This document presents a policy-based diabetes detection system using formal runtime verification monitors of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. ECG intervals are extracted from patient data and used to infer policies for detecting diabetes. These policies are represented as timed automata and monitored in real-time to detect violations or satisfactions. The system was tested on a dataset of ECG recordings from diabetic and healthy patients, achieving accurate diabetes detection through non-invasive ECG monitoring and formal verification of inferred health policies.
This document proposes a formal runtime verification framework for diabetes detection using electrocardiogram (ECG) sensing. Key aspects include:
1) ECG data is processed to extract features like PR, RR, QT intervals which are then used to infer ECG policies related to diabetes detection using a decision tree model.
2) The inferred ECG policies are formalized as timed automata, which are then used to synthesize formal runtime verification monitors.
3) The proposed method allows developing a wearable monitor to continuously monitor ECG and detect diabetes by verifying the formalized ECG policies in real-time. Evaluation of the monitors is done using a diabetes dataset.
This is a presentation of a Quality Improvement Project conducted in King Faisal Specialist Hospital (KFSH&RC), CT section. Under the Course: Healthcare Quality Improvement, HSQM 614. king Saud bin Abdulaziz university for health sciences.
- Project Timeline: (5 October - 29 December) 2016.
- Project Leader: Bandar AlGhamdi
- Course Instructor: Dr. Khaled Al Surimi
This document discusses diabetes prevalence, blood glucose monitoring technology, the importance of self-monitoring, and selecting the right blood glucose monitoring system for patients. It notes that over 20 million Americans have diabetes, and outlines the evolution of glucose testing from urine tests to current electrochemical blood glucose meters. The benefits of self-monitoring for glycemic control are described. Factors to consider when helping patients select a meter include physical abilities, financial needs, and lifestyle. Accuracy can be affected by user technique and system variables.
Medical Science is considered as a field of uncertainty, vagueness and complexity. Fuzzy logic plays an important role to deal with these uncertainty, vagueness and complexity. Detection of diseases in medical is a very difficult task. To improve accuracy rate engineers helping in detection of the diseases by developing the Expert System using Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy logic consists of many valued logic. It has varying values in the range of 0 and 1 instead of fix values. In this study, we developed a Fuzzy Expert system to detect Anemia on the basis of Symptoms as well as clinical test.
This document presents a fuzzy logic approach for detecting anemia using clinical test results. It describes developing a fuzzy expert system with 3 input variables (hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) and 1 output variable (type of anemia). Fuzzy sets and rules are defined to classify anemia based on the input clinical values. The system was tested on sample input values and correctly classified the type of anemia based on the fuzzy logic rules. The approach aims to help doctors more accurately detect anemia using a fuzzy expert system compared to probabilistic logic or relying solely on symptoms.
This document provides a summary of recommendations from the 2017 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline update for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD). The summary combines new recommendations from the 2017 update in green with unchanged recommendations from the 2009 guideline. The guideline was developed by an international work group and evidence review team using a systematic process that included defining clinical questions, reviewing evidence, and developing graded recommendation statements. The guideline covers diagnosis and management of abnormalities in mineral metabolism, bone disease and vascular calcification in CKD stages 3-5.
This document provides a summary of recommendations from the 2017 KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline update for the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease - Mineral and Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD). The summary combines new recommendations from the 2017 update in green with unchanged recommendations from the 2009 guideline. The guideline was developed by an international work group and evidence review team using a systematic process that included defining clinical questions, reviewing evidence, and developing graded recommendation statements. The guideline covers diagnosis and management of abnormalities in mineral metabolism, bone disease and vascular calcification in CKD stages 3-5.
The document describes the implementation of a clinical decision support system (CDSS) for glucose control on an intensive cardiac care unit. [1] Adherence to the existing paper glucose control protocol was low. [2] The CDSS automated the paper protocol and displayed recommendations at nurses' workstations, improving adherence and glucose measurement timeliness. [3] Future work includes incorporating a third-party guideline authoring tool and expanding the CDSS to other devices and organizations.
Definition and staging criteria of acute kidney injury in adults up todateCamilaEscobar83
The document discusses the definition and staging criteria for acute kidney injury (AKI) in adults. It describes the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria as the preferred definition, which defines AKI based on changes in serum creatinine and urine output over specific time periods. AKI is staged from 1 to 3 based on the degree of increase in creatinine or decrease in urine output. The limitations of the criteria are that they do not distinguish etiologies, the use of urine output alone is not well validated, and determining baseline creatinine can be challenging in some patients.
Diabetes prediction based on discrete and continuous mean amplitude of glycem...journalBEEI
Chronic hyperglycemia and acute glucose fluctuations are the two main factors that trigger complications in diabetes mellitus (DM). Continuous and sustainable observation of these factors is significant to be done to reduce the potential of cardiovascular problems in the future by minimizing the occurrence of glycemic variability (GV). At present, observations on GV are based on the mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE), which is measured based on continuous blood glucose data from patients using particular devices. This study aims to calculate the value of MAGE based on discrete blood glucose observations from 43 volunteer patients to predict the diabetes status of patients. Experiments were carried out by calculating MAGE values from original discrete data and continuous data obtained using Spline Interpolation. This study utilizes the machine learning algorithm, especially k-Nearest Neighbor with dynamic time wrapping (DTW) to measure the distance between time series data. From the classification test, discrete data and continuous data from the interpolation results show precisely the same accuracy value that is equal to 92.85%. Furthermore, there are variations in the MAGE value for each patient where the diabetes class has the most significant difference, followed by the pre-diabetes class, and the typical class.
The document summarizes guidelines from KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) on acute kidney injury (AKI). It describes how the guidelines were developed by an international working group over two years, reviewing over 18,000 citations. The guidelines define AKI and provide recommendations on prevention, evaluation, and management of AKI, including suggesting isotonic crystalloids over colloids for fluid resuscitation; protocol-based management for high-risk perioperative or septic shock patients; and intravenous volume expansion with isotonic fluids to prevent contrast-induced AKI.
IRJET - Survey on Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System with Feature Selec...IRJET Journal
The document describes a study that developed a Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System (CKDPS) using machine learning techniques. Researchers collected a dataset of 400 patients with 25 attributes related to chronic kidney disease and applied feature selection and feature extraction algorithms. They then trained various machine learning models on the data, finding that a Random Forest classifier achieved the highest accuracy of 95% at predicting chronic kidney disease. The developed CKDPS system is intended to help doctors and medical experts easily predict chronic kidney disease in patients.
RSS 2009 - Investigating the impact of the QOF on quality of primary careEvangelos Kontopantelis
The document summarizes research investigating the impact of the UK's Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) pay-for-performance scheme on primary care quality. It finds that in the short-term, quality of care increased more than expected for incentivized measures, but decreased for some non-incentivized measures. Over the long-term, quality continued improving for incentivized measures but effects on non-incentivized care were mixed, with no clear declines. The study used a large patient database and statistical modeling to analyze changes in quality indicators for conditions and care activities both inside and outside the QOF incentives.
Ppt For Esteck Complex For New Broucher Diagnosisinov8solutions
The EIS-BF system uses impedance measurements and modeling of 22 body segments to monitor treatment effectiveness for conditions like thyroid disorders and ADHD, and to provide diagnostic indicators with a reported 78-95% accuracy. It analyzes heart rate variability, photoplethysmography waves, and body composition to estimate autonomic nervous system activity and cardiovascular risks. When used in combination with clinical exams, the system aims to help physicians with diagnosis and guide treatment choices.
This paper helps in foreseeing diabetes by applying data mining strategy. The revelation of information
from clinical datasets is significant so as to make powerful medical determination. The point of data mining is to
extricate information from data put away in dataset and produce clear and reasonable depiction of examples. Diabetes
is an interminable sickness and a significant general wellbeing challenge around the world. Utilizing data mining
techniques by taking hba1c test data to help individuals to predict diabetes has increase significant fame. In this paper,
six classification models are used to classify a diabetic or non-diabetic patient and male and female patients. The
dataset utilized is gathered from a Diagnostics and research laboratory Liaquat university of medical and health
sciences Jamshoro, which gathers the data of patients with diabetes, without diabetes by taking blood sample of patient
and performing hba1c. We utilized Weka tool for the analysis diabetes, no-diabetic examination. Out of six
classification algorithms, four algorithms depict hundred percent accuracy on train and test data.
KEY WORDS: Data mining, Diabetes, HbA1c, Classification models, Weka.
Meaningful (meta)data at scale: removing barriers to precision medicine researchNolan Nichols
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for evaluating therapeutics in patient populations. The data collected during RCTs include a wealth of clinical measures, biomarkers, and tissue samples the analysis of which can lead to the approval of new medicines that improve the lives of patients. The secondary use of these data can also fuel the discovery of novel targets and biomarkers that support precision medicine, but a lack of metadata standards creates substantial barriers to reuse.
For this talk, I will discuss the challenges that arise when aggregating diverse types of data from a large number of RCTs and present a case study in how to apply (meta)data standards for the scalable curation and integration of these data into an analysis ready form.
Tuning of digital PID controller for blood glucose level of diabetic patientIRJET Journal
This document discusses the design of a digital PID controller to regulate the blood glucose level of diabetic patients. It first presents the mathematical model of blood glucose level as a transfer function. Then, it tunes the PID controller parameters using two methods: Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon. The Ziegler-Nichols method results in a faster rise time but more overshoot, while the Cohen-Coon method provides a response with less settling time, zero steady state error, and quicker output. Simulation results comparing the step responses and bode plots of each tuning method are presented, showing that the Cohen-Coon approach provides better control performance for regulating blood glucose levels.
- Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and serious problem in hospitalized patients, especially those in the ICU, with mortality rates over 50% in dialyzed ICU patients.
- The RIFLE and AKIN classification systems provide criteria for staging AKI severity based on changes in serum creatinine and urine output.
- Biomarkers like NGAL and IL-18 allow for earlier diagnosis of AKI than serum creatinine, detecting injury within hours compared to the days it takes creatinine levels to rise. Promising biomarkers indicate proximal tubule injury.
- While supportive care remains the primary treatment, new anticoagulants and agents targeting apoptosis, inflammation and
Can the tqt study be replaced b darpo london june 2013 (2)Sasha Latypova
1. Recent initiatives from regulatory agencies and industry groups suggest moving away from routinely requiring thorough QT studies for all new drugs. Alternative approaches using concentration-effect modeling and improved QT measurement precision may allow early QT assessment to replace thorough QT studies in some cases.
2. Achieving the same high level of confidence in excluding small QT effects as thorough QT studies is a key requirement for alternative approaches to be accepted. Demonstrating assay sensitivity without using moxifloxacin as a positive control is also important.
3. Enhanced cardiac safety assessment in early clinical studies, using high-precision QT measurement techniques, concentration-effect modeling, and achieving very high drug concentrations, has the potential to provide data sufficient to replace
Early Stage Diabetic Disease Prediction and Risk Minimization using Machine L...IRJET Journal
This document reviews machine learning techniques for early prediction and risk minimization of diabetic disease. It discusses how various machine learning algorithms like decision trees, KNN, random forests, and SVM have been applied to diabetes prediction datasets. Accuracy rates of 83.11% to 88.42% were achieved for different algorithms. Feature selection techniques like Pearson correlation were also able to improve some algorithm accuracies further. The document proposes using machine learning systems to better diagnose and care for diabetic patients early on.
This document discusses the use of Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) and Time in Range (TIR) metrics for diabetes management. It provides guidance on interpreting AGP reports, which simplify complex continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data into snapshots like TIR. TIR measures the percentage of time spent within, above, and below target glucose ranges and is a useful measurement that complements A1C. The document recommends increasing TIR and reducing time below range as primary goals for effective glucose control. It also presents different patient scenarios and indicators for using AGP and TIR data in diabetes management.
This document summarizes the results of the STICH trial which compared outcomes of surgical ventricular reconstruction (SVR) plus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) versus CABG alone for treating heart failure. It found that adding SVR did not improve quality of life or reduce the composite of death and rehospitalization compared to CABG alone. SVR increased the complexity of care and cost of the procedure without providing additional clinical benefits based on this trial.
This document describes a research project on developing a closed-loop system to control blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetic patients. It presents the aims and objectives, which include simulating a type 1 diabetic patient model, controlling the model using Internal Model Control, and testing the stability of the closed-loop system. A literature review discusses previous works that used various control methods like model predictive control and fuzzy logic control. The methodology describes linearizing the diabetic patient model, modeling the system in Simulink, designing IMC, PID and LQG controllers, and testing stability. Results show the internal model controller maintained blood glucose levels and was stable based on analysis plots and the Bode stability criterion. The conclusion recommends the IMC strategy for
Forecasting Diabetes Mellitus at an Initial Stage using Machine Learning MethodsIRJET Journal
This document presents a study that uses machine learning methods to develop a model for predicting diabetes at an early stage. The researchers used a dataset of 520 patient records containing 17 attributes. They applied preprocessing techniques like encoding categorical variables and splitting the data into training and test sets. Four machine learning algorithms were implemented: Multilayer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbor, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Linear Discriminant Analysis. The Multilayer Perceptron model achieved the highest accuracy of 99% on the test data, making it suitable for predicting diabetes risk or an initial diabetes diagnosis.
This document provides an overview of electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) and the transition from manual chart abstraction to electronic reporting of quality measures. It discusses upcoming requirements for eCQM reporting to CMS programs like IQR and the vision for a unified set of electronically specified measures. The document reviews the eCQM reporting process including planning, testing, validation and submission. Challenges and opportunities of eCQM reporting are also addressed.
The document provides an overview of a presentation on leveraging continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in diabetes care. It includes an agenda that covers CGM technology, utilization of CGM, patient case examples, and ensuring success with CGM. Faculty disclosures are also presented, noting consulting relationships with diabetes device and pharmaceutical companies. Guidelines from professional organizations recommend CGM for those on intensive insulin regimens or those experiencing problematic hypoglycemia. Studies show CGM improves glucose control and reduces hypoglycemia compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose alone.
This document presents a model to evaluate the potential budget impact of using the kSORT assay to monitor kidney transplant patients for subclinical rejection. The model projects costs over two years for a commercial health plan covering 285 kidney transplant patients under different monitoring scenarios, including using kSORT alone or with protocol biopsies. The results suggest using kSORT would have a minimal positive budget impact of $0.0057 per member per month, attributed to small patient numbers and low acute rejection and graft failure rates. Sensitivity analysis found costs of kSORT to be the most influential factor on budget impact.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Definition and staging criteria of acute kidney injury in adults up todateCamilaEscobar83
The document discusses the definition and staging criteria for acute kidney injury (AKI) in adults. It describes the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria as the preferred definition, which defines AKI based on changes in serum creatinine and urine output over specific time periods. AKI is staged from 1 to 3 based on the degree of increase in creatinine or decrease in urine output. The limitations of the criteria are that they do not distinguish etiologies, the use of urine output alone is not well validated, and determining baseline creatinine can be challenging in some patients.
Diabetes prediction based on discrete and continuous mean amplitude of glycem...journalBEEI
Chronic hyperglycemia and acute glucose fluctuations are the two main factors that trigger complications in diabetes mellitus (DM). Continuous and sustainable observation of these factors is significant to be done to reduce the potential of cardiovascular problems in the future by minimizing the occurrence of glycemic variability (GV). At present, observations on GV are based on the mean amplitude of glycemic excursion (MAGE), which is measured based on continuous blood glucose data from patients using particular devices. This study aims to calculate the value of MAGE based on discrete blood glucose observations from 43 volunteer patients to predict the diabetes status of patients. Experiments were carried out by calculating MAGE values from original discrete data and continuous data obtained using Spline Interpolation. This study utilizes the machine learning algorithm, especially k-Nearest Neighbor with dynamic time wrapping (DTW) to measure the distance between time series data. From the classification test, discrete data and continuous data from the interpolation results show precisely the same accuracy value that is equal to 92.85%. Furthermore, there are variations in the MAGE value for each patient where the diabetes class has the most significant difference, followed by the pre-diabetes class, and the typical class.
The document summarizes guidelines from KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) on acute kidney injury (AKI). It describes how the guidelines were developed by an international working group over two years, reviewing over 18,000 citations. The guidelines define AKI and provide recommendations on prevention, evaluation, and management of AKI, including suggesting isotonic crystalloids over colloids for fluid resuscitation; protocol-based management for high-risk perioperative or septic shock patients; and intravenous volume expansion with isotonic fluids to prevent contrast-induced AKI.
IRJET - Survey on Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System with Feature Selec...IRJET Journal
The document describes a study that developed a Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System (CKDPS) using machine learning techniques. Researchers collected a dataset of 400 patients with 25 attributes related to chronic kidney disease and applied feature selection and feature extraction algorithms. They then trained various machine learning models on the data, finding that a Random Forest classifier achieved the highest accuracy of 95% at predicting chronic kidney disease. The developed CKDPS system is intended to help doctors and medical experts easily predict chronic kidney disease in patients.
RSS 2009 - Investigating the impact of the QOF on quality of primary careEvangelos Kontopantelis
The document summarizes research investigating the impact of the UK's Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) pay-for-performance scheme on primary care quality. It finds that in the short-term, quality of care increased more than expected for incentivized measures, but decreased for some non-incentivized measures. Over the long-term, quality continued improving for incentivized measures but effects on non-incentivized care were mixed, with no clear declines. The study used a large patient database and statistical modeling to analyze changes in quality indicators for conditions and care activities both inside and outside the QOF incentives.
Ppt For Esteck Complex For New Broucher Diagnosisinov8solutions
The EIS-BF system uses impedance measurements and modeling of 22 body segments to monitor treatment effectiveness for conditions like thyroid disorders and ADHD, and to provide diagnostic indicators with a reported 78-95% accuracy. It analyzes heart rate variability, photoplethysmography waves, and body composition to estimate autonomic nervous system activity and cardiovascular risks. When used in combination with clinical exams, the system aims to help physicians with diagnosis and guide treatment choices.
This paper helps in foreseeing diabetes by applying data mining strategy. The revelation of information
from clinical datasets is significant so as to make powerful medical determination. The point of data mining is to
extricate information from data put away in dataset and produce clear and reasonable depiction of examples. Diabetes
is an interminable sickness and a significant general wellbeing challenge around the world. Utilizing data mining
techniques by taking hba1c test data to help individuals to predict diabetes has increase significant fame. In this paper,
six classification models are used to classify a diabetic or non-diabetic patient and male and female patients. The
dataset utilized is gathered from a Diagnostics and research laboratory Liaquat university of medical and health
sciences Jamshoro, which gathers the data of patients with diabetes, without diabetes by taking blood sample of patient
and performing hba1c. We utilized Weka tool for the analysis diabetes, no-diabetic examination. Out of six
classification algorithms, four algorithms depict hundred percent accuracy on train and test data.
KEY WORDS: Data mining, Diabetes, HbA1c, Classification models, Weka.
Meaningful (meta)data at scale: removing barriers to precision medicine researchNolan Nichols
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard for evaluating therapeutics in patient populations. The data collected during RCTs include a wealth of clinical measures, biomarkers, and tissue samples the analysis of which can lead to the approval of new medicines that improve the lives of patients. The secondary use of these data can also fuel the discovery of novel targets and biomarkers that support precision medicine, but a lack of metadata standards creates substantial barriers to reuse.
For this talk, I will discuss the challenges that arise when aggregating diverse types of data from a large number of RCTs and present a case study in how to apply (meta)data standards for the scalable curation and integration of these data into an analysis ready form.
Tuning of digital PID controller for blood glucose level of diabetic patientIRJET Journal
This document discusses the design of a digital PID controller to regulate the blood glucose level of diabetic patients. It first presents the mathematical model of blood glucose level as a transfer function. Then, it tunes the PID controller parameters using two methods: Ziegler-Nichols and Cohen-Coon. The Ziegler-Nichols method results in a faster rise time but more overshoot, while the Cohen-Coon method provides a response with less settling time, zero steady state error, and quicker output. Simulation results comparing the step responses and bode plots of each tuning method are presented, showing that the Cohen-Coon approach provides better control performance for regulating blood glucose levels.
- Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and serious problem in hospitalized patients, especially those in the ICU, with mortality rates over 50% in dialyzed ICU patients.
- The RIFLE and AKIN classification systems provide criteria for staging AKI severity based on changes in serum creatinine and urine output.
- Biomarkers like NGAL and IL-18 allow for earlier diagnosis of AKI than serum creatinine, detecting injury within hours compared to the days it takes creatinine levels to rise. Promising biomarkers indicate proximal tubule injury.
- While supportive care remains the primary treatment, new anticoagulants and agents targeting apoptosis, inflammation and
Can the tqt study be replaced b darpo london june 2013 (2)Sasha Latypova
1. Recent initiatives from regulatory agencies and industry groups suggest moving away from routinely requiring thorough QT studies for all new drugs. Alternative approaches using concentration-effect modeling and improved QT measurement precision may allow early QT assessment to replace thorough QT studies in some cases.
2. Achieving the same high level of confidence in excluding small QT effects as thorough QT studies is a key requirement for alternative approaches to be accepted. Demonstrating assay sensitivity without using moxifloxacin as a positive control is also important.
3. Enhanced cardiac safety assessment in early clinical studies, using high-precision QT measurement techniques, concentration-effect modeling, and achieving very high drug concentrations, has the potential to provide data sufficient to replace
Early Stage Diabetic Disease Prediction and Risk Minimization using Machine L...IRJET Journal
This document reviews machine learning techniques for early prediction and risk minimization of diabetic disease. It discusses how various machine learning algorithms like decision trees, KNN, random forests, and SVM have been applied to diabetes prediction datasets. Accuracy rates of 83.11% to 88.42% were achieved for different algorithms. Feature selection techniques like Pearson correlation were also able to improve some algorithm accuracies further. The document proposes using machine learning systems to better diagnose and care for diabetic patients early on.
This document discusses the use of Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP) and Time in Range (TIR) metrics for diabetes management. It provides guidance on interpreting AGP reports, which simplify complex continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data into snapshots like TIR. TIR measures the percentage of time spent within, above, and below target glucose ranges and is a useful measurement that complements A1C. The document recommends increasing TIR and reducing time below range as primary goals for effective glucose control. It also presents different patient scenarios and indicators for using AGP and TIR data in diabetes management.
This document summarizes the results of the STICH trial which compared outcomes of surgical ventricular reconstruction (SVR) plus coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) versus CABG alone for treating heart failure. It found that adding SVR did not improve quality of life or reduce the composite of death and rehospitalization compared to CABG alone. SVR increased the complexity of care and cost of the procedure without providing additional clinical benefits based on this trial.
This document describes a research project on developing a closed-loop system to control blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetic patients. It presents the aims and objectives, which include simulating a type 1 diabetic patient model, controlling the model using Internal Model Control, and testing the stability of the closed-loop system. A literature review discusses previous works that used various control methods like model predictive control and fuzzy logic control. The methodology describes linearizing the diabetic patient model, modeling the system in Simulink, designing IMC, PID and LQG controllers, and testing stability. Results show the internal model controller maintained blood glucose levels and was stable based on analysis plots and the Bode stability criterion. The conclusion recommends the IMC strategy for
Forecasting Diabetes Mellitus at an Initial Stage using Machine Learning MethodsIRJET Journal
This document presents a study that uses machine learning methods to develop a model for predicting diabetes at an early stage. The researchers used a dataset of 520 patient records containing 17 attributes. They applied preprocessing techniques like encoding categorical variables and splitting the data into training and test sets. Four machine learning algorithms were implemented: Multilayer Perceptron, K-Nearest Neighbor, Gaussian Naive Bayes, and Linear Discriminant Analysis. The Multilayer Perceptron model achieved the highest accuracy of 99% on the test data, making it suitable for predicting diabetes risk or an initial diabetes diagnosis.
This document provides an overview of electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs) and the transition from manual chart abstraction to electronic reporting of quality measures. It discusses upcoming requirements for eCQM reporting to CMS programs like IQR and the vision for a unified set of electronically specified measures. The document reviews the eCQM reporting process including planning, testing, validation and submission. Challenges and opportunities of eCQM reporting are also addressed.
The document provides an overview of a presentation on leveraging continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in diabetes care. It includes an agenda that covers CGM technology, utilization of CGM, patient case examples, and ensuring success with CGM. Faculty disclosures are also presented, noting consulting relationships with diabetes device and pharmaceutical companies. Guidelines from professional organizations recommend CGM for those on intensive insulin regimens or those experiencing problematic hypoglycemia. Studies show CGM improves glucose control and reduces hypoglycemia compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose alone.
This document presents a model to evaluate the potential budget impact of using the kSORT assay to monitor kidney transplant patients for subclinical rejection. The model projects costs over two years for a commercial health plan covering 285 kidney transplant patients under different monitoring scenarios, including using kSORT alone or with protocol biopsies. The results suggest using kSORT would have a minimal positive budget impact of $0.0057 per member per month, attributed to small patient numbers and low acute rejection and graft failure rates. Sensitivity analysis found costs of kSORT to be the most influential factor on budget impact.
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Digestive Powerhouses: Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas for Nursing StudentsViresh Mahajani
This educational PowerPoint presentation is designed to equip GNM students with a solid understanding of the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. It explores the anatomical structures, physiological processes, and clinical significance of these vital organs. Key topics include:
Liver functions: detoxification, metabolism, and bile synthesis.
Gallbladder: bile storage and release.
Pancreas: exocrine and endocrine functions, including digestive enzyme and hormone production. This presentation is ideal for GNM students seeking a clear and concise review of these important digestive system components."
An overview of Acute Myeloid Leukemiain Lesotho Preliminary National Tum...SEJOJO PHAAROE
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)油is a cancer of the myeloid line of blood cells,
characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal cells that build up in the bone marrow and blood and interfere with normal blood cell production
The word "acute" in acute myelogenous leukemia means the disease tends to get worse quickly
Myeloid cell series are affected
These typically develop into mature blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
AML is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults
At Macafem, we provide 100% natural support for women navigating menopause. For over 20 years, we've helped women manage symptoms, and in 2024, we're proud to share their heartfelt experiences.
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
Patient-Centred Care in Cytopenic Myelofibrosis: Collaborative Conversations ...PeerVoice
Claire Harrison, DM, FRCP, FRCPath, and Charlie Nicholson, discuss myelofibrosis in this CE activity titled "Patient-Centred Care in Cytopenic Myelofibrosis: Collaborative Conversations on Treatment Goals and Decisions." For the full presentation, please visit us at
Chair, Shaji K. Kumar, MD, and patient Vikki, discuss multiple myeloma in this CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Restoring Remission in RRMM: Present and Future of Sequential Immunotherapy With GPRC5D-Targeting Options. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until February 23, 2026.
Enzyme Induction and Inhibition: Mechanisms, Examples & Clinical SignificanceSumeetSharma591398
This presentation explains the crucial role of enzyme induction and inhibition in drug metabolism. It covers:
鏝 Mechanisms of enzyme regulation in the liver
鏝 Examples of enzyme inducers (Rifampin, Carbamazepine) and inhibitors (Ketoconazole, Grapefruit juice)
鏝 Clinical significance of drug interactions affecting efficacy and toxicity
鏝 Factors like genetics, age, diet, and disease influencing enzyme activity
Ideal for pharmacy, pharmacology, and medical students, this presentation helps in understanding drug metabolism and dosage adjustments for safe medication use.
Distribution of Drugs Plasma Protein Binding and Blood-Brain BarrierSumeetSharma591398
This presentation provides a detailed overview of drug distribution, focusing on plasma protein binding and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). It explains the factors affecting drug distribution, the role of plasma proteins in drug binding, and how drugs penetrate the BBB. Key topics include the significance of protein-bound vs. free drug concentration, drug interactions, and strategies to enhance drug permeability across the BBB. Ideal for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals in pharmacology and drug development.
Enzyme Induction and Inhibition: Mechanisms, Examples, and Clinical SignificanceSumeetSharma591398
This presentation explains the concepts of enzyme induction and enzyme inhibition in drug metabolism. It covers the mechanisms, examples, clinical significance, and factors affecting enzyme activity, with a focus on CYP450 enzymes. Learn how these processes impact drug interactions, efficacy, and toxicity. Essential for pharmacy, pharmacology, and medical students.
Dr. Jaymee Shells Perspective on COVID-19Jaymee Shell
Dr. Jaymee Shell views the COVID-19 pandemic as both a crisis that exposed weaknesses and an opportunity to build stronger systems. She emphasizes that the pandemic revealed critical healthcare inequities while demonstrating the power of collaboration and adaptability.
Shell highlights that organizations with gender-diverse executive teams are 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability, positioning diversity as a business necessity rather than just a moral imperative. She notes that the pandemic disproportionately affected women of color, with one in three women considering leaving or downshifting their careers.
To combat inequality, Shell recommends implementing flexible work policies, establishing clear metrics for diversity in leadership, creating structured virtual collaboration spaces, and developing comprehensive wellness programs. For healthcare providers specifically, she advocates for multilingual communication systems, mobile health units, telehealth services with alternatives for those lacking internet access, and cultural competency training.
Shell emphasizes the importance of mental health support through culturally appropriate resources, employee assistance programs, and regular check-ins. She calls for diverse leadership teams that reflect the communities they serve and community-centered care models that address social determinants of health.
In her words: "The COVID-19 pandemic didn't create healthcare inequalities it illuminated them." She urges building systems that reach every community and provide dignified care to all.
Increased Clinical Trial Complexity | Dr. Ulana Rey | MindLuminaUlana Rey PharmD
Increased Clinical Trial Complexity. By Ulana Rey PharmD for MindLumina. Dr. Ulana Rey discusses how clinical trial complexityendpoints, procedures, eligibility criteria, countrieshas increased over a 20-year period.
Strategies for Promoting Innovation in Healthcare Like Akiva Greenfield.pdfakivagreenfieldus
Healthcare innovation has been greatly aided by leaders like Akiva Greenfield, CEO of Nexus, particularly in fields like operational efficiency, revenue cycle management (RCM), and client engagement. In order to ensure both operational success and better patient experiences, Akiva's approach combines technological advancements with an emphasis on improving the human side of healthcare.
One Health Rabies Control in Indonesia_APCAT meeting May 2022.pptxWahid Husein
CBMS_Presentation (5).pdf
1. IEEE 35th International Symposium on Computer
Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2022)
Policy-Based Diabetes Detection using Formal Runtime
Verification Monitors
Abhinandan Panda 1
, Srinivas Pinisetty1
, Partha Roop 2
Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
December 5, 2022
3. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Introduction: Diabetes
A metabolic disorder
Lack of control or balance in blood glucose (BG)
Type 1 diabetes (deficiency of insulin) / Type 2 diabetes (excess of
Hyperglycemia (very high blood glucose levels) / hypoglycemia (very
low blood glucose levels) events (normal blood glucose level 140
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4. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Health Complications in Diabetes
Figure: Health complications in diabetes [1]
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5. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Global Diabetic Growth
Figure: Global diabetic growth [1]
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6. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring
Figure: Invasive blood glucose monitoring [1]
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7. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Need of non-invasive continuous monitoring of diabetes
Severe health complications [2].
Around 9.3% of people are affected by diabetes globally [3] .
Tedious initial screening process
About 45.8% of diabetes cases with cardiac complications are untreated
Continuous diabetes monitoring technique should be adopted [5]
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8. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Non-invasive approach: monitoring physiological signal ECG
QRS interval
PR interval
QT interval
RT interval
TpTe interval
RR interval
Figure: A typical ECG Signal
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10. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
ECG and Diabetes: Analysis
hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level) results in prolongation of QT
interval [christensen2010].
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level) associated with increased heart
rate (HR) [heger1996].
Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose level) related with reduced heart rate
variability (HRV) [singh2000].
Corrected QT dispersion and PR interval have a significant change in
hyperglycemia condition [marfella2000].
According to [nguyen2012], ECG parameters such as corrected QT
interval, PR interval, corrected RT interval, corrected TpTe interval and
heart rate (HR) can be used for identification of hypoglycemia and
hyperglycemia detection.
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11. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Related Works
Authors Methods Accuracy
Acharya et al. [7] Nonlinear 86.0
Jian et al. [8] Higher order spectrum 79.93
Acharya et al. [9] Discrete wavelet transform 92.02
Pachori et al. [10] Empirical mode decomposition 95.63
Swapna et al. [11] Deep learning (CNN-LSTM) 95.1
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12. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Deep learning-based models such as CNN, RNN, LSTM, BI-LSTM,
GRU, etc. provide a good prediction accuracy, however, these models are
Monitor should not only be able to classify the input signals (ECG, PPG)
accurately to access the condition of a patient but also the cause of the
outcome should be explainable.
To understand further the effect of physiological signal features on
the outcome.
There is an urge for explainable monitoring models in healthcare
[reyes2020, gastounioti2020].
We propose a formal method-based framework that is correct by
We develop a formal runtime monitoring (RV) framework based on
ECG sensing for diabetes monitoring.
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13. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Runtime Verification : Overview
Figure: Overview of the monitor based verification process
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14. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
RV Monitor
Consider a given property tw(裡) defining the property to monitor
that is defined as TA A. Function M : tw(裡) D is a verification
monitor for , where D = {T, F, CT, CF} and is defined as follows, with
tw(裡) denoting the current observation (a finite timed word over the
alphabet 裡):
M() =
T if
tw(裡) : 揃
F if
tw(裡) : 揃
CT if
tw(裡) : 揃
CF if 霧
tw(裡) : 揃
Correct by construction
Satisfy impartiality and anticipation constraints (Bauer et al.[12]).
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15. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Proposed Monitoring Approach
intervals ECG
Class label
Figure: Policy learning framework
events True / False
Inferred ECG Policies
ECG signal
RV monitor
Figure: Proposed monitoring framework
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16. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
ECG and Diabetes Dataset
We consider DICARDIA database [ledezma2014] of 65 subjects with:
i) 51 diabetic subjects with cardiac complications of age 57.00 賊 10.00
ii) 3 diabetic subjects without cardiac complications of age 49.00 賊
12.00 years
iii) 11 healthy subjects as a control group of age 50.00 賊 6.00 years.
iv) Approximately 30 min. long records.
Signal Processing
The ECG_Processing module is implemented in Python toolkit
Neurokit2 [Makowski2021].
Apply a high pass Butterworth filter and a low pass filter to remove
baseline drift and high-frequency noise from the ECG signal.
The R-peaks in ECG are extracted using the Pan-Tompkins
algorithm [13].
Wavelet analysis to detect the P-peaks, Q-peaks, R-peaks, T-peaks and
T-ends of the ECG.
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18. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Policies Mining : Decision tree
ECG intervals: PR, RR, QT, TpTe and RT
Class: Healhty (H), Diabetic (diabetic, diabetic with cardiac
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19. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
ECG Policies
ECG1: If RR > 619 ms and PR > 127 ms and QT > 361 ms, then it is
ECG2: If RR > 619 ms and PR <= 127 ms, then it indicates diabetes.
ECG3: When RR > 528 ms and RR <= 619 ms and RT > 297.5 ms,
diabetes is present.
ECG4: When RR > 619 ms and PR > 127 ms and PR <= 140 ms and
QT <= 361 ms, it is diabetes.
ECG5: If RR > 401 ms and RR <= 408 ms and RT <= 297.5 ms,
then it indicates diabetes.
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20. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Each ECG policy is a combination of multiple sub-policies. For example,
to monitor policy ECG1, we monitor the intersection of the following
PECG11: The RR interval of ECG should be less than or equal to 619 ms.
PECG12: The PR interval of ECG should be less than or equal to 127 ms.
PECG13: The QT interval of ECG should be less than or equal to 361 ms.
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21. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
ECG policy as Timed Automata
l0 l1 l2
裡 R
R, x := 0
x > 619
R, x 619
(a) Timed automata representing policy
l0 l1 l2
裡 P
P, x := 0
x > 127
R, x 127
(b) Timed automata representing policy
l0 l1 l2
裡 Q
Q, x := 0
T e,
x > 361
T e, x 361
(c) Timed automata representing policy
Figure: Timed automata representing ECG policies PECG11, PECG12 and PECG13
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22. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
RV Monitor
Consider a given property tw(裡) defining the property to monitor
that is defined as TA A. Function M : tw(裡) D is a verification
monitor for , where D = {T, F, CT, CF} and is defined as follows, with
tw(裡) denoting the current observation (a finite timed word over the
alphabet 裡):
M() =
T if
tw(裡) : 揃
F if
tw(裡) : 揃
CT if
tw(裡) : 揃
CF if 霧
tw(裡) : 揃
Synthesis of RV monitor from policies formalized as timed automata
following the approaches mentioned in [pinisetty2017, pinisetty2018,
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25. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Experimental Results
Accuracy(%) =
TP + TN + FP + FN
Sensitivity(%) =
Specificity(%) =
Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
RV framework 88.07% 89.36% 86.36%
Table: RV framework Performance
Table: Comparison with other works
Authors Methods Accuracy
Acharya et al. [7] Nonlinear 86.0
Jian et al. [8] Higher order spectrum 79.93
Acharya et al. [9] Discrete wavelet transform 92.02
Pachori et al. [10] Empirical mode decomposition 95.63
Swapna et al. [11] Deep learning (CNN-LSTM) 95.1
Our RV framework Policy based 88.07
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26. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
RV Monitor on Wearable Device
Figure: RV monitor on wearable device [14]
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27. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
Conclusion & Future Works
Explainable health monitoring
Correct by construction model
Future work
Testing with other datasets
Analysing other ECG features
Implementation on wearable device
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28. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
References I
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29. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
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30. Introduction
Proposed monitoring
Policies Mining
RV Monitor
Experimental results
& Comparison
Conclusion & Future
References III
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