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4 January 2014
Passing on the baton
Mark  leading by example
Mark  it wasnt all hard work!
Garrys in on the act!
Radiator work
Marks encouragement
Mark fixes the plumbing!
Desperate situation?!
Official Open Day  July 2010
Christmas 2010
New Years Day Party 2011
Giving prizes at the Family
Service  February 2011
Diane leading by example at
the Womens World Day of
Prayer 2011
Leading by example 
fixing the drains April 2011
Mark Burgins Swap Shop 
November 2011
Garry cleaning the roof
The joy of baptisms 
November 2011
Julie with the food...
New Years Day 2012
Julie on the birthday box 
March 2012
Community Easter Outreach
Glass painting at the
Community Easter Day
Community Easter Day 2012
Bible study on James
Consider it pure joy...
Jubilee worship  June 2012
Jubilee worship  June 2012
I am the Lord of the dance...
2nd anniversary community
day  July 2012
2nd anniversary family film
night & meal  July 2012
Garry at Dave & Joans
Golden Wedding anniversary
party  2012
Family Service  November
Diane helping at the Mums &
Toddlers Christmas Party
Community Carol Service 
December 2012
Community Carol Service 
December 2012
Anything for a Christmas
pudding  December 2012
Carol service 2012
Music at the Carol service
Christmas Unwrapped 
Carol service 2012
Feeding the pastor! 
Carol service 2012
Mark in charge of games 
New Years Day Party 2013
Yet more food!  January
Garry making the prayer map
The rewards for prayer
walking!  January 2013
Clearing the yard for the
coffee morning  January
Robes of righteousness 
January 2013
Family Service  February
Saying farewell... February
Mark preaching on Ezekiel 37
A memorable Mark sermon
Microwaves and sermons 
May 2013
Mark, the shy wallflower 
June 2013
Julie finally wins a prize! 
July 2013
Garry on the birthday box 
July 2013
Mad guitarist?  August 2013
Teaching the next generation
 August 2013
Passing on the baton  Family
Service October 2013
Mark on Romans 8:28
Diane on the birthday box 
November 2013
Diane helps with youth work!
The youth team
Bible- bashing?!
Coffee morning helpers
Music worship team
(without Mark...)
Is he trying to fly?!
Regular preachers
The Christmas jumper
competition  carol service 2013
The Christmas jumper
competition  carol service 2013
The Christmas jumper
competition  carol service 2013
Making the new notice board
Practising for tonight...!

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