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15 亞仂亟亳仆亳 弍亳仆从舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳 仆舒 仂亳亠亳亠 亳
亠亢舒仆亳亠 仂 亰舒仗舒舒 亳 亠亰亠于舒, 亞. 弌仍亳于仂 仗仂仍亠
从仄 亠亞亳仂仆舒仍仆亳 弌于亠 仆舒 仂亳亠亳亠 亳
亠亢舒仆亳亠 仂 亰舒仗舒舒 亳 亠亰亠于舒, 亞.亠
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
弌亠亰舒仆亳亠 仗仂 亳弍仂仍仂于  仂亳亠亳 亳
亠亢舒仆亳 仂 亞.ム亞亠于仂, 仂亞舒仆亳亰亳舒仆仂
仂 弌弌, 亞. 亠, 2011 亞.
仂亠舒仆亠 仆舒 仂亳亠亳 仂 仄仆亳 亳 亳亰仆亠亠仆 从仂仆亠 仂
弍亳仆从舒舒 仂亞舒仆亳亰舒亳 仆舒 弌弌
100- 亞仂亟亳仆亳 仂 舒仍从舒仆从舒舒 于仂亶仆舒, 仗仂仍舒亞舒仆亠 仆舒
于亠仆亳 仗亠亟 仗舒仄亠仆亳从舒 于 . 仂仍礆仂 舒仆仂于仂
95  亞仂亟亳仆亳 丐舒从舒仆从舒 亠仗仂仗亠,
亟亠仍仂于亳 仗亠亰亳亟亳仄  仗亠亰亳亟亠仆舒
亠仂亞亳 于舒仆仂于
95  亞仂亟亳仆亳 丐舒从舒仆从舒 亠仗仂仗亠-
仗亠从仍仂仆亠仆亳亠 仗亠亟 仗舒仄亠仆亳从舒
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
丼亠于舒仆亠 107 亞仂亟亳仆亳 亠亰舒于亳亳仄舒
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
丼亠于舒仆亠 仆舒 丐亳仂仆 舒亠亰舒仆
舒 亞仂亳 仆舒 丶舒 仆舒 仍仂亰舒舒 
于舒仆 亠仍亳从仂于
舒 亞仂亳  从仄亠舒 - 亠仂亞亳
舒仆舒仂于  14.02.2012亞.
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
亠亞仂于从亳 从仂仆亠 2015 亞.
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
仗舒 亰舒 舒亳 亞舒亟从亳 仗亠仆亳
"亳亠亳亠 仂 亰舒仗舒舒"
弍亳仆从亳 仗亠亞仍亠亟 仆舒 亟仂亢亠于亠仆舒舒
舒仄仂亟亠亶仆仂 . 仂舒仆舒,17.08.2011 亞.
丕舒亳亠 于 仂亳仂于仂 仗亠亠 亳 舒仆于舒
丱V 亳 ミ頴湖姉黍黍 亠亳于舒仍 亳仂仗舒亟
仆舒 仗仂仄亠仆亳亠, 舒仆舒 2009亞.
丱V 亳 ミ頴湖姉黍黍 亠亳于舒仍 亳仂仗舒亟
仆舒 仗仂仄亠仆亳亠, 舒仆舒 2010亞
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
丕舒亳亠 于于 个仂仍从仍仂亠仆 亠亳于舒仍
丶亠仆仂于仂 仗亠亠 亳 舒仆于舒  2011亞.
舒亳仂仆舒仍亠仆 弍仂 仆舒 亳舒仍亳舒舒 2012 亞.
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
丕舒亳亠 于 亠于亳亠 亳 仗舒亰仆亳亠仆
从仂仆亠 亞. 舒弍仂于仂  2015亞.
舒仍从舒仆从亳 仂仍从仍仂亠仆 亠亳于舒仍 束弌于舒弍舒舒 -
亠亟亳仆于仂 亳 仄仆仂亞仂仂弍舒亰亳亠損 舒, 2015 亞.
丕舒亳亠 于于 个亠亳于舒仍舒 仆舒 仍ミ頴狐亠仍从仂仂
亳亰从于仂 "丐舒仍舒仆 于亰舒 仆礆舒"
亠亟亠亟舒亠仍 仆舒 弍.弌. 仆舒 弌,
亞.弌仍亳于仂 仗仂仍亠  亳仍从仂 丐仂仆亠于, 亠亠
舒仄. 仗亠亟亠亟舒亠仍 仆舒 弌弌, 亞. 亠
仂.亰.仗仂仍从仂于仆亳从 于舒仆 于舒仆仂于 仗亳于亠于舒
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria
Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria

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Celebrating 15 years anniversary Municipal organization of officers and sergeants of the stock and reserve Slivo pole, District Rousse., Bulgaria