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Command cisco 
≡釈  氏 1 
IP ROUTING #sh ip route - To view IP routing tables created on a Cisco router. -Static Routing- Routers are manually configured for networks that are not directly connected, to be able to route to all networks via the next-hop interface. Example- Let be the IP of a network not directly connected Let be the next hop interface (config)#ip route -to remove static route (config)#no ip route -Default Routing- Used on stub networks only to send packets with remote destination network not in the routing table to the next hop router. (Assume IP is not in routing table) -first remove static route (config)#no ip route (config)#ip route -RIP- A distance vector routing protocol that passes complete routing table contents to neighbouring routers Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces and be non-directly connected
Command cisco 
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-first delete all static routes (config)#no ip route (config)#router rip (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z # -Verifying RIP 1.Sh ip route 2.debug ip -Holding Down RIP Propagation- To stop RIP update sending but allow its receipt -say for s0/0 with ip (config)#router rip (config-router)#network (config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0 -IGRP- Also a distance routing protocol Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 10 and be non-directly connected #router igrp 10 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z
Command cisco 
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# -Verifying IGRP 1.sh ip route 2.sh protocols- Displays routed protocols and their interfaces 3.sh ip protocols- Displays routing protocols configured 4.debug igrp events- Displays summary of IGRP routing information running on the network 5.debug igrp transactions- Displays messages request from neighbour routers -Turning off all possible debugging #un all -EIGRP- Uses classless routing which is subnet mask information sent with routing protocol updates. Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 20 and be non-directly connected #router eigrp 20 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z -To stop EIGRP from working on an interface- no sending no receipt (config)#router eigrp 20 (config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0
Command cisco 
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-To enable EIGRP on discontiguos networks- (two different subnetworks of classfull network connected by another different classful subnetwork) 
Example- Let & be directly connected to a router to another remote subnetwork of, then to enable EIGRP, we use (config)#router eigrp 100 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#no auto-summary N.B-The no auto-summary command sholuld be enabled in routers that encloses such networks. -Verifying EIGRP 1. sh ip route- Shows entire routing table 2. sh ip route eigrp- Shows only EIGRP entries in the routing table 3. ip eigrp neighbours- Shows all EIGRP neighbours 4. ip eigrp topology- Shows entries in the EIGRP topology table -OSPF- A link-state routing protocol Example- Let be the network directly connected to the router upon which OSPF is to be enabled; with ospf ID of 1 and area o (config)#router ospf 1 (config-router)#network area0 -Loopback Interface- They are configured to be used as the routers RID to advertise the routes and elect DR and BDR.
Command cisco 
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Example- Let the loopback iinterface be configured on interface with ip (config)#int loopback 0 (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#^z -Verifying OSPF Configuration 1. sho ip ospf- Used to display all OSPF information 2. sho ip ospf database- indicates the number of links and neighboring router ID 3. sho ip ospf interface- Displays all OSPF interface related info 4. sho ip ospf neighbour- Summarizes OSPF info about neighbours 5. sho ip protocols- Overview of all present running protocols - Verifying Loopback and RID 1. sho running-config- To verify loopback address 2. sho ip ospf database- Verifies the new RID of each router 3. sho ip ospf interface- Verifies the new RID of each router -Initial configuration of a 1900 Switch with ip >en #config t (config)#enable password level 1 kennifeh (config)#enable password level 15kennifeh 1 (config)#enable secret kennifeh 2(when enabled no need 4 enable password) (config)#hostname kenn 1900 (config)#ip address
Command cisco 
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(config)#ip default-gateway (config)#int f0/1 (config-if)#description Finance_vlan (No space for 1900) (config-if)#int f0/26 (config-if)#description Trunk_to_Biulding (config-if)#exit (config)# -Initail Configuration of 2950 Switch with ip >en #config t (config)#hostame kenn2950 (config)#enable password kenn (config)#enable password kenn1(enable and enable secret password must be different) (config)#line vty 0 15 (config-line)#login (config-line)#password telnet (config-line)#line con 0 (config-line)#login (config-line)#password console (config-line)#exit (config)#int vlan 1 (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#int f0/1 (config-if)#description sales printer(with space) (config-if)#int f0/12 (config-if)description connection to backbone
Command cisco 
≡釈  氏 7 
config-if)#exit (config)#ip default-gateway (config)# 
-Erasing Switching Configuration 1900 #delete nvram yes -Erasing Switching Configuration 2950 
Delete file vlan.dat #erase startup-config Enter -Configuring VLANS 1900 >en #config t (config)#vlan 2 name Cisco (config)#vlan 3 name Microsoft (config)#vlan 4 name Comptia (config)#exit verify with command sh run -Configuring for 2950 >en #vlan database (vlan)#vlan 2 name Cisco (vlan)#vlan 3 name Microsoft
Command cisco 
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(vlan)#vlan 4 name Comptia (vlan)#apply (vlan)#^c verify with command sh vlan brief 
-Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan- 1900 (config)#int e0/2 (config-if)#vlan-membership static 2 (config-if)#int e0/3 (config-if)#vlan-membership static 3 (config-if)#exit verify with sh vlan -Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan- 2950 (config)#int f0/2 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 2 (config-if)#int f0/3 (config-t)#switchport access vlan 3 (config-if)#int f0/4 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 4 (config-if)# verify with sh vlan brief -Configuring Trunks ports (config)#int f0/26
Command cisco 
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(config-if)#trunk on -Configuring Trunk Ports for 2950 (config)#int f0/12 (config-if)#switchport mode trunk (config-if)#^z # 
-To disable Trunk- use switchport mode access -To verify Trunking- use sh running config -Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 1900 connecting to 2600 (config)#int f0/0.1 (config-if)#encapsulation isl vlan (d number) -Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 2950 connecting to 2600 (config)#int f0/0.1 (config-if)#encapsulation dot1q vlan (d number) 
-Configuring VTP for 1900 (config)#vtp server (config)vtp domain kenn (config)#vtp password kenn -Configuring VTP for 2950 (config)#vtp mode server (config)#vtp domain routersim (config)#^z
Command cisco 
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-verify with sh vtp status -Checking the Current Configuration Register Values show version or show ver -Changing Configuration Register (config)#config-register 0x101 (d default is 0x2102) (config)#^z -Recovering Passwords 1. Interrupt the Router Boot Sequene ctrl+Break key (windows wont perform break key, only 95/98) 2. Changing the configuration register -for 2600 series router rammon>confreg 0x2142 -for 2500 type 0 after a break and enter the command o/r 0x2142 3. Reloading the Router and Entering Privilged mode -for 2600-type reset -for 2500-type I 4. Viewing and changing the configuration -copy run start 5. Resetting the configuration Register and Reloading the Router -config t -config-register 0x2102 -copy run start-to save
Command cisco 
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-Backing up and restoring the Cisco ios 1. verifying flash memory-Ensuring flash memory has enough room router#sh flash 2. Backing-up the ciso ios first verify server connectivity by- Router#ping then; router#copy flash tftp 3. Restoring or upgrading the cisco router ios router#copy tftp flash [confirm][ENTER] ?[ENTER] -Backing up and Restoring the Cisco configuration 1.Backing up the cisco router configuration -copy runing config tftp 2. verifying the current configuration -sh run 3. copying the current cofiguration to NVRAM -copy run start 4. copying the current configuration to a TFTP server -copy run TFTP 5. Restoring the Cisco Router Configuration -copy TFTP run 6. Erasing the configuration -erase startup-config -Getting CDP timers and Holdtime information Router#config t Router(config)#cdp timer 90 Router(config)#cdp holdtime 240
Command cisco 
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-Turn-off CDP Completely- no cdp run -Gathering Neighbour information kenn2509#sh cdp nei- delivers information about directly connected devices OR kenn2509#sh cdp neighbour detail Also sh cdp entry -Gathering Interface Traffic Information kenn2509#sh cdp traffic 
-Gathering port and Interface information kenn2509#sh cdp interface -Turn off cdp on a router- no cdp enable then ^z -Using Telnet kenn2509#telnet -Telnetting into multiple devices simultaneously kenn2509#telnet then, 2501B>{cntl+shift+6, then x} -Checking Telnet connections kenn2509#sh sessions-connections from your router to remote -Checking Telnet users kenn2509#sh user
Command cisco 
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-Closing Telnet sessions 1900switch>exit OR kenn2509#disconnect1 (num of active networks) 
-Resolving Hostname kenn2509#config t kenn2509(config)#ip host 2501B kenn2509(config)#ip host 1900switch kenn2509(config)#^z 
-Remove a hostname from a table RouterA(config)#no ip host routerB 
-Using DNS to resolve names #config t (config)#ip domain-lookup (usually turned on by default) (config)#ip name-server (ip of an assumed DNS set) (config)#ip domain-name kenn.com (Appends the domain name to a host) (config)#^z -Check Network Connectivity use ping command #ping kenn2509 -Using Traceroute command #trace 2501B -Creating a Standard Access Lists (1-99 or 1,300-1,999) (config)#access-list 10 deny (using the ip as a test)
Command cisco 
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-Controlling vty(Telnet) sessions (config)#access-list 50 permit (config)#line vty 0 4 
(config-line)#access-class 50 in -Creating Extended Access-lists (100 to 199) OR (2000 to 2699) (config)#access-list 110 deny tcp any host eq 23 log (config)#access-list 110 permit ip any any (config)#int f0/0 (config-if)#ip access-group 110 in (config-if)#ip access-group 110 out

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Ccna commands

  • 1. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 1 IP ROUTING #sh ip route - To view IP routing tables created on a Cisco router. -Static Routing- Routers are manually configured for networks that are not directly connected, to be able to route to all networks via the next-hop interface. Example- Let be the IP of a network not directly connected Let be the next hop interface (config)#ip route -to remove static route (config)#no ip route -Default Routing- Used on stub networks only to send packets with remote destination network not in the routing table to the next hop router. (Assume IP is not in routing table) -first remove static route (config)#no ip route (config)#ip route -RIP- A distance vector routing protocol that passes complete routing table contents to neighbouring routers Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces and be non-directly connected
  • 2. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 2 -first delete all static routes (config)#no ip route (config)#router rip (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z # -Verifying RIP 1.Sh ip route 2.debug ip -Holding Down RIP Propagation- To stop RIP update sending but allow its receipt -say for s0/0 with ip (config)#router rip (config-router)#network (config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0 -IGRP- Also a distance routing protocol Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 10 and be non-directly connected #router igrp 10 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z
  • 3. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 3 # -Verifying IGRP 1.sh ip route 2.sh protocols- Displays routed protocols and their interfaces 3.sh ip protocols- Displays routing protocols configured 4.debug igrp events- Displays summary of IGRP routing information running on the network 5.debug igrp transactions- Displays messages request from neighbour routers -Turning off all possible debugging #un all -EIGRP- Uses classless routing which is subnet mask information sent with routing protocol updates. Example- Let & be directly connected networks of a router interfaces with autonomous system number of 20 and be non-directly connected #router eigrp 20 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#^z -To stop EIGRP from working on an interface- no sending no receipt (config)#router eigrp 20 (config-router)#passive-interface serial 0/0
  • 4. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 4 -To enable EIGRP on discontiguos networks- (two different subnetworks of classfull network connected by another different classful subnetwork) Example- Let & be directly connected to a router to another remote subnetwork of, then to enable EIGRP, we use (config)#router eigrp 100 (config-router)#network (config-router)#network (config-router)#no auto-summary N.B-The no auto-summary command sholuld be enabled in routers that encloses such networks. -Verifying EIGRP 1. sh ip route- Shows entire routing table 2. sh ip route eigrp- Shows only EIGRP entries in the routing table 3. ip eigrp neighbours- Shows all EIGRP neighbours 4. ip eigrp topology- Shows entries in the EIGRP topology table -OSPF- A link-state routing protocol Example- Let be the network directly connected to the router upon which OSPF is to be enabled; with ospf ID of 1 and area o (config)#router ospf 1 (config-router)#network area0 -Loopback Interface- They are configured to be used as the routers RID to advertise the routes and elect DR and BDR.
  • 5. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 5 Example- Let the loopback iinterface be configured on interface with ip (config)#int loopback 0 (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#^z -Verifying OSPF Configuration 1. sho ip ospf- Used to display all OSPF information 2. sho ip ospf database- indicates the number of links and neighboring router ID 3. sho ip ospf interface- Displays all OSPF interface related info 4. sho ip ospf neighbour- Summarizes OSPF info about neighbours 5. sho ip protocols- Overview of all present running protocols - Verifying Loopback and RID 1. sho running-config- To verify loopback address 2. sho ip ospf database- Verifies the new RID of each router 3. sho ip ospf interface- Verifies the new RID of each router -Initial configuration of a 1900 Switch with ip >en #config t (config)#enable password level 1 kennifeh (config)#enable password level 15kennifeh 1 (config)#enable secret kennifeh 2(when enabled no need 4 enable password) (config)#hostname kenn 1900 (config)#ip address
  • 6. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 6 (config)#ip default-gateway (config)#int f0/1 (config-if)#description Finance_vlan (No space for 1900) (config-if)#int f0/26 (config-if)#description Trunk_to_Biulding (config-if)#exit (config)# -Initail Configuration of 2950 Switch with ip >en #config t (config)#hostame kenn2950 (config)#enable password kenn (config)#enable password kenn1(enable and enable secret password must be different) (config)#line vty 0 15 (config-line)#login (config-line)#password telnet (config-line)#line con 0 (config-line)#login (config-line)#password console (config-line)#exit (config)#int vlan 1 (config-if)#ip address (config-if)#no shut (config-if)#int f0/1 (config-if)#description sales printer(with space) (config-if)#int f0/12 (config-if)description connection to backbone
  • 7. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 7 config-if)#exit (config)#ip default-gateway (config)# -Erasing Switching Configuration 1900 #delete nvram yes -Erasing Switching Configuration 2950 Delete file vlan.dat #erase startup-config Enter -Configuring VLANS 1900 >en #config t (config)#vlan 2 name Cisco (config)#vlan 3 name Microsoft (config)#vlan 4 name Comptia (config)#exit verify with command sh run -Configuring for 2950 >en #vlan database (vlan)#vlan 2 name Cisco (vlan)#vlan 3 name Microsoft
  • 8. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 8 (vlan)#vlan 4 name Comptia (vlan)#apply (vlan)#^c verify with command sh vlan brief -Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan- 1900 (config)#int e0/2 (config-if)#vlan-membership static 2 (config-if)#int e0/3 (config-if)#vlan-membership static 3 (config-if)#exit verify with sh vlan -Assigning Switch Ports To Vlan- 2950 (config)#int f0/2 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 2 (config-if)#int f0/3 (config-t)#switchport access vlan 3 (config-if)#int f0/4 (config-if)#switchport access vlan 4 (config-if)# verify with sh vlan brief -Configuring Trunks ports (config)#int f0/26
  • 9. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 9 (config-if)#trunk on -Configuring Trunk Ports for 2950 (config)#int f0/12 (config-if)#switchport mode trunk (config-if)#^z # -To disable Trunk- use switchport mode access -To verify Trunking- use sh running config -Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 1900 connecting to 2600 (config)#int f0/0.1 (config-if)#encapsulation isl vlan (d number) -Configuring Inter-vlan Routing for 2950 connecting to 2600 (config)#int f0/0.1 (config-if)#encapsulation dot1q vlan (d number) -Configuring VTP for 1900 (config)#vtp server (config)vtp domain kenn (config)#vtp password kenn -Configuring VTP for 2950 (config)#vtp mode server (config)#vtp domain routersim (config)#^z
  • 10. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 10 -verify with sh vtp status -Checking the Current Configuration Register Values show version or show ver -Changing Configuration Register (config)#config-register 0x101 (d default is 0x2102) (config)#^z -Recovering Passwords 1. Interrupt the Router Boot Sequene ctrl+Break key (windows wont perform break key, only 95/98) 2. Changing the configuration register -for 2600 series router rammon>confreg 0x2142 -for 2500 type 0 after a break and enter the command o/r 0x2142 3. Reloading the Router and Entering Privilged mode -for 2600-type reset -for 2500-type I 4. Viewing and changing the configuration -copy run start 5. Resetting the configuration Register and Reloading the Router -config t -config-register 0x2102 -copy run start-to save
  • 11. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 11 -Backing up and restoring the Cisco ios 1. verifying flash memory-Ensuring flash memory has enough room router#sh flash 2. Backing-up the ciso ios first verify server connectivity by- Router#ping then; router#copy flash tftp 3. Restoring or upgrading the cisco router ios router#copy tftp flash [confirm][ENTER] ?[ENTER] -Backing up and Restoring the Cisco configuration 1.Backing up the cisco router configuration -copy runing config tftp 2. verifying the current configuration -sh run 3. copying the current cofiguration to NVRAM -copy run start 4. copying the current configuration to a TFTP server -copy run TFTP 5. Restoring the Cisco Router Configuration -copy TFTP run 6. Erasing the configuration -erase startup-config -Getting CDP timers and Holdtime information Router#config t Router(config)#cdp timer 90 Router(config)#cdp holdtime 240
  • 12. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 12 Router(config)#^z -Turn-off CDP Completely- no cdp run -Gathering Neighbour information kenn2509#sh cdp nei- delivers information about directly connected devices OR kenn2509#sh cdp neighbour detail Also sh cdp entry -Gathering Interface Traffic Information kenn2509#sh cdp traffic -Gathering port and Interface information kenn2509#sh cdp interface -Turn off cdp on a router- no cdp enable then ^z -Using Telnet kenn2509#telnet -Telnetting into multiple devices simultaneously kenn2509#telnet then, 2501B>{cntl+shift+6, then x} -Checking Telnet connections kenn2509#sh sessions-connections from your router to remote -Checking Telnet users kenn2509#sh user
  • 13. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 13 -Closing Telnet sessions 1900switch>exit OR kenn2509#disconnect1 (num of active networks) -Resolving Hostname kenn2509#config t kenn2509(config)#ip host 2501B kenn2509(config)#ip host 1900switch kenn2509(config)#^z -Remove a hostname from a table RouterA(config)#no ip host routerB -Using DNS to resolve names #config t (config)#ip domain-lookup (usually turned on by default) (config)#ip name-server (ip of an assumed DNS set) (config)#ip domain-name kenn.com (Appends the domain name to a host) (config)#^z -Check Network Connectivity use ping command #ping kenn2509 -Using Traceroute command #trace 2501B -Creating a Standard Access Lists (1-99 or 1,300-1,999) (config)#access-list 10 deny (using the ip as a test)
  • 14. Command cisco ≡釈 氏 14 -Controlling vty(Telnet) sessions (config)#access-list 50 permit (config)#line vty 0 4 (config-line)#access-class 50 in -Creating Extended Access-lists (100 to 199) OR (2000 to 2699) (config)#access-list 110 deny tcp any host eq 23 log (config)#access-list 110 permit ip any any (config)#int f0/0 (config-if)#ip access-group 110 in (config-if)#ip access-group 110 out