Scoala Gimnaziala Silvania, Simleu Silvaniei, premiata cu 600 euro in cel
Toti elevii implicati in aceasta actiune s-au descurcat remarcabil.Parintii transmit ca, de cand am inceput actiunea de colectare hartie, au acasa recipiente speciale pentru deseuri hartie si ca li s-a format deja un obicei din a selecta gunoiul.Exista chiar o competitie intre elevii claselor si anume care aduna cea mai multa cantitate de hartie.Multumim de asemenea parintilor ca se implica in desfasurarea acestei actiuni si am dori sa mentionam : Andrea Dragos- Petrom Simleu Silvaniei, Dana Chioran- AutoDaniana Simleu Silvaniei.
Cu premiul obtinut ne-am gandit sa infrumusetam curtea prin amenajarea unui spatiu verde. a unei gradini cu flori,bancute, deoarece curtea noastra nu dispune inca de asa ceva.
Multumim echipei Zibo inca o data pentru asemenea initiative, multumim Aqua Carpatica pentru ca ne sprijiniti in astfel de actiuni si ne dati curaj si puterea de a continua!Ceilorlalti profesori participanti, nu pot sa le transmit decat sa continue sa sustina "Scoala pentru o Romanie verde!".Castigul exista inca de la inceput, inca de la primul kilogram de hartie sau pet colectat!
Guerilla verde septembrie noiembrie 2014.
Green Guerilla( ) is part of a bigger concept, generically called BETI (Better Education Through Innovation), which aims to aid educating tomorrow但s generation with the help of movies.
Green Guerilla is the first educational movie caravan with an environmental message, initiated by Media Image Factory 但 a communication agency specialized in developing social and cultural projects.
Why: to determine youth to have initiatives for protecting the environment. The invitation to take part in ecological movie viewings offered by the organizers is the starting point of this endeavor.
How: each viewing is accompanied by discussions with representatives from local and national environmental NGOs, who will encourage the youth to have an environmentally friendly behavior and to volunteer.
Where: in schools, high-schools and universities, in cinema halls or improvised halls. The access is free of charge.
Pemanfaatan Kelestarian Wisata Agro Bagi PengunjungNoersal Samad
1. Dokumen ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan potensi agrowisata untuk menarik pengunjung dengan menyajikan daya tarik seperti kebun raya, perkebunan, pertanian, perikanan, peternakan, dan kehutanan. 2. Agrowisata diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat ekonomi dan rekreasi serta melestarikan lingkungan. 3. Dibahas pula sarana dan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan pengunjung untuk menikmati
The document describes exploratory research conducted on primary care systems. The research included interviews, shadowing healthcare providers, and analyzing patient workflows. The research identified several issues with current systems including repetitive tasks, wasted time for patients and staff, and a lack of coordination between visits. The document outlines four design implications to address the issues: 1) shorten the entire process or eliminate repeated steps, 2) move activities to avoid unused time, 3) find new ways for patients to interact with doctors, and 4) bring patients closer to support systems to increase efficiency.
1) The study compared the problem-based learning (PBL) process between a video-triggered case and a paper-triggered case with 11 second-year medical students.
2) Results showed that students spent similar amounts of time on problem identification and description in the video-triggered case compared to the paper case, indicating they were not distracted.
3) The study concluded that video triggers can be effectively used in PBL without distracting students from critical thinking stages such as problem identification.
El documento habla sobre las criaturas que viven bajo el mar. Menciona que hay muchas formas de vida diferentes debajo del agua y que el mar es el hogar de numerosas especies. Termina invitando a compartir la presentaci坦n con otros o suscribirse para recibir m叩s presentaciones similares.
New Media Producing Syllabus Spring 2014 - Building Storyworlds the art, craf...Lance Weiler
Course focus:
The democratization of the tools to create has enabled anyone to become their own media company. Disruption has ripped through the entertainment industry, challenging how things are made, distributed and consumed. But what does it take to build engaging stories in a fragmented digital landscape? What new models will emerge and how can one take advantage of new opportunities?
New Media Producing examines the art, craft and business of storytelling in the 21st Century. The course takes a deep dive into theory, process and design as it combines practical experience with insight into emerging trends. A mixture of lectures, collaborative design exercises and guest speakers, New Media Producing provides a detailed overview of what it takes to produce projects that combine story and tech.
A WebQuest by Adam White for CSU's EDUC331 class. This WebQuest provides soon-to-be band and orchestra students with a good foundation of all the pros and cons of each instrument, and help them to choose what instrument they want to play.
The document contains information about several performing art and design projects including the Long Center Performing Art Theater in Austin, Texas designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the Riverside Performing Art Theatre in Vero Beach, Florida also designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the cruise ship The Serenity designed by Tillberg Design, and the Beach Club Hotel and Resort designed by GarciaStromberg. Photos of different areas of these projects like the audience chambers, atriums, bars, and exterior views are included.
The document proposes a new economic framework called Unity in Diversity (UDI-ism) as an alternative to capitalism and planned economies. UDI-ism aims to internalize externalities by including social costs (Tier 2 costs) in pricing through methods like pollution taxes. This would incentivize choices that minimize total direct and social costs (UDI costs), better aligning private gains with public welfare. The system would also dampen boom-bust cycles through longer time horizons imposed by Tier 2 stakeholders. All parties, including investors, communities and customers, could benefit under this approach.
Holistic Power Supply and Delivery Chain Foundations for a Smart GridStephen Lee
The document discusses the need for a holistic approach to developing a smart grid, with three key points:
1) Current power systems have limited visibility and slow response times, while a smart grid requires integrating renewable energy, electric vehicles, demand response and new sensor technologies.
2) Foundational aspects of grid management like situational awareness, alarm handling, and dynamic models of generators and loads still need improvement to support a smart grid.
3) New solutions and entities like virtual service aggregators may be needed to help manage increasing complex and stochastic distributed energy resources on the power system.
The document summarizes a forum at The University of Hong Kong on the Strategic Research Theme of Sciences of Learning. It discusses how taking an interdisciplinary approach and cross-fertilization across disciplines can provide different perspectives on common theories and objects of study. It also questions how to define learning from different disciplinary lenses and how research in this area can impact policy and practices. The overall theme of the forum focused on next steps and impacts of research in this cross-disciplinary field.
Locke Carey is a multinational fire consultancy firm with offices in the UK, UAE, and other regions. They provide fire safety engineering, risk management, and inclusive environment services worldwide. Their experts help clients comply with fire codes and legislaton through approaches like fire modeling and evacuation planning. Notable past projects include large buildings like airports, hospitals, and transit systems.
This document discusses plans for an edited volume on research in problem-based learning (PBL) to be published by Springer. It will aim to build on the growing body of empirical research on PBL evaluations and explore how to support student learning in PBL courses and programs in a theory- and research-driven way. The volume will have editors from the University of Hong Kong and contributors from dentistry, medicine, education and other fields across several countries. Main themes will include investigating student learning outcomes, researching new technologies, exploring the PBL tutorial process, and identifying directions for future research.
This document provides an overview of Italy's geography. It notes that Italy is a peninsula located in southern Europe, bordered by Switzerland to the north and surrounded by sea to the south, east and west. It has diverse landscapes including mountains such as the Alps and Apennines, hills, plains, rivers, lakes and seas. The document includes maps highlighting Italy's location in Europe and key geographical features such as mountain ranges, seas, plains and lakes.
Marsha Randolph Photography offers photography services with reasonable rates and can help make dreams come true. Their phone number is 818.999.4892 and they encourage calling to discuss photography needs for the future. They specialize in water, wellness, and refreshing photography.
Defining and Aligning Requirements using System Architect and DOORSPaul W. Johnson
The document discusses aligning business requirements from strategy to process execution using enterprise architecture (EA) and requirements management tools. It proposes linking graphical EA models to textual requirements documents to enable informed decision making based on real-time data. The solution scope, current and future architectures are assessed, requirements are generated from the architecture and linked back to enable traceability, and the solution is delivered with the architecture updated.
The document summarizes exploratory research conducted to redesign primary care systems. Key findings include:
1) The appointment process and doctor visits involve repetitive steps and unused waiting times for patients and staff.
2) Patients value time with their doctor most but it is the shortest part of the process.
3) Support systems that store patient information are underutilized, and patients are disconnected from these resources.
The research examines patient experiences and workflows through staff shadowing, surveys, and comparing systems in other countries to identify areas for more efficient design.
Holistic Planning (For the Good of the Whole)Stephen Lee
This document discusses holistic transmission and resource planning to achieve optimal allocation of resources for the entire electric power system. It proposes considering all parts of the system and all operating scenarios to develop plans that are robust, flexible and achieve economic efficiency, reliability and environmental goals. Key aspects include probabilistic reliability criteria, integrating supply and demand options, and ensuring individual incentives align with overall system optimization through fair cost/benefit allocation.
How Integration of Systems Will Bring Concrete Benefits to the Earth and to M...Stephen Lee
Presentation made to the Hong Kong Bio- and Eco-Energy Industry Assocation, Dec 14, 2011. The world is at an uncertain divide, with the East on the rise and the West on the decline. Excesses of capitalism, and escalating costs of social benefits brought imbalances to the world, potentially pitching the young generation against the old. Will the vision of a green planet be shattered because it is unaffordable and too much of an economic burden on mankind? It is more imperative than ever that efforts to clean up the planet be based on the idea of integrating, automating and optimizing past systems which were operated in isolation from one another. New and concrete benefits will be turned up by innovative ways to explore synergistic relationships among proximate systems and to optimize their joint operation. An example can be found in bringing together systems of waste treatment, electricity production, and steam or heat production. However, real benefits must exceed real costs before the world will remain committed to the path of a green planet.
Designing Your Future:Networking without the IckCindy Li
My talk was sponsored by the Unversity of TN Chattanooga. This talk was on April 9, 2009. It was part 1 of 2 presentations. I spoke about how to use the social networking sites to increase your visibility and how finding things online can improve your life offline.
Improving your brand (simple as your avatar) can help people relate to you vs an Illustration.
Some websites and companies are keeping an eye out for your privacy but some arent.
A WebQuest by Adam White for CSU's EDUC331 class. This WebQuest provides soon-to-be band and orchestra students with a good foundation of all the pros and cons of each instrument, and help them to choose what instrument they want to play.
The document contains information about several performing art and design projects including the Long Center Performing Art Theater in Austin, Texas designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the Riverside Performing Art Theatre in Vero Beach, Florida also designed by Zeidler Partnership Architects, the cruise ship The Serenity designed by Tillberg Design, and the Beach Club Hotel and Resort designed by GarciaStromberg. Photos of different areas of these projects like the audience chambers, atriums, bars, and exterior views are included.
The document proposes a new economic framework called Unity in Diversity (UDI-ism) as an alternative to capitalism and planned economies. UDI-ism aims to internalize externalities by including social costs (Tier 2 costs) in pricing through methods like pollution taxes. This would incentivize choices that minimize total direct and social costs (UDI costs), better aligning private gains with public welfare. The system would also dampen boom-bust cycles through longer time horizons imposed by Tier 2 stakeholders. All parties, including investors, communities and customers, could benefit under this approach.
Holistic Power Supply and Delivery Chain Foundations for a Smart GridStephen Lee
The document discusses the need for a holistic approach to developing a smart grid, with three key points:
1) Current power systems have limited visibility and slow response times, while a smart grid requires integrating renewable energy, electric vehicles, demand response and new sensor technologies.
2) Foundational aspects of grid management like situational awareness, alarm handling, and dynamic models of generators and loads still need improvement to support a smart grid.
3) New solutions and entities like virtual service aggregators may be needed to help manage increasing complex and stochastic distributed energy resources on the power system.
The document summarizes a forum at The University of Hong Kong on the Strategic Research Theme of Sciences of Learning. It discusses how taking an interdisciplinary approach and cross-fertilization across disciplines can provide different perspectives on common theories and objects of study. It also questions how to define learning from different disciplinary lenses and how research in this area can impact policy and practices. The overall theme of the forum focused on next steps and impacts of research in this cross-disciplinary field.
Locke Carey is a multinational fire consultancy firm with offices in the UK, UAE, and other regions. They provide fire safety engineering, risk management, and inclusive environment services worldwide. Their experts help clients comply with fire codes and legislaton through approaches like fire modeling and evacuation planning. Notable past projects include large buildings like airports, hospitals, and transit systems.
This document discusses plans for an edited volume on research in problem-based learning (PBL) to be published by Springer. It will aim to build on the growing body of empirical research on PBL evaluations and explore how to support student learning in PBL courses and programs in a theory- and research-driven way. The volume will have editors from the University of Hong Kong and contributors from dentistry, medicine, education and other fields across several countries. Main themes will include investigating student learning outcomes, researching new technologies, exploring the PBL tutorial process, and identifying directions for future research.
This document provides an overview of Italy's geography. It notes that Italy is a peninsula located in southern Europe, bordered by Switzerland to the north and surrounded by sea to the south, east and west. It has diverse landscapes including mountains such as the Alps and Apennines, hills, plains, rivers, lakes and seas. The document includes maps highlighting Italy's location in Europe and key geographical features such as mountain ranges, seas, plains and lakes.
Marsha Randolph Photography offers photography services with reasonable rates and can help make dreams come true. Their phone number is 818.999.4892 and they encourage calling to discuss photography needs for the future. They specialize in water, wellness, and refreshing photography.
Defining and Aligning Requirements using System Architect and DOORSPaul W. Johnson
The document discusses aligning business requirements from strategy to process execution using enterprise architecture (EA) and requirements management tools. It proposes linking graphical EA models to textual requirements documents to enable informed decision making based on real-time data. The solution scope, current and future architectures are assessed, requirements are generated from the architecture and linked back to enable traceability, and the solution is delivered with the architecture updated.
The document summarizes exploratory research conducted to redesign primary care systems. Key findings include:
1) The appointment process and doctor visits involve repetitive steps and unused waiting times for patients and staff.
2) Patients value time with their doctor most but it is the shortest part of the process.
3) Support systems that store patient information are underutilized, and patients are disconnected from these resources.
The research examines patient experiences and workflows through staff shadowing, surveys, and comparing systems in other countries to identify areas for more efficient design.
Holistic Planning (For the Good of the Whole)Stephen Lee
This document discusses holistic transmission and resource planning to achieve optimal allocation of resources for the entire electric power system. It proposes considering all parts of the system and all operating scenarios to develop plans that are robust, flexible and achieve economic efficiency, reliability and environmental goals. Key aspects include probabilistic reliability criteria, integrating supply and demand options, and ensuring individual incentives align with overall system optimization through fair cost/benefit allocation.
How Integration of Systems Will Bring Concrete Benefits to the Earth and to M...Stephen Lee
Presentation made to the Hong Kong Bio- and Eco-Energy Industry Assocation, Dec 14, 2011. The world is at an uncertain divide, with the East on the rise and the West on the decline. Excesses of capitalism, and escalating costs of social benefits brought imbalances to the world, potentially pitching the young generation against the old. Will the vision of a green planet be shattered because it is unaffordable and too much of an economic burden on mankind? It is more imperative than ever that efforts to clean up the planet be based on the idea of integrating, automating and optimizing past systems which were operated in isolation from one another. New and concrete benefits will be turned up by innovative ways to explore synergistic relationships among proximate systems and to optimize their joint operation. An example can be found in bringing together systems of waste treatment, electricity production, and steam or heat production. However, real benefits must exceed real costs before the world will remain committed to the path of a green planet.
Designing Your Future:Networking without the IckCindy Li
My talk was sponsored by the Unversity of TN Chattanooga. This talk was on April 9, 2009. It was part 1 of 2 presentations. I spoke about how to use the social networking sites to increase your visibility and how finding things online can improve your life offline.
Improving your brand (simple as your avatar) can help people relate to you vs an Illustration.
Some websites and companies are keeping an eye out for your privacy but some arent.
Fii activ, implic-te. Dezvoltarea 樽ncepe prin participare! Buletin informati...Moldova European
Clubul pentru Cetenie Activ din raionul Cahul a publicat a treia ediie a Buletinului informativ Fii activ, implic-te. Dezvoltarea 樽ncepe prin participare!
2. Ce inseamna 34life? 3 proiecte mari Tintim si Muncim pentru proiecte si MAI MARI 50 voluntari incepand cu noiembrie 2008 CONTINUAM recrutarile 844 copaci plantati 200 plante ornamentale CONTINUAM numaratoarea Parteneri media locali: Zile si Nopti,, Adevarul de Seara Brasov Sponsori companii mici, medii si mari : Zile si Nopti, Bricks, Gartenbau Oyntzen, Victoria Global, Ciucas Institutii locale : Primaria Municipiului Brasov O viziune Un mod de viata Responsabilizare Asumare Speranta Pofta de viata
3. Calendar evenimente 34Life 2010 Brasov sarbatoreste 775 ani atestare istorica File verzi Work shop cu tema Gunoiul Bun - Gunoiul Rau. Despre reciclarea selectiva. Proiectie film Garbage Warrior + Expozitie ECO S.O.S! Aduceti verdele inapoi! & Nopti Verzi! Pentru Campania de Plantare Toamna 2010 si Primavara 2011 Sesiune de Comunicari Schimbarile climaterice din judetul Brasov in ultimul deceniu Evolutia temperaturilor intre 2000 2010 Vs Despaduriri.
4. Brasov 775 ani atestare documentara File verzi Aprilie 2010 Descriere : Organizarea unei actiuni de plantare care sa se inscrie in linia evenimentelor organizate cu ocazia sarbatoririi a 775 de ani de la prima atestare documentara a Brasovului. Evenimentul se va desfasura sub sloganul: Alatura-te Cruciadei Moderne! Scrie o fila din istoria verde a orasului tau! Cu fiecare an mai nobil, mereu proaspat, mereu verde! Scop : constientizarea importantei pastrarii patrimoniului de fond verde din Brasov si din jurul Brasovului, care, asemeni orasului, are o istorie seculara
5. Work Shop - Gunoiul Bun / Gunoiul Rau Despre reciclarea selectiva. 13 -15 Mai International Trade Center Descriere: Organizarea unui eveniment inedit care: sa suscite interesul brasovenilor pentru problemele de mediu si modalitatea in care pot contribui, cu un minim de efort la crearea unui spatiu de locuit curat si sanatos sa ii mobilize pe cetateni pentru a face demersurile necesare prin care sa ceara institutiilor abilitate sa le puna la dispozitie echipamentele necesare pentru reciclarea selectiva Scop: cresterea simtului civic al locuitorilor dar si a gradului de constientizare ca sta in puterea lor sa protejeze mediul, prin participarea la actiunile organizate de 34Life cresterea gradului de informare, educare si responsabilizare a locuitorilor cu privire la importanta protejarii mediului inconjurator si actiunilor specifice de intreprins, la nivel individual si colectiv
6. Proiectie film Garbage Warrior + Expozitie ECO Descriere: educarea si informarea publicului prin intermediului unuia din cele mai persuasive mijloace de comunicare油: imaginea. prezentarea unei povesti originale care a facut inconjurul lumii incepand cu 2007: povestea eco arhitectului Michael Reynolds ca si in cazul work shop-ului vom urmari educarea publicului participant prin intermediul unor instrumente interactive, care angajeaza discutii, dezbateri si ofera participantilor posibilitatea de a oferi feedback imediat despre utilitatea genului acesta de evenimente (Filmul a fost difuzat si in Europa in: Suedia, Atena, Franta, Cehia, Estonia si Norvegia) Scop: oferirea unui alt gen de entertainment care educa, este informativ si vorbeste despre asumarea unui anumit tip de comportament la nivel individual, ce poate produce o diferenta notabila la nivel colectiv
7. S.O.S! Aduceti verdele inapoi! & Nopti Verzi! Campania de Plantare Toamna 2010 si Primavara 2011 Descriere: evaluarea necesitatii de imbogatire a zonelor verzi in cartierele Brasovului油; analiza nevoilor specifice fiecarui cartier prin intermediul unei harti interactive disponibile pe portalul unde vizitatorii vor putea intra sa marcheze zona si tipul de actiune dorita in cartierul de rezidenta Scop: Doua evenimente integrate care vor veni in intampinarea colectarii fondurilor necesare pentru campania de plantare din toamna: 1000 copaci si arbusti
8. Sesiune de Comunicari Schimbarile climatice din judetul Brasov in ultimul deceniu Evolutia temperaturilor intre 2000 2010 Vs Despaduriri Descriere: Evenimentul se doreste a fi o conferinta de presa de mai mare amploare, care sa se constituie intr-un semnal de alarma cu privire la schimbarile fulminante care au avut loc in ultimul deceniu in arhitectura spatiului verde din Brasov si mai ales a temperaturilor care ameninta, din ce in ce mai mult cu fiecare an ca Brasovul sa isi piarda renumele de una din cele mai mari statiuni de schi din tara, din cauza lipsei zapezii. * De mentionat ca acest eveniment se vrea a fi un eveniment pro bono, pentru cetatenii Brasovului, care sa aiba un ecou mai puternic, pe termen mediu si lung, care sa plaseze 34life in randul organizatiilor ce beneficiaza de sprijinul si aprecierea companiilor si indivizilor datorita interesului acordat problemelor de mediu din Brasov si gasirii de solutii viabile. Scop : Tragerea unui semnal de alarma cu privire la schimbarile climaterice din Brasov din ultimii 10 ani Eveniment organizat in parteneriat cu specialistii de la Statiile Meteorologice din Ghimbav, Fundata si Fagaras impreuna cu Ocolul Silvic Brasov
9. Don't blow it - good planets are hard to find.油 ~ Time Va multumim Paul Fulea Radu Micu Simona Feri Andreea Spoiala Dan Fulea Simona Gaureanu Loredana Tudorancea