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                        Sugeng Priyanto
 Certified International CEFE Adviser & Trainer

                            03.01.2011   page 1
Regional Economic

                      03.01.2011   Seite 2 2
i                       Competency based
o                       Economies through
n                       Formation of
    Regional Economic

                                            03.01.2011   Seite 3 3
What is CEFE?
a comprehensive training concept and methodology
                       to strengthen competencies
        needed for a successful start and career as
o                                                      Entrepreneur
d                                                          Manager
l                                        in all kind of businesses

                                                To achieve this, CEFE uses

                                   amazing participative training methods

                                     for professional growth of its clients.

    Regional Economic

                                                                     03.01.2011   Seite 4 4
How does CEFE function?

 Stage 1: Awareness

 Stage 2: Acceptance

 Stage 3: Goal Setting

 Stage 4: Strategies or Action Plans

 Stage 5: Direct Experience

 Stage 6: Transformation & Empowerment

    Regional Economic

                                            03.01.2011   Seite 5 5
Using Experiential Learning to Promote Entrepreneurship

                                    Provided brief lecture and then
                                     participants are assisted to
                                     decide their own solutions.

                                    Structured Learning Exercises
                                     (SLE) designed to fulfill
                                     situation and needs of learning.

    Regional Economic

                                                       03.01.2011   Seite 6 6
Using Experiential Learning to Promote Entrepreneurship

 Using multi-dimension of
  learning technique
  (pantomime, story, case
  study, role playing, etc.) to
  empower memory of
  learning experience.

     Regional Economic

                                               03.01.2011   Seite 7 7
Training Modules                                    Monitoring

using CEFE                                        Facilitating        Follow-up
                                              Consulting              Assistance
Ladder                                                                Presenting
                                            Business Viability Test   Business Plan
                                    Production/ Technology            Business Plan
                                   Market & Marketing
                                Idea / Project Selection              Matching
                              Idea Screening                          Individual to the
                            Idea Generating                           Project
                          Strategy Engineering                        Unlocking
                       Environment Situation                          Competencies
                     Quality, Vision, Resources
                   Individual / Group Dynamic
          Recruitment & Enrollment
     Promotion                                                        Launching /
Environment Assessment
  Regional Economic
                                                                      Kick off

                                                                              03.01.2011   Seite 8 8
Method: Experiential Learning Cycle

1.   Action

2.   Publishing

3.   Analyzing

4.   Generalizing

5.   Application

     Regional Economic

                                        03.01.2011   Seite 9 9
Personal Qualities for Successful Business People

  information          creativity          opportunity
   seeking                                    seeking

  self confidence       decision making    moderate risk

  responsibility       persistance         learning from
   acceptance                                 failures

    Regional Economic

                                                     03.01.2011    page 10
                                                                  Seite 10
Effective CEFE Training for Start-up Business

 Module 1:
  Unlocking Competencies

 Module 2 :
  Project Identification & Matching to the Individual

 Module 3:
  Business Plan

 Module 4:
  Business Viability Test

     Regional Economic

                                                          03.01.2011    page 11
                                                                       Seite 11
Regional Economic

                      03.01.2011    page 12
                                   Seite 12
CEFE Training for Existing Business

   Business Improvement Course:      Impact & Usage:

 Module 1                          To make possibility for
  Improving Entrepreneurial          managers and business owner
  Competency.                        to assess their own strengths
                                     and weaknesses.
 Module 2
  Situation Analysis and            They learn to diagnose what the
  Business Performance               good or the bad of their
  Diagnosis.                         business.
  Growth Management
                                    To improve administrative file
 Module 3
  Formulating Business              To enhance sales and to
  Improvement Plan
                                     expand their business

     Regional Economic

                                                       03.01.2011    page 13
                                                                    Seite 13
Sector Effective Trainings for Micro & SMEs:
Entrefarm Game: Farming Entrepreneurs
Entrefish Game : Fishery Entrepreneurs
Entrecraft Game: Handicraft Entrepreneurs

                                            Business Learning for Farming, Fishery &
                                             Planning & budgeting of money and
                                             Land use, investment and options of
                                               crops varieties, varieties of fish,
                                               selecting of raw materials.
                                             Planning of capital spend.
                                             Keeping the positive cash flow.
                                             Bookkeeping
                                             Finance Management
                                             Negosiating to buyer, supplier, and
                                             Impact of depending on middleman.
                                             Taking initiative in their daily life

     Regional Economic

                                                                 03.01.2011    page 14
                                                                              Seite 14
             Difussion                  Albania
         Latin America                  Macedonia
D                  and                  Netherlands
I        the Caribbean                  Poland
F                      Argentina        Russia
U                          Bolivia      Romania
                            Brazil      Ucraine
S                           Chile    Africa
S                       Colombia     Egypt          Algeria
                                                                 Bangladesh       China
                         Ecuador     Ethiopia        Botsuana
I                     El Salvador    Ivory Coast    Cameroon     Indonesia        Laos
                                                                 Kirgistan        Nepal
O                     Guatemala      Kenia          Mali
                                                                 Pakistan         Palestine
                       Honduras      Mozambique     Namibia
N                        Jamaica     Rwanda         Zimbabwe     Philippines      Sri Lanka
                                     South Africa   Tanzania     Thailand         Yemen
                                     Tunisia        Angola       Uzbekistan       Vietnam
                                     Benin          Congo        Cambodia          Fiji
                                     Burkina Faso   Malawi       Kazakhstan        India
                                     Cape Verde     Mauritania   Lebanon           Malaysia
               Dom. Republic
    Regional Economic
    Development                      Morocco        Nigeria      Papua N.G.        Singapore
                                     Swaziland      Togo         Turkmenistan     East Timor
                                                                     03.01.2011    page 15
                                                                                  Seite 15
Small &         Cooperative
                       Entreprise                          NGO

      Company &                                                Graduate/ Uni-
              MNC                      CEFE Trainers          versity Student

                                 for Entrepreneurship
           Former                     and Economic
                                       Development               Vocational
       Combatant                                                 Training

                    Farmer, Fisher,
                    other Villagers
                                         Local         Bank & MFI

Regional Economic

                                                                      03.01.2011    page 16
                                                                                   Seite 16
History of CEFE in Indonesia

1. Appreciation Workshop was conducted by KADIN and Industrial Ministry in1989 and 1st CEFE TOT was
    conducted in 1990.
2. Many CEFE trainings were conducted by LKI (Lembaga Kewirausahaan Indonesia—Indonesia Entrepreneurship
    Institute) and some State Owned Companies (BUMN) in cooperation with Technonet Asia (Singapore).
3. GTZ Project in West Pasaman, Padang developed full scale network.
4. LKI in cooperation with LPPM and some NGOs developed CEFE Programmes in Indonesia, e.g: SMEs Promoting
    Projects in East Java & Bali Provinces in 1998-2001 supported by UE, CEFE trainings were also implemented in
    West Timor, Nusa Penida Island; Papua; West Kalimantan; Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan during 1999 –
5. CEFE TOTs for Vocational School Teachers were conducted in VEDC Malang in 2002 and 2003.
6. Do It Yourself Business Plan Manual in Indonesian was developed.
7. ADB was conducted CEFE TOT for NGOs of Aceh and Nias in Feb-March 2006.
8. GTZ projects conducted CEFE in Indonesia (Lombok, Aceh): Economic Recovery and Microfinance (ERMF)
    Project started to use CEFE in Aceh, CEFE TOTs and some variations: Busy Start, Sectorals (Entrefarm, Entrefish,
    Entrecraft; Entretambak in 2006).
9. GTZ projects RED in Central Java: CEFE TOT Version 2 (Feb-March 2007) and in Aceh (CEFE TOT for Women
    April-May 2007).
10. LPPM established Masters degree on Entrepreneurship and Retail Management.
11. First Indonesian International CEFE Trainer recognized by CEFE International in February 2007.
12. Indonesia CEFE Trainers Association (so called CEFE Indonesia) was re-established in 2007, supported by GTZ

        Regional Economic

                                                                                             03.01.2011     page 17
                                                                                                           Seite 17
Regional Economic

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Regional Economic

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Thank you

Regional Economic

                              03.01.2011    page 24
                                           Seite 24

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  • 4. What is CEFE? a comprehensive training concept and methodology to strengthen competencies needed for a successful start and career as m o Entrepreneur Employee d Manager e l in all kind of businesses To achieve this, CEFE uses  amazing participative training methods  for professional growth of its clients. Regional Economic Development 03.01.2011 03.01.2011 Seite 4 4 page
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  • 6. Using Experiential Learning to Promote Entrepreneurship  Provided brief lecture and then participants are assisted to decide their own solutions.  Structured Learning Exercises (SLE) designed to fulfill situation and needs of learning. Regional Economic Development 03.01.2011 03.01.2011 Seite 6 6 page
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  • 17. History of CEFE in Indonesia 1. Appreciation Workshop was conducted by KADIN and Industrial Ministry in1989 and 1st CEFE TOT was conducted in 1990. 2. Many CEFE trainings were conducted by LKI (Lembaga Kewirausahaan Indonesia—Indonesia Entrepreneurship Institute) and some State Owned Companies (BUMN) in cooperation with Technonet Asia (Singapore). 3. GTZ Project in West Pasaman, Padang developed full scale network. 4. LKI in cooperation with LPPM and some NGOs developed CEFE Programmes in Indonesia, e.g: SMEs Promoting Projects in East Java & Bali Provinces in 1998-2001 supported by UE, CEFE trainings were also implemented in West Timor, Nusa Penida Island; Papua; West Kalimantan; Central Kalimantan and East Kalimantan during 1999 – 2008. 5. CEFE TOTs for Vocational School Teachers were conducted in VEDC Malang in 2002 and 2003. 6. Do It Yourself Business Plan Manual in Indonesian was developed. 7. ADB was conducted CEFE TOT for NGOs of Aceh and Nias in Feb-March 2006. 8. GTZ projects conducted CEFE in Indonesia (Lombok, Aceh): Economic Recovery and Microfinance (ERMF) Project started to use CEFE in Aceh, CEFE TOTs and some variations: Busy Start, Sectorals (Entrefarm, Entrefish, Entrecraft; Entretambak in 2006). 9. GTZ projects RED in Central Java: CEFE TOT Version 2 (Feb-March 2007) and in Aceh (CEFE TOT for Women April-May 2007). 10. LPPM established Masters degree on Entrepreneurship and Retail Management. 11. First Indonesian International CEFE Trainer recognized by CEFE International in February 2007. 12. Indonesia CEFE Trainers Association (so called CEFE Indonesia) was re-established in 2007, supported by GTZ RED. Regional Economic Development 03.01.2011 03.01.2011 page 17 Seite 17
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