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CDL Resume.3 2016 1 5/10/2016
Carmen D. Laffey
P.O. Box 131754
Houston, Texas 77219-1754
Email: AttheOffice13@hotmail.com
Home: (713) 655-1119
Mobile: (713) 502-6541
A criminal investigator with experience at the county level, the federal level and the private sector and looking for a
continuing challenging position in the Criminal Justice Field.
Dates Employed: 10/2011  02/2016
Job Title: Criminal Investigator
Company: Harris County Public Defenders Office
 Prepare, file and serve subpoenas from school records to store videos.
 Legally gather evidence whether favorable or unfavorable for the client, i.e., interviewing all witnesses, including the
complainant, review Offense Reports, all statements (audio/written), 911 calls, review videos and school records.
 Interview witnesses in the Harris County Jails, homes, schools or wherever they may be found.
 Review all the statements and reports and graph the inconsistencies for the lawyers review.
 All interviews are digitally recorded and draft summaries for the lawyers review.
 Regarding interviews, all are conducted professionally, with curiosity, observing body language and develop a
rapport so I may follow up with this witness if needed.
 Testify in Criminal District Courts as needed.
 Had law students and UHCL graduate interns shadow me during an investigation.
Dates Employed: 3/2005  10/2011
Job Title: President /Owner
Company: Mitigation, Investigations & Sentencing by LAFFEY, LLC
Mitigation Specialist, Sentencing Expert, Private Investigator and Certified Licensed Process Server located in Houston,
Texas. As a Mitigation Specialist working on Death Capital cases, I was constantly gathering confidential information
from witnesses and the accused. Constantly handling the parents with information and direction. Created spreadsheets
for the lawyer to refer to regarding all the defense witnesses involved. Drafted over 100 Sentencing Reports regarded as
a tool for sentencing used by the District Judges.
Dates Employed: Fall 2010 & Spring 2011
Job Title: Adjunct Professor
School: University of Houston-Clear Lake
Fall 2010, taught the undergraduate course, "The Death Penalty." Additionally, had guest speakers as: The Honorable
Vanessa Velasquez of the 183rd
Criminal District Court, First Assistant District Attorney Jim Leitner (at the time), Brian
Wise (Appellate Attorney) and Private Investigator Jim Willis. Spring 2011, taught the undergraduate course Probation
and Parole.
CDL Resume.3 2016 2 5/10/2016
Dates Employed: 8/1998 - 3/2005
Job Title: United States Pretrial Services Officer
Company: United States Pretrial Services Agency
 Passed the FBI federal background check in order to obtain security clearance.
 Investigated individuals charged with federal offenses and prepared bond investigation reports for Federal Judges to
use as a tool to determine if a bond should be granted or detention ordered.
 Supervised monthly an average of 60 individuals who were released on a U.S. pretrial bond. Developed and
implemented supervision plans. Referred defendants, as needed, to the appropriate outside alcohol/drug
Dates Employed: 1/1986 - 7/1998
Job Title: Adult Probation Officer
Company: Harris County Community Supervision & Corrections Dept.
Court Liaison Officer for the Honorable Mark D. Atkinson (Ret.) for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #13.
University Of Houston-Clear Lake Masters of Arts-Sociology (Dec 2004) Clear Lake, TX - US
West Texas State University (A&M) Bachelor's Degree/Criminal Justice Ad. (May 1981) Canyon- TX  US
Proficient with various web sites including, but not limited to, JIMS (Justice Information Management System), CLEAR,
and DPS. Also, the administrator for TLO and TWC. Skillfully use Microsoft Office Excel, Word and Power Point.
ACCOMPLISHMENTS/TRAINING Last 10 years of training
 Invited guest speaker on the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association sponsored show, Reasonable Doubt on March
31, 2005 and January 05, 2006.
 Under Dr. Everette Penns guidance, spoke about mitigation at the University of Houston  Clear Lake the undergraduate
courses Race and Justice (Fall 2006), Juvenile Justice Classes (Spring 2007) and Contemporary Criminal Justice (Spring 2008).
 Assisted Dr. Everette Penn of the University of Houston  Clear Lake in authoring chapters 7 & 8, titled Key Figures in
Juvenile Court Proceedings in the Texas Juvenile Justice text book by Sage Publishing Company (2007).
 Attended the Internet for Investigators by David Vine and Associations, LLC training in Houston, TX in November 2006.
 Attended, completed and passed the Texas Civil Process Training to be a Civil Process Server in Houston, TX in February
2007 and in February 2010.
 Attended the Capital Murder seminar sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project in South Padre Island in
November 2007.
 Attended Harris County Capital Trial Training sponsored by GRACE in June 2008 in Houston, TX.
 Attended the National Defender Investigator Association seminar in Austin, TX in September 2008.
 Presented on October 27, 2008, the Mining the Data Warehouse of Medical Records session at the Texas Criminal Defense
Lawyers Association Seminar titled Mentally Impaired Clients in Houston, TX.
 Attended on April 16-19, 2009, the Development and Integration of Mitigation Evidence in Capital Cases in Philadelphia,
PA sponsored by the Habeas Assistance and Training Counsel, through the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO)
Office of Defender Services Training Branch.
 Attended the Actual Innocence: On the Road Seminar sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association on
August 25, 2010 in Houston, TX.
 Attended the Defending Juveniles Seminar sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association on September 24,
2009 in Dallas, TX.
 Attended Adjusting the Bar: The Definitive Ad Litem Seminar in DFPS Cases sponsored by the Juvenile Law Section of the
Houston Bar Association in May 2010 in Houston, TX.

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CDL Resume.3.1 2016

  • 1. CDL Resume.3 2016 1 5/10/2016 Carmen D. Laffey P.O. Box 131754 Houston, Texas 77219-1754 Email: AttheOffice13@hotmail.com Home: (713) 655-1119 Mobile: (713) 502-6541 CAREER OBJECTIVE A criminal investigator with experience at the county level, the federal level and the private sector and looking for a continuing challenging position in the Criminal Justice Field. WORK EXPERIENCE Dates Employed: 10/2011 02/2016 Job Title: Criminal Investigator Company: Harris County Public Defenders Office Prepare, file and serve subpoenas from school records to store videos. Legally gather evidence whether favorable or unfavorable for the client, i.e., interviewing all witnesses, including the complainant, review Offense Reports, all statements (audio/written), 911 calls, review videos and school records. Interview witnesses in the Harris County Jails, homes, schools or wherever they may be found. Review all the statements and reports and graph the inconsistencies for the lawyers review. All interviews are digitally recorded and draft summaries for the lawyers review. Regarding interviews, all are conducted professionally, with curiosity, observing body language and develop a rapport so I may follow up with this witness if needed. Testify in Criminal District Courts as needed. Had law students and UHCL graduate interns shadow me during an investigation. Dates Employed: 3/2005 10/2011 Job Title: President /Owner Company: Mitigation, Investigations & Sentencing by LAFFEY, LLC Mitigation Specialist, Sentencing Expert, Private Investigator and Certified Licensed Process Server located in Houston, Texas. As a Mitigation Specialist working on Death Capital cases, I was constantly gathering confidential information from witnesses and the accused. Constantly handling the parents with information and direction. Created spreadsheets for the lawyer to refer to regarding all the defense witnesses involved. Drafted over 100 Sentencing Reports regarded as a tool for sentencing used by the District Judges. Dates Employed: Fall 2010 & Spring 2011 Job Title: Adjunct Professor School: University of Houston-Clear Lake Fall 2010, taught the undergraduate course, "The Death Penalty." Additionally, had guest speakers as: The Honorable Vanessa Velasquez of the 183rd Criminal District Court, First Assistant District Attorney Jim Leitner (at the time), Brian Wise (Appellate Attorney) and Private Investigator Jim Willis. Spring 2011, taught the undergraduate course Probation and Parole.
  • 2. CDL Resume.3 2016 2 5/10/2016 Dates Employed: 8/1998 - 3/2005 Job Title: United States Pretrial Services Officer Company: United States Pretrial Services Agency Passed the FBI federal background check in order to obtain security clearance. Investigated individuals charged with federal offenses and prepared bond investigation reports for Federal Judges to use as a tool to determine if a bond should be granted or detention ordered. Supervised monthly an average of 60 individuals who were released on a U.S. pretrial bond. Developed and implemented supervision plans. Referred defendants, as needed, to the appropriate outside alcohol/drug treatment. Dates Employed: 1/1986 - 7/1998 Job Title: Adult Probation Officer Company: Harris County Community Supervision & Corrections Dept. Court Liaison Officer for the Honorable Mark D. Atkinson (Ret.) for Harris County Criminal Court at Law #13. EDUCATION University Of Houston-Clear Lake Masters of Arts-Sociology (Dec 2004) Clear Lake, TX - US West Texas State University (A&M) Bachelor's Degree/Criminal Justice Ad. (May 1981) Canyon- TX US SKILLS Proficient with various web sites including, but not limited to, JIMS (Justice Information Management System), CLEAR, and DPS. Also, the administrator for TLO and TWC. Skillfully use Microsoft Office Excel, Word and Power Point. ACCOMPLISHMENTS/TRAINING Last 10 years of training Invited guest speaker on the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association sponsored show, Reasonable Doubt on March 31, 2005 and January 05, 2006. Under Dr. Everette Penns guidance, spoke about mitigation at the University of Houston Clear Lake the undergraduate courses Race and Justice (Fall 2006), Juvenile Justice Classes (Spring 2007) and Contemporary Criminal Justice (Spring 2008). Assisted Dr. Everette Penn of the University of Houston Clear Lake in authoring chapters 7 & 8, titled Key Figures in Juvenile Court Proceedings in the Texas Juvenile Justice text book by Sage Publishing Company (2007). Attended the Internet for Investigators by David Vine and Associations, LLC training in Houston, TX in November 2006. Attended, completed and passed the Texas Civil Process Training to be a Civil Process Server in Houston, TX in February 2007 and in February 2010. Attended the Capital Murder seminar sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project in South Padre Island in November 2007. Attended Harris County Capital Trial Training sponsored by GRACE in June 2008 in Houston, TX. Attended the National Defender Investigator Association seminar in Austin, TX in September 2008. Presented on October 27, 2008, the Mining the Data Warehouse of Medical Records session at the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Seminar titled Mentally Impaired Clients in Houston, TX. Attended on April 16-19, 2009, the Development and Integration of Mitigation Evidence in Capital Cases in Philadelphia, PA sponsored by the Habeas Assistance and Training Counsel, through the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) Office of Defender Services Training Branch. Attended the Actual Innocence: On the Road Seminar sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association on August 25, 2010 in Houston, TX. Attended the Defending Juveniles Seminar sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association on September 24, 2009 in Dallas, TX. Attended Adjusting the Bar: The Definitive Ad Litem Seminar in DFPS Cases sponsored by the Juvenile Law Section of the Houston Bar Association in May 2010 in Houston, TX.