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Ceara Hogan Tomaino
4 Campus Square  Bethlehem, PA 18015
978-430-1603  cht217@lehigh.edu
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA
Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences May 2017
GPA 3.53/4.0. Deans List, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2016
Current undergraduate student in the Earth and Environmental Sciences program at Lehigh University expected to
graduate in May 2017. Ecological interests focus on paleoecological studies, oceanography, limnology,
paleoehydrology, paleoclimatology, microbial ecology/biology, wetlands ecology and soil science. Extensive
fieldwork that required the usage and creation of pollen analyses and profiles, microbial ecological analyses, and
extensive lab and thesis work. Experience with a variety of lab techniques associated with pollen analyses and
identification, testate amoeba identification, soil composition, hydrology analysis, and sediment analysis.
Lehigh University Classes
EES courses completed include the following topics: Paleoecology, Hydrogeology, Geology, Ecology,
Paleontology, Mineralogy, Sediment Stratigraphy, Microbial Ecology, Surficial Processes, Terrestrial
Ecosystems, Geochronology, Hydrogeology, Wetland Ecology, Hydraulics of Sediment Transport
Sydney Bog in Maine and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 2016
 Sampled Sphagnum samples from drive3 and drive 4, respectively from a peat core
 Analyzed, counted, and prepared slides for each individual sample
 Counted and did microscope work on the pollen and
 Created a pollen profile of this peat core
Lake Harmony in Kidder Township, Pennsylvania 2016
 Cored a 350cm core below the sediment surface of lake with a Livingstone-Wright piston corer
 Performed LOI analyses on samples of 2 cubic centimeter separate parts of the core
 Performed and pollen analyses as described and recorded by Faefri & Iverson (1975)
 Identified pollen and placed it on slides from the method outlined by McAndrews (1973)
 Performed macrofossil analysis between depth of 0 and 42 centimeters of the core
 Created a pollen profile using the Tilia pollen program
Sedimentology Studies, PA & NJ Depositional Environments 2015
 Visited multiple outcrops and observed the sedimentary structures and features to determine depositional
environments, wrote reports detailing the findings
 Created and connected stratigraphic columns of different areas through biostratigraphic analysis and
observation and knowledge of sedimentary features and structures
Tannersville Bog, Stroudsburg, PA 2015
 Cored 400-meteres of Sphagnum peat to be analyzed in lab
 Analyzed, prepared, and studied water content, bulk density, and percent vegetation in each part of core
 Created a final project and detailed graphs to present changes of bogs transition from rich to poor fen
 Provided individual lab report and write-up as well as a group presentation format of findings
Island Beach State Park in Berkeley, NJ 2014
 Created 1 square meter plots along a 100 meter gradient to obtain vegetation percentage samples along a
dunal gradient
 Created a dunal ecological profile to represent what species lived in which dunal stratification zone
 Analyzed why certain species live in which zone and how they function in a respective ecological niche
 Studied the ecological importance and both geological and ecological features and function of a barrier island
and its different and unique zonal gradients
 Paleoecological studies including microbial ecological elements
 Oceanography and hydrology of forests, stream, and ecosystem connections
 Wetland ecology and hydrology interactions
 Forest processes and analysis in connection with ecological features
 Population ecology and climatology in conjunction with anthropogenic processes
 Experience using the following tools: thin section creation and microscopy analysis
 Proficient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator, analyzing field information, creating graphs and
charts on Excel. Skilled in modeling and analysis. Experience with MatLab, GIS, and Tilia.

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Ceara Hogan Tomaino CV

  • 1. Ceara Hogan Tomaino 4 Campus Square Bethlehem, PA 18015 978-430-1603 cht217@lehigh.edu EDUCATION Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA Bachelor of Science in Earth and Environmental Sciences May 2017 GPA 3.53/4.0. Deans List, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2015, Spring 2016 PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT Current undergraduate student in the Earth and Environmental Sciences program at Lehigh University expected to graduate in May 2017. Ecological interests focus on paleoecological studies, oceanography, limnology, paleoehydrology, paleoclimatology, microbial ecology/biology, wetlands ecology and soil science. Extensive fieldwork that required the usage and creation of pollen analyses and profiles, microbial ecological analyses, and extensive lab and thesis work. Experience with a variety of lab techniques associated with pollen analyses and identification, testate amoeba identification, soil composition, hydrology analysis, and sediment analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL & ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Lehigh University Classes EES courses completed include the following topics: Paleoecology, Hydrogeology, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology, Mineralogy, Sediment Stratigraphy, Microbial Ecology, Surficial Processes, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Geochronology, Hydrogeology, Wetland Ecology, Hydraulics of Sediment Transport Sydney Bog in Maine and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 2016 Sampled Sphagnum samples from drive3 and drive 4, respectively from a peat core Analyzed, counted, and prepared slides for each individual sample Counted and did microscope work on the pollen and Created a pollen profile of this peat core Lake Harmony in Kidder Township, Pennsylvania 2016 Cored a 350cm core below the sediment surface of lake with a Livingstone-Wright piston corer Performed LOI analyses on samples of 2 cubic centimeter separate parts of the core Performed and pollen analyses as described and recorded by Faefri & Iverson (1975) Identified pollen and placed it on slides from the method outlined by McAndrews (1973) Performed macrofossil analysis between depth of 0 and 42 centimeters of the core Created a pollen profile using the Tilia pollen program Sedimentology Studies, PA & NJ Depositional Environments 2015 Visited multiple outcrops and observed the sedimentary structures and features to determine depositional environments, wrote reports detailing the findings Created and connected stratigraphic columns of different areas through biostratigraphic analysis and observation and knowledge of sedimentary features and structures Tannersville Bog, Stroudsburg, PA 2015 Cored 400-meteres of Sphagnum peat to be analyzed in lab Analyzed, prepared, and studied water content, bulk density, and percent vegetation in each part of core Created a final project and detailed graphs to present changes of bogs transition from rich to poor fen Provided individual lab report and write-up as well as a group presentation format of findings Island Beach State Park in Berkeley, NJ 2014 Created 1 square meter plots along a 100 meter gradient to obtain vegetation percentage samples along a dunal gradient Created a dunal ecological profile to represent what species lived in which dunal stratification zone Analyzed why certain species live in which zone and how they function in a respective ecological niche Studied the ecological importance and both geological and ecological features and function of a barrier island and its different and unique zonal gradients RESEARCH INTERESTS Paleoecological studies including microbial ecological elements Oceanography and hydrology of forests, stream, and ecosystem connections Wetland ecology and hydrology interactions Forest processes and analysis in connection with ecological features Population ecology and climatology in conjunction with anthropogenic processes
  • 2. TECHNICAL SKILLS Experience using the following tools: thin section creation and microscopy analysis Proficient in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator, analyzing field information, creating graphs and charts on Excel. Skilled in modeling and analysis. Experience with MatLab, GIS, and Tilia.