Copyright law gives copyright holders control over how their copyrighted works are used. While using copyrighted material without permission is generally forbidden, fair use allows educators to use limited portions of copyrighted works for classroom instruction without obtaining permission. Fair use has limitations on how much and how the copyrighted content is used; commercial use or using an entire work requires obtaining permission from the copyright holder. Users should cite their sources properly and obtain permission if unsure about fair use when using copyrighted content.
2. Copyright
• Is about control
• Copyright holders can offer how much latitude they want with their own
• Using copyrighted material without permission if forbidden for all but a
narrow range of purposes, even if credit is given
• Copyright issues are mostly civil related and not criminally related
• Instructional uses may grant some exemptions, and non-profit does not
• Entertainment and rewards are excluded under copyright guidelines
3. Fair Use
• Allows educators to use copyrighted material in the classroom without
having to gain permission from the holder
• There are limitations on what can be used and how it is used
• Get permission if you intend to use for commercial purposes
• Get permission if you want to use the source repeatedly
• Get permission if you intend to use the source in its’ entirety
4. How You Use It?
• Get the original sources permission
• Cite your sources
• If you are not sure that you can use it: DO NOT