This document summarizes the agenda and financial overview from the Christ Church Inverness (CCI) annual general meeting in July 2015. The agenda included reports on the state of CCI, finances from 2012 to the present, and a vision for moving forward. Financially, CCI has seen income exceed spending in recent years but faces losing a grant in 2015. While income and spending are below targets for 2015 so far, CCI's vision is to shine God's light through loving him, each other, and neighbors by preaching grace and serving others.
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2. The End of the Beginning Eric Cairns
Financial Overview Gwen Legge
Moving Forward in Our Vision Guy Pembroke
A Year of Transition Graham Pyman
Questions Answers Discussions
The Agenda
贈24k v 贈21k
贈33k v 贈27k
贈41.1k v 贈33k
贈34.5k v 贈34.5k
NB: Income Jan 2012 - Dec 2014 includes 贈7.8k grant
CCI FINANCES 2012 to 2015
5. Planned v Actual Income = 贈42k v 贈41.1k
Planned v Actual Income Breakdown:
Planned: Grant 贈7.8k/Tithes 贈24k /Offering 贈4.2k/Gift Aid 贈6k
Actual : Grant 贈7.8k/Tithes 贈23.5k/Offering 贈4.1k/Gift Aid 贈5.7k
Planned v Actual Spend = 贈42k v 贈33.2k
Planned v Actual Spend Breakdown:
Planned: Office 贈6k /Giving 贈4k /Salary 贈20k/Meetings 贈12k
Actual : Office 贈3.4k/Giving 贈5.5k/Salary 贈16k/Meetings 贈8.3k
Key 2014 challenge = Prepare for 贈7.8k Gap in 2015
Planned v Actual : Income v Spend
6. Planned Income v Actual YTD = 贈34.5k v 贈22.5k (end June)
Planned v Actual 2015 Income Breakdown:
Planned : Tithes 贈24k / Offering 贈4k /Gift Aid 贈6.5k
Actual YTD : Tithes 贈13.1k / Offering 贈3.9k /Gift Aid 贈5.5k
Planned Spend v Actual YTD = 贈34.5k v 贈15.8k (end June)
Planned v Actual YTD Spend Breakdown:
Planned : Office 贈3.5k/Giving 贈5k /Salary 贈16.5k/Meetings 贈9.5k
Actual YTD : Office 贈1.2k/Giving 贈3.1k/Salary 贈8k /Meetings 贈3.5k
2015 challenge = Prepare for leadership transition in 2016
8. To Shine the Light of Christ in Inverness, across
the Highlands and beyond through:
Loving God
Loving each other
Loving our neighbour
CCI : Moving forward in our vision
9. Submission to The Lordship of Christ
Preaching Only His Gospel of Grace
Becoming A People of Grace
Feeding on His Word and Drinking His Spirit
Hearts Committed To Serving Others
Finding Our Unique Potential In Him
Fully Committed to Godly Relationships
10. We are passionate to grow in:
Our intimacy with God
Being Spirit-filled worshippers
Being transformed in our lives
How can we move
forward in loving God?
11. We are passionate to grow in:
Listening well to life-changing teaching
of the Word
Being equipped for service
How can we move
forward in loving each
12. We are passionate to grow in:
Caring while marching in mission
Kingdom activity
Multiplying disciples
How can we move
forward in loving our
13. We will continue to expand on each of these
areas by listening to God and to each other
We will focus our ways and activities in CCI
around these passions.
Next steps?
Editor's Notes
#9: Six months ago, it was Going back to our vision.
We have since built on what went before and moved forward in making disciples, in moving away from the distraction of doing church to our original focus on corporate worship (Sunday) and Church in the Home, and been able to grow from the pioneer stage of one-man leadership towards a team approach.
#10: Remind of our Newfrontiers values. Yet we as a leadership team felt this needed to be broken down ... What does this mean for us ... What will this look like in CCI? So beyond the day to day leading of the church, we spent time identifying what we are Passionate to see in CCI. We have grouped them under the areas of our vision: God, each other and our neighbour.
#11: OUR INTIMACY WITH GOD: Entering into God's presence in a tangible way. Walking always with God. Meeting God through corporate worship or on your own. Through His Word. Desiring His Presence.
BEING SPIRIT-FILLED WORSHIPERS : NOT The worship wasnt up to much today. We want to bring glory toGod through our worship, heaven to earth, we want to see Kingdom activity break out through our worship.
BEING TRANSFORMED IN OUR LIVES: Desire in folks hearts to become more Christ-like. A longing to spend their lives looking to become more like Jesus. Being Christ-like every day in word and action.
#12: LISTENING WELL TO LIFE CHANGING TEACHING OF THE WORD: Releasing others to live out who they are created to be. Is current preaching/teaching changing lives?
Feeding - folks need fed spiritually or go hungry...will feeding alone change their lives. Need for passion.
BEING EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE by developing Five fold ministry (Apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors) in our context (local church / Christ Central)
#13: CARING WHILE MARCHING IN MISSION: We can care for folk whilst taking the gospel message out there. Seeing the Kingdom come, people being saved and cared for. Mission in daily lives as well as organised events. Go and make disciples should be our "mantra" - events that draw people to them.
KINGDOM ACTIVITY : This is bringing the kingdom into everything. It's seeking God moving in power through, and amongst, his people (healing, God breaking through to bring salvation, freedom from binding habits, etc.). Wherever we are, the kingdom is.
MULTIPLYING DISCIPLES and so multiply leaders, Church in the Homes and Church planting.