12. 惶忰忰悸 悒悴悋惡悸 悋悽惠悋惘悋忰惆悸:
1. to inform routers about network topology changes
2. to ensure the delivery of an IP packet
3. to monitor the process of a domain name to IP
address resolution
4. to provide feedback of IP packet transmissions
13. 悋悽惠悋惘悒悴悋惡悸 悖惓惘惶忰忰悸:
1. TCP uses port numbers to provide reliable transportation of IP packets.
2. TCP and UDP port numbers are used by application layer protocols.
3. TCP uses windowing and sequencing to provide reliable transfer of data.
4. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. UDP is a connectionless protocol.
5. UDP uses windowing and acknowledgments for reliable transfer of data.
15. 悋愃悋惠惘悋 惠惠:
Fill in the blank. Do not use abbreviations.
The license install flash0:seck9-C1900-
SPE150_K9-FAB12340099.xml command will restore
the specified saved Cisco IOS Release 15 license to a