworks to light up the sky.
                                       On the tenth day of Columbus my
On the twelfth day before vacation       true love gave to me, a picture
   my teacher gave to me . . . .          of Columbus crossing the sea.
      12 minutes detention             On the eleventh day of Halloween
        11 math problems                     my true love gave to me,
        10 science projects                      a big bowl of candy.
           9 kids a crying             On the twelfth day of Thanksgiving
      8 paper planes a flying              my true love gave to me, a
         7 lunches spilling                     wishbone to wish on.
             6 time outs
        5 homework pages
          4 book reports
          3 pencil erasers
           2 bad grades
 and a trip to the principals office
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1                                                                                                      PAGE 4


   Congratulations to the fol-
lowing sixth grade students who
auditioned and were chosen to
represent our school in the
Madison All County Chorus.
Students have been rehearsing
after school or the Festival that
will take place at Morrisville
High School on January 21. the
Sixth Grade Chorus will be
joined by Middle School County
Orchestra, Junior High and High
School Bands.
                                    Julia Barrett, Olivia Carroll, Shao Demyttenaere, Lydia LaGorga, Eric Liddell, Helen
                                    Purcell, Anna Sasser, Meghan Schwartz, Zach Simms, Allie Vanetti, Jake Wells and
                                    alternates Kaylee Regan and Katrina Wilson

    Sharing some talent and spreading some holiday

 Jenna Britton
 Caeli Carroll
 McKinley Dennison
 Saulo Ferreira
 Mimi Gabor
 Leah Gamlen
 Lauren Howard
 Allie Karmis
 Emily Kielbasinski
 Janie Kempf
 Sam Mabie
 Olivia McEntee
 Morgan Mapstone
 Ryan Marshall
 Ally Muller
 Taylor Spires
 Brittany Wright
 Members of Junior High Chorus
 and special guest Mrs. Hegel on
MIDDLE SCHOOL MESSENGER                                                                                       PAGE 6

   I hope everyone had a happy              Attention parents of 5th grade      opportunity to take part in this very
healthful holiday. The Health Of-        students. NYS Department of            generous offer. It is a wonderful
fice continues to by quite               Health requires that all 11 year old   way to provide the care your child
busy. There have been the usual          5th graders receive the Tdap vacci-    may need without the cost that
colds, headaches and stomach dis-        nation. They can get this at their     goes along with it. You must pro-
tress but also a very debilitating       doctors or call the Department of      vide the transportation to and from
virus that seems to predispose           Health at 366-2848 for their immu-     the office. Please dont hesitate to
bronchitis and then pneumonia.           nization clinics. This is mandatory    call.
Luckily the flu has not been re-       for entrance into 6th grade.              I must submit BMI weight status
ported in our area, it is not too late      Dental certificates are being re-   category information to the state
to be vaccinated.                        quested for all 7th grade stu-         on 7th grade students. I only give
   I cant believe we are so far into    dents. If your child has never been    the numbers of girls and boys in
the school year. The fall was crazy,     to a dentist an appointment should     the different weight categories, no
busy with seriously ill children. High   be made. If you are taking your        names are used. If you do not
fevers that hung on for a week or        child to the dentist, the form to be   want your child counted in this sur-
longer and more pneumonia than I         completed is at the sign out           vey please send me a notice stating
have ever seen in a student popula-      sheet. Drs. Revercomb and Boule,       this.
tion.                                    Manlius dentists, provide a free          Please keep me informed of any
   There are new guidelines on vi-       dental cleaning day to students        health or other issues necessary for
sion and hearing screening. I am         who do not have any insurance,         the proper care of your child. As I
no longer mandated to check 6th          their own dentist or Medicaid. In      stated before, in an emergency I do
grade students for this. If your         other words, families who just         not check with the teacher for in-
child is having problems and you         dont have the finances to pay         formation to give to the ambulance
want them tested, please let me          dental bills. Please let me know       or hospital so I need to be in the
know. I will still see all 5th and 7th   ASAP by calling 655-1332 if you        loop. Thank you for your coopera-
grade students.                          would like your child to have the      tion.
                                                                                                   Diane Belton, RN.


NYS Education Department requires all current 11 year old students receive the Tdap vaccination. This is a
mandatory requirement for entrance into 6th grade.

  Please have you physician or clinic, complete this form and return it to the Health Office ASAP.
__________________________________ had the (Boostrix/Adacel) Tdap vaccine on ______________.
__________________________________ had a Td, DT or DTaP on _____________________________.
___________________________________has a medical exemption and the vaccine is contraindicated.

Physician name and signature:______________________________________________________________

   If a child received a Td, DT or DTaP vaccination within the last 2 years, the Tdap vaccine should be de-
ferred until a period of 2 years has elapsed and then get the Tdap vaccine.
J a n u a ry 2 0 1 2

Sun        Mon         Tue       Wed       Thu        Fri         Sat

      1           2          3         4         5           6          7

      8           9      10        11        12             13          14

  15            16       17        18        19             20          21
           No School

  22            23       24        25        26             27          28
                                                     End of 2nd

  29            30       31
F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 2

Sun         Mon           Tue          Wed          Thu            Fri          Sat

                                               1           2               3          4
                                                                Report Cards
                                                                   on Parent

      5            6             7             8           9             10           11
            5th Grade     5th Grade     5th Grade
          CoGAT Tests   CoGAT Tests   CoGAT Tests

  12             13            14            15          16              17           18

  19             20            21            22          23              24           25
            Midwinter     Midwinter     Midwinter   Midwinter     Midwinter
               Break         Break         Break       Break         Break

  26             27            28            29

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Cazenovia Middle School Messenger (Jan/Feb 2012)

  • 1. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2012 Middle School Messenger A Tradition of Excellence & Equity PRINCIPALS MESSAGE Dear Parents, garding our school, Fifth Grade I hope everyone had please call us at 655- Cognative Abilities a restful holiday recess. 1324. Testing It is hard to believe that we are almost one Best Wishes for 2012! Our fifth grade students half the way through will take the CoGAT tests our academic year. Sec- during the first week of ond semester begins on February. These are as- Monday, January 30. sessments of academic potential we use to help Report cards will be Jean J. Regan, Ed.D. us have a greater under- available on Power- Principal standing of our students. School on February 3. The mathematical subtest Please see the test Spring Testing Schedule is one of the indicators schedule listed below to used in determining rec- assist in your planning. ommendation for acceler- ELAApril 17,18,19 ated seventh grade math. It is very helpful to us if 8:1010:30 AM We will send home indi- you could schedule ap- vidual reports with the pointments around Math April 25,26,27 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: results in the early Spring. these dates. If you have any questions, 8:1010:30 AM PRINCIPALS 1 If you have any ques- please do not hesitate to MESSAGE tions or concerns re- contact Dr. Regan at 655- 1324. YEARBOOKS 1 SCIENCE CLUB 2 MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOKS Due to increased costs, Those students who online as well at TWELVE DAYS OF 3 yearbooks will no longer be have yet to order a Year- www.yearbooksonsale.com HOLIDAYS provided free of charge to book received an informa- MUSIC DEPT. NEWS 4-5 all students in the Middle tional letter in homeroom. School. Our P.T.A. will be Please return the com- HEALTH OFFICE 6 underwriting a portion of pleted form to the office. UPDATE the cost and the remaining The deadline is January 31, CALENDARS 7-8 balance will be $8.00 each. 2012. They may be ordered
  • 2. MIDDLE SCHOOL MESSENGER PAGE 2 SCIENCE CLUB The Middle School Science to drop an egg without cracking it handy in the coming weeks as we Club has been honing their obser- using a limited amount of supplies. get ready for the Middle School vation and reporting skills as well Next, they all created snowmen Science Olympiad competition as hypothesizing and then con- to send to Kansas where 4th being held at Syracuse University structing based on those guesses. grade students tried to match in March. Good luck! Some of them had to build a them with the descriptions we tower of cards that would be the read during a video con- tallest as well as the strongest. ference in the library. All While the others created a way of these skills will come in
  • 3. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 FRACTURED TWELVE DAYS OF HOLIDAYS Mrs. Burrys Reading/Language The Twelve Days of Holidays Arts Classes worked on a very spe- by Sadie Coleman & Chloe Willard cial project before break. They re- wrote the Twelve Days of Christ- On the first day of Christmas my mas. The results were very enter- true love game to me, taining. Please enjoy their efforts. a star on top of my tree. On the second day of New Years The Twelve Days of Dogs my true love put together for me, by Lily Loveless and Kelly Cowen a big, fancy party. On the third day of Valentines my On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, groomer gave to me . . . . a box of chocolate hearts. 12 doberman pinschers On the fourth day of St. Patricks 11 pointers pointing my true love game to me, 10 lakeland terriers a big green four leaf clover. 9 dalmations dancing On the fifth day of Easter my true 8 monster mastiffs love gave to me, 7 shetland sheepdogs a big milk chocolate bunny. 6 gordon setters On the sixth day of Mothers Day 5 golden retrievers my true love gave to me, 4 boarder collies a big bunch of red roses 3 french bulldogs On the Seventh day of Arbor Day 2 great danes my true love gave to me, and a basset hound puppy a seed to plant a tree. On the eighth day of Fathers Day my true love gave to me, a gun to go hunting. The Twelve Days Before Vacation On the ninth day of Independence by Delaney Yorks, Scout Mueller, Day my true love gave to me, a set Carly McManus of fireworks to light up the sky. On the tenth day of Columbus my On the twelfth day before vacation true love gave to me, a picture my teacher gave to me . . . . of Columbus crossing the sea. 12 minutes detention On the eleventh day of Halloween 11 math problems my true love gave to me, 10 science projects a big bowl of candy. 9 kids a crying On the twelfth day of Thanksgiving 8 paper planes a flying my true love gave to me, a 7 lunches spilling wishbone to wish on. 6 time outs 5 homework pages 4 book reports 3 pencil erasers 2 bad grades and a trip to the principals office
  • 4. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 PAGE 4 ALL COUNTY MUSIC FESTIVAL Congratulations to the fol- lowing sixth grade students who auditioned and were chosen to represent our school in the Madison All County Chorus. Students have been rehearsing after school or the Festival that will take place at Morrisville High School on January 21. the Sixth Grade Chorus will be joined by Middle School County Orchestra, Junior High and High School Bands. Julia Barrett, Olivia Carroll, Shao Demyttenaere, Lydia LaGorga, Eric Liddell, Helen Purcell, Anna Sasser, Meghan Schwartz, Zach Simms, Allie Vanetti, Jake Wells and alternates Kaylee Regan and Katrina Wilson SOUNDS OF THE SEASON Sharing some talent and spreading some holiday cheer Jenna Britton Caeli Carroll McKinley Dennison Saulo Ferreira Mimi Gabor Leah Gamlen Lauren Howard Allie Karmis Emily Kielbasinski Janie Kempf Sam Mabie Olivia McEntee Morgan Mapstone Ryan Marshall Ally Muller Taylor Spires Brittany Wright Members of Junior High Chorus and special guest Mrs. Hegel on viola!
  • 6. MIDDLE SCHOOL MESSENGER PAGE 6 HEALTH OFFICE UPDATE I hope everyone had a happy Attention parents of 5th grade opportunity to take part in this very healthful holiday. The Health Of- students. NYS Department of generous offer. It is a wonderful fice continues to by quite Health requires that all 11 year old way to provide the care your child busy. There have been the usual 5th graders receive the Tdap vacci- may need without the cost that colds, headaches and stomach dis- nation. They can get this at their goes along with it. You must pro- tress but also a very debilitating doctors or call the Department of vide the transportation to and from virus that seems to predispose Health at 366-2848 for their immu- the office. Please dont hesitate to bronchitis and then pneumonia. nization clinics. This is mandatory call. Luckily the flu has not been re- for entrance into 6th grade. I must submit BMI weight status ported in our area, it is not too late Dental certificates are being re- category information to the state to be vaccinated. quested for all 7th grade stu- on 7th grade students. I only give I cant believe we are so far into dents. If your child has never been the numbers of girls and boys in the school year. The fall was crazy, to a dentist an appointment should the different weight categories, no busy with seriously ill children. High be made. If you are taking your names are used. If you do not fevers that hung on for a week or child to the dentist, the form to be want your child counted in this sur- longer and more pneumonia than I completed is at the sign out vey please send me a notice stating have ever seen in a student popula- sheet. Drs. Revercomb and Boule, this. tion. Manlius dentists, provide a free Please keep me informed of any There are new guidelines on vi- dental cleaning day to students health or other issues necessary for sion and hearing screening. I am who do not have any insurance, the proper care of your child. As I no longer mandated to check 6th their own dentist or Medicaid. In stated before, in an emergency I do grade students for this. If your other words, families who just not check with the teacher for in- child is having problems and you dont have the finances to pay formation to give to the ambulance want them tested, please let me dental bills. Please let me know or hospital so I need to be in the know. I will still see all 5th and 7th ASAP by calling 655-1332 if you loop. Thank you for your coopera- grade students. would like your child to have the tion. Diane Belton, RN. NYS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS NYS Education Department requires all current 11 year old students receive the Tdap vaccination. This is a mandatory requirement for entrance into 6th grade. Please have you physician or clinic, complete this form and return it to the Health Office ASAP. __________________________________ had the (Boostrix/Adacel) Tdap vaccine on ______________. __________________________________ had a Td, DT or DTaP on _____________________________. ___________________________________has a medical exemption and the vaccine is contraindicated. Physician name and signature:______________________________________________________________ Exceptions: If a child received a Td, DT or DTaP vaccination within the last 2 years, the Tdap vaccine should be de- ferred until a period of 2 years has elapsed and then get the Tdap vaccine.
  • 7. J a n u a ry 2 0 1 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 No School 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 End of 2nd Quarter 29 30 31
  • 8. F e b ru a ry 2 0 1 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Report Cards on Parent Portal 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5th Grade 5th Grade 5th Grade CoGAT Tests CoGAT Tests CoGAT Tests 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Midwinter Midwinter Midwinter Midwinter Midwinter Break Break Break Break Break 26 27 28 29