This document describes a soil mechanics lab course at Jordan University of Science and Technology. The course objectives are for students to learn how to measure basic soil properties, understand typical property values, and apply soil properties to geotechnical designs. During the course, students perform 12 laboratory experiments involving soil identification, sieve analysis, hydrometer analysis, Atterberg limits, compaction, permeability, consolidation, swell, direct shear, unconfined compression, and triaxial compression tests. Student assessment is based on lab reports, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
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1. Jordan University of Science and Technology College of Engineering
CE 463 Soil Mechanics Lab
Catalog Data CE 463 Soil Mechanics Lab (0 3 1) 1 credits
Soil Description and Identification, Moisture Content, Sieves and Hydrometer Analysis; Atterberg
Limits (Liquid, Plastic and Shrinkage Limits); Compaction; Permeability tests (constant and
falling head); Consolidation; Swell test; Direct Shear; Unconfined Compression test; Triaxial
Compression test.
Textbook Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual by Braja Das, Sixth Edition
Oxford; ISBN 0-19-515046-5
Reference Engineering Properties of Soils and Their Measurements By J. Bowles
McGraw Hill; ISBN 0-07-006752-X
Coordinator Dr. Omer
Goals 1. Learn how to measure the basic properties of soils.
2. Learn how to determine typical ranges of numerical values expected from those tests.
3. Learn how to use soil properties in Geotechnical designs.
4. Design and conduct laboratory experiments.
Pre-Requisites by
Corequisite: Students perform basic experiments in soil mechanics.
1. Provide experience with the geotechnical laboratory procedure
2. Exposed to experiments to develop a feel for the different soil types
3. Understand the use, significance, and limitations of properties obtained from laboratory
tests and Learn how to utilize them to perform various types of engineering calculations.
4. Reinforce those concepts that are being presented in the lecture
5. Interact professionally among themselves during laboratory sessions. They will perform
tests and collect data. They will share data with other groups and also share their
Topics 1. Soil Identification and Description 2 Lab hours
2. Sieve Analysis 2 Lab hours
3. Hydrometer Analysis 3 Lab hours
4. Liquid, Plastic and Shrinkage Limits 3 Lab hours
5. Standard Proctor Compaction Test 3 Lab hours
6. Permeability Test (Constant Head) 2 Lab hours
7. Permeability Test (Falling Head) 2 Lab hours
8. Consolidation Test 4 Lab hours
9. Swell Test 4 Lab hours
10. Direct Shear Test 2 Lab hours
11. Unconfined Compression Test 2 Lab hours
12. Triaxial Compression Test 3 Lab hours
Computer Usage Spreadsheets, word processing, and the use of software at the end of the soil manual book.
Method of
Lab Reports 30%
Midterm 30%
Final Exam 40%
Engineering Science 1 Credit
Engineering Design 0 Credit
Prepared by Dr. Omer Mughied
Date March 7th, 2007
2. Jordan University of Science and Technology College of Engineering
CE 463 Soil Mechanics Lab (3 - 0:3)
Description: Soil Description and Identification, Moisture Content, Sieves and Hydrometer Analysis; Atterberg Limits (Liquid, Plastic and Shrinkage Limits); Compaction;
Permeability tests (constant and falling head); Consolidation; Swell test; Direct Shear; Unconfined Compression test; Triaxial Compression test.
Co-Requisite: CE Soil Mechanics 1
Student Assessment and Grading: Reports (30%), Midterm (30%), Final Exam (40%)
Objectives and Cross Reference Table:
Student Learning Outcome Method of Delivery Assessment Methods Program Learning
Provide experience with the geotechnical laboratory procedure Examples and problems Assignments, projects and exams
Exposed to experiments to develop a feel for the different soil
types Examples and problems Assignments, projects and exams
Understand the use, significance, and limitations of properties
obtained from laboratory tests and Learn how to utilize them to
Examples and problems
perform various types of engineering calculations.
Assignments, projects and
Reinforce those concepts that are being presented in the lecture Examples, problems and lab
Assignments, projects, lab reports and
Interact professionally among themselves during laboratory
sessions. They will perform tests and collect data. They will
share data with other groups and also share their experiences.
Examples, problems and lab
Assignments, projects, lab reports and