The document summarizes three traits of the Indian psyche that block progress in India: servility, numbness to injustice, and divisiveness. Servility stems from an education system that discourages independent thinking. Numbness to injustice comes from widespread corruption that is accepted. Divisiveness originates from families emphasizing differences between religious and caste groups. These traits inhibit fair leadership, policymaking, and team-building in India.
2. Values and norms that shape a behaviour
. …”Make power plants, improve the roads, open up the
economy. It isn’t the lack of such ideas that is stalling
No, blocking progress is part of the unique psyche
of Indians. There are three traits of our psyche, in
particular, that are not good for us and our country.
Each comes from three distinct sources – our school, our
environment and our home. “
Chetan Baghat Times of India