This is to encourage someone out there to continue to be good to others, by so doing the society will be better for all of us
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Cease the moment
2. Cease the moment,
dont let it pass you by
Because if it does, it might never come
your way again
3. When a man needs your help
do not hesitate,
If you do, another will help him
And you will lose out of the opportunity
to sow a seed
Which in the future will bear you great fruits
Even your generations to come will reap the
4. Those little things you do to help others
Those soothing words of advice
The shoulder you lend to another to cry upon
The time you invest into the lives of others
That little sum of money you give
Though so insignificant it might seem to others
But it cost you a lot and it came from the bottom of
your heart
5. They are all forming a big cloud of rain
above you
A time will come, who knows when
Maybe in time of great draught and famine
That the cloud will bust and it shall rain upon you
Great blessing that you cannot imagine
6. So cease the moment, dont let it pass you by
Every opportunity you have to help others
Do it with the whole of your heart
So that when the time comes you will reap a
great harvest
Such that your children will benefit from and
their children too.