The McAfee Institute certifies that Anyck Marie-Claire Turgeon has fulfilled the requirements to earn the designation of Certified Cyber Intelligence Professional and has been awarded 35 CPE credits. The certificate recognizes Turgeon's completion of training provided through the McAfee Institute's group internet-based instructional delivery method and is signed by the Institute President, Chairman of the Board of Regents, Institute Director, and Chief Experience Officer.
1. McAfee Institute速
311Water St Suite 201 Peoria, Il 61602
In recognition of fulfillment of the requirements, the certification of
Total credits-
National Registry of CPE Sponsors Number 112963
Instructional Delivery Method: Group-Internet Based
With all the rights, privileges, and honors therein pertaining
Given at Peoria, Illinois, on
Joshua P McAfee Paul W. McAfee
Institute President Chairman of the Board of Regents
Roderick Bailey Bill Wooters
Institute Director Chief Experience Officer
In accordance with the standards of the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, CPE credits have been granted based on a 50-minute hour.
31 Jan 2015
Anyck Marie-Claire Turgeon
Certified Cyber Intelligence Professional (CCIP)
35 CPE