This document provides information on the cement industry in various regions of Africa and the subcontinent. It discusses production capacity, consumption, exports and imports of key countries in East Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa and Central Africa. It identifies Tanzania and Mozambique as two important markets for cement exports from the subcontinent, noting that Tanzania's consumption exceeded its production while Mozambique imported cement. The document also outlines reasons why Africa is an important market globally due to its natural resources, emerging economy potential and infrastructure development opportunities.
3. Cement Production & Consumption in SubCement Production & Consumption in Sub--ContinentContinentCement Production & Consumption in SubCement Production & Consumption in Sub--ContinentContinent
Sr. # Country Production
Production Surplus
1 Bangladesh 28.00 20.00 8.00 18.00 0.38(8.71)
2 Pakistan 44.77 33.60 11.17 25.30 8.30
3 Maldives 0.00 0.00 0 0.15 (0.15)
4 India 336.00 272.00 64.00 265.00 1.76 (0.62)
5 Nepal 6.00 2.70 3.30 3.40 (2.72)
6 Sri Lanka 3.40 2.43 0.97 6.63 (4.20)
7 Bhutan 1.00 0.47 0.53 0.40 0.15(0.10)
Total 419.17 331.20 87.97 318.73
Source : Global Cement Report 3
4. Salient Features of Indian Cement IndustrySalient Features of Indian Cement IndustrySalient Features of Indian Cement IndustrySalient Features of Indian Cement Industry
Approx 265 million tons local consumption
in 2013.
Production base consists of over 140
integrated units and 45 grinding plants.
Almost 191 Kg per capita consumption.
High infrastructure requirements offer scope
for growth.for growth.
Exports to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives,
Bhutan and Africa.
5. Salient Features of Pakistan Cement IndustrySalient Features of Pakistan Cement IndustrySalient Features of Pakistan Cement IndustrySalient Features of Pakistan Cement Industry
Currently 24 cement factories.
Cement production capacity of 44.77 Mtpa. Cement production capacity of 44.77 Mtpa.
Total local consumption for CY 2013 were
25.30 million Tons.
Total export for CY 2013 were 8.29 million
With a surplus capacity of 11.17 Mtpa,
Capacity utilization for FY 2013 was 75.05%Capacity utilization for FY 2013 was 75.05%
Lucky Cement is the largest player with an
annual production capacity of 7.75 mtpa.
Source : APCMA 5
6. Pakistan Cement Industry over the yearsPakistan Cement Industry over the yearsPakistan Cement Industry over the yearsPakistan Cement Industry over the years
(million tons)
Consumption Utilization
2005-06 20.96 18.55 88.50 %
44.77 44.77 44.77
2005-06 20.96 18.55 88.50 %
2006-07 30.62 24.26 79.23 %
2007-08 37.80 30.29 80.13 %
2008-09 42.41 31.31 73.82 %
2009-10 45.47 34.22 75.26 %
2010-11 42.50 31.43 73.95 %
2011-12 44.77 32.52 72.63 %
21.03 22.58
23.57 22
23.95 25.06 25.55
7.71 10.98
8.37 8.02
2011-12 44.77 32.52 72.63 %
2012-13 44.77 33.43 74.67%
2013-14 44.77 33.57 74.98%
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Local Export Capacity
Source : Global Cement Report 6
7. SWOT for SubSWOT for Sub--ContinentContinentSWOT for SubSWOT for Sub--ContinentContinent
Substantial surplus available with
India and Pakistan
Strategic locations (exports to Sub
High energy costs
Higher freight cost for West Africa
Surplus capacities relatively away
from seaStrategic locations (exports to Sub
Sahara African market)
Low cost due to
Alternate Fuels
WHR & Operational Efficiencies
from sea
Dependent on imported coal
Depleting reserve for Gypsum
Emerging markets e.g.
Sub Saharan Africa
Increasing production capacity
of Middle East & neighboring
countries. Reconstruction in Afghanistan
Potential Markets e.g.
Saudi Arabia
Increasing trend of export from
Persian Gulf.
Increasing exports of South East
Asian countries.
Source : Global Cement Report 7
8. World Top Exporters of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Exporters of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Exporters of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Exporters of Cement for the Year 2013
Iran 14.00 Million Tons Approx.
CIS countries
CIS countries
China 10.79 Million Tons
Turkey 9.05 Million Tons
CIS countriesCIS countries
Angola 2.24 Million tons
Mongolia 1.53 Million tons
Congo 0.98 Million tons
Angola 2.24 Million tons
Mongolia 1.53 Million tons
Congo 0.98 Million tons
Libya 1.77 Million tons
Iraq 1.47 Million tons
Russian Fed. 1.09 Million tons
Libya 1.77 Million tons
Iraq 1.47 Million tons
Russian Fed. 1.09 Million tons
Pakistan 8.23 Million Tons
Source : International Trade Centre
Afghanistan 4.58 Million tons
South Africa 0.93 Million tons
Sri Lanka 0.75 Million tons
Afghanistan 4.58 Million tons
South Africa 0.93 Million tons
Sri Lanka 0.75 Million tons
9. World Top Importers of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Importers of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Importers of Cement for the Year 2013World Top Importers of Cement for the Year 2013
Singapore 5.79 Million Tons Japan 3.12 Million Tons
Taipei 1.10 Million Tons
China 0.70 Million Tons
Japan 3.12 Million Tons
Taipei 1.10 Million Tons
China 0.70 Million Tons
USA 5.53 Million Tons
Libya 4.61 Million Tons
Canada 2.55 Million tons
Korea 1.24 Million tons
Greece 0.69 Million tons
Canada 2.55 Million tons
Korea 1.24 Million tons
Greece 0.69 Million tons
Turkey 1.98 Million tons
Egypt 0.89 Million tons
Greece 0.60 Million tons
Turkey 1.98 Million tons
Egypt 0.89 Million tons
Greece 0.60 Million tons
Afghanistan 4.59 Million Tons
Source : International Trade Centre
Pakistan 4.59 Million tonsPakistan 4.59 Million tons
10. Salient Features of SubSalient Features of Sub--Saharan African Cement IndustrySaharan African Cement IndustrySalient Features of SubSalient Features of Sub--Saharan African Cement IndustrySaharan African Cement Industry
Africa is broadly divided into Sahara and Sub
Saharan Africa.
There are a total of 46 countries in SSA.There are a total of 46 countries in SSA.
In Year ending 2013:
Production capacity 125.00 Mtpa
Actual production 87.70 Mtpa
Consumption 94.00 Mtpa
Exports 8.30 Mtpa
Imports 18.80 Mtpa
(Approximate Quantities)(Approximate Quantities)
Around 134 factories across SSA
Approximate range of market prices:
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 10
11. East Africa is main market for SubEast Africa is main market for Sub--ContinentContinentEast Africa is main market for SubEast Africa is main market for Sub--ContinentContinent
Main markets in East Africa are Kenya, Tanzania,
Mozambique & Madagascar
In Year ending 2013: In Year ending 2013:
Production capacity 45.00 Mtpa
Actual production 31.00 Mtpa
Consumption 30.00 Mtpa
Exports 4.90 Mtpa
Imports 5.40 Mtpa
(Approximate Quantities)
Main Exporter Sudan & Ethiopia
Indian Ocean Islands like Madagascar, Mauritius,Indian Ocean Islands like Madagascar, Mauritius,
Comoros and Seychelles primarily rely on imports as
dont have own kilns
Per Capita Consumption is 78 kg i.e. among the lowest in
the world
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 11
12. Production, Consumption and Imports of East AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of East AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of East AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of East Africa
Production Consumption Imports
Ethiopia 8.45 Mill tons
Sudan 6.00 Mill Tons
Kenya 4.85 Mill Tons
Tanzania 3.7 Mill Tons
Uganda 2.15 Mill Tons
Ethiopia 7.40 Mill tons
Kenya 4.12 Mill Tons
Sudan 4.11 Mill Tons
Tanzania 4.00 Mill Tons
Uganda 1.95 Mill Tons
Tanzania 0.79 Mill tons
Mauritius 0.70 Mill Tons
Mozambique 0.67 Mill Tons
Somalia 0.47 Mill Tons
Madagascar 0.42 Mill Tons
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC
Uganda 2.15 Mill Tons Uganda 1.95 Mill Tons Madagascar 0.42 Mill Tons
13. Southern Africa has the highest per capita consumption inSouthern Africa has the highest per capita consumption in
Southern Africa has the highest per capita consumption inSouthern Africa has the highest per capita consumption in
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and
Swaziland are the five countries that UN
classifies as Southern Africa
In Year ending 2013:
Production capacity 19.30 Mtpa
Actual production 13.00 Mtpa
Consumption 13.30 Mtpa
Exports 1.00 Mtpa
Imports 2.20 Mtpa
(Approximate Quantities)
South Africa with per capita consumption of 220
kg is highest among the SSA regionkg is highest among the SSA region
South Africa with an installed production
capacity of 18.4 mtpa is a leading cement
producer in Africa. It also exports to nearby
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 13
14. Production, Consumption and Imports of SouthernProduction, Consumption and Imports of Southern
Production, Consumption and Imports of SouthernProduction, Consumption and Imports of Southern
Production Consumption Imports
South Africa 12.33 Mill tons
Namibia 0.70 Mill Tons
Botswana 0.03 Mill Tons
South Africa 11.85 Mill tons
Botswana 0.65 Mill Tons
Namibia 0.45 Mill Tons
Lesotho 0.22 Mill Tons
Swaziland 0.14 Mill Tons
South Africa 1.10 Mill tons
Botswana 0.63 Mill Tons
Lesotho 0.22 Mill Tons
Swaziland 0.14 Mill Tons
Namibia 0.11 Mill Tons Swaziland 0.14 Mill Tons Namibia 0.11 Mill Tons
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 14
15. West Africa offers the most opportunitiesWest Africa offers the most opportunitiesWest Africa offers the most opportunitiesWest Africa offers the most opportunities
Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, Benin and Togo are
the top 5 cement producers in West Africa
In Year ending 2013: In Year ending 2013:
Production capacity 51.70 Mtpa
Actual production 36.30 Mtpa
Consumption 38.30 Mtpa
Exports 2.40 Mtpa
Imports 5.20 Mtpa
(Approximate Quantities)
Nigeria and Mali are largest importer of
cement in West Africa with 1.2 mtpa ofcement in West Africa with 1.2 mtpa of
While Ghana is the leading importer of
cement & clinker with 4.0 mtpa of imports.
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 15
16. Production, Consumption and Imports of West AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of West AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of West AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of West Africa
Production Consumption Imports
Nigeria 19.80 Mill tons
Senegal 5.28 Mill tons
Ghana 4.86 Mill tons
Benin 1.63 Mill tons
Togo 1.35 Mill tons
Nigeria 21.00 Mill tons
Ghana 5.38 Mill tons
Senegal 2.84 Mill tons
Benin 1.74 Mill tons
Mali 1.70 Mill tons
Mali 1.20 Mill tons
Nigeria 1.20 Mill tons
Ghana 0.97 Mill tons
Guinea 0.40 Mill tons
Niger 0.35 Mill tons Togo 1.35 Mill tons Mali 1.70 Mill tons Niger 0.35 Mill tons
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 16
17. Central AfricaCentral AfricaCentral AfricaCentral Africa
Angola, Cameroon, Chad, DRC, Congo
Republic, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon are in the
Middle / Central Africa
In Year ending 2013:
Production capacity 9.00 Mtpa
Actual production 7.40 Mtpa
Consumption 12.40 Mtpa
Exports 0.00 Mtpa
Imports 6.00 Mtpa
(Approximate Quantities)
As a region, Central Africa is the largest netAs a region, Central Africa is the largest net
importer. Every single country is short of cement.
Per capita consumption of 96 kg in Central
Africa is quite low as compared to worlds 513 kg
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 17
18. Production, Consumption and Imports of Central AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of Central AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of Central AfricaProduction, Consumption and Imports of Central Africa
Production Consumption Imports
Angola 4.56 Mill tons
Cameroon 1.19 Mill tons
DR Congo 1.18 Mill tons
Gabon 0.24 Mill tons
Congo 0.15 Mill tons
Angola 5.56 Mill tons
DR Congo 2.19 Mill tons
Cameroon 1.79 Mill tons
Congo 1.25 Mill tons
Eqt. Guinea 0.72 Mill tons
Angola 2.30 Mill tons
Congo Rep. 1.10 Mill tons
Eqt Guinea 0.72 Mill tons
Gabon 0.64 Mill tons
Cameroon 0.60 Mill tons Congo 0.15 Mill tons Eqt. Guinea 0.72 Mill tons Cameroon 0.60 Mill tons
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 18
19. Why Africa matters in the Global EconomyWhy Africa matters in the Global EconomyWhy Africa matters in the Global EconomyWhy Africa matters in the Global Economy
Africa as the Last Frontier
Africa as new territory
Importance of Africa matters in the World Economy
Rich with minerals and raw materials
Can be an emerging economic market
Comparison of infrastructure globally with AfricaComparison of infrastructure globally with Africa
Untapped market with a lot of potential
20. Tanzania:
- Production was 3.70 Mt
- Consumption was 4.00 Mt
Key Markets in SSA for SubcontinentKey Markets in SSA for SubcontinentKey Markets in SSA for SubcontinentKey Markets in SSA for Subcontinent
- Production was 1.10 Mt
- Consumption was 1.69 Mt
- Exports were 0 Mt
- Consumption was 4.00 Mt
- Exports were 0.45 Mt
- Imports were 0.79 Mt
- Construction sector forecasted to
expand by 9.8% in 2013.
-Increasing power generation in 5 year
development plan.
- Exports were 0 Mt
- Imports were 0.67 Mt
- GDP growth boosted by coal industry
to 7.55%
- US$ 725m bridge being constructed
- New Nacala airport
- Investment in roads
South Africa:
- Production was 12.33 Mt
-Consumption was 11.85 Mt
-Exports were 0.99 Mt
Indian Ocean Island:
-Seychelles-Exports were 0.99 Mt
-Imports were 1.09 Mt
-Gov. announced US$ 462 bn package
of infrastructure spending
-79 new schools in Gauteng
-Construction of Hospitals and Durban
harbor .
Production was 0.25 Mt
Consumption was 1.51 Mt
Exports were 0 Mt
Imports were 1.35 Mt
Source : Global Cement Report & ITC 20
21. Lucky Cements Investment in DRCLucky Cements Investment in DRCLucky Cements Investment in DRCLucky Cements Investment in DRC
Project named M/s Nyamba Ya Akiba.
DCR currently consumes about 24 kg of
cement per capita per year.cement per capita per year.
Access to Regional Market of Sub-Saharan
Easy Access to Raw Material and Cheap
Power including Abundant and High Quality
Limestone Reserves
Project LocationProject LocationProject LocationProject Location
location near
Matadi Port
Kinshasa and
Matadi in Bas
Congo Province
250 Kilometers
away from
Project LocationProject LocationProject LocationProject Location
22. Project Description of Lucky Cement in DRCProject Description of Lucky Cement in DRCProject Description of Lucky Cement in DRCProject Description of Lucky Cement in DRC
Capacity Technology Area Employees
1.18 million tons
per annum
technology from
one of the
leading plant and
Most efficient ,
latest technology
and highly
250 acres of land
for cement plant
7,057 acres for
limestone and
clay mining
400 employees
will be employed
for the project
Employees from
the local
population will
be hired and
trained as per
Hydel based
power supply
shall be available
through Kwilu
substation which
is only 6km away
from project