Progression of skills: Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced organized by age level. This serves as a guide to align appropriate level skills with age groups, as well as for multi-skill trainings and programming. This is a work in progress and will be revised as skills programs/series are developed and field tested.
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CE-OS Outdoor Skills Progression (draft version13 April 2012)
1. Take it Outside Iowa
(Draft: Fall 2011) Progression of skills: Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced organized by age level. This serves as a guide to align
appropriate level skills with age groups, as well as for multi-skill trainings and programming. This is a work in progress and will be
revised as skills programs/series are developed and field tested.
Basic Skills for the Outdoors
Age Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
0-5 yrs (PreK – K) Exploration/Observation
Dressing for the Outdoors
Basic Safety (sunscreen, insect
repellant, buddy system)
6-8 yrs (primary) Dressing for the Outdoors Navigation (directions,
Basic Safety (sunscreen, insect landmarks)
repellant, buddy system) Observation – Bug boxes,
viewing scopes
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Dressing for the Outdoors Orienteering/ Map and
Basic Safety (sunscreen, insect Compass
repellant, buddy system) Observation – Bug boxes, Observation – identification of
viewing scopes, binoculars common animals, plants, tracks
12-14 yrs (middle school) Dressing for the Outdoors Orienteering/ Map and Planning Trips, GPS
Basic Safety (sunscreen, insect Compass
repellant, buddy system) Observation – viewing scopes, Observation – identification of
binoculars more animals, plants, tracks,
15+ (high school-adult) Dressing for the Outdoors Orienteering/ Map and Planning Trips, GPS
Basic Safety (sunscreen, insect Compass
repellant, buddy system) Observation – viewing scopes, Observation – identification of
binoculars more animals, plants, tracks,
2. Fishing
Age Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
0-5 yrs (PreK – K)
6-8 yrs (primary) Basic Spincasting – casting
contest (FI Games)
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Basic Spincasting – casting Fish Iowa! Basic Spincasting
contest (FI Games) Casting
Landing Fish
Releasing Fish
12-14 yrs (middle school) Basic Spincasting – casting Fish Iowa! Basic Spincasting Spinning Gear (no materials)
contest (FI Games) Casting Fish Iowa! Intro. to Ice Fishing
Landing Fish Fish Iowa! Intro. to Fly-fishing
Releasing Fish
15+ (high school-adult) Basic Spincasting – casting Fish Iowa! Basic Spincasting Spinning Gear (no materials)
contest (FI Games) Casting More advanced Ice Fishing
Landing Fish More advanced Fly-fishing, fly
Releasing Fish tying
Specialty fishing (species, lake,
river, etc.)
3. Motorized Vehicle Recreation
Age Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
6-8 yrs (primary) Introduction to Outdoor Skills Tread Lightly!
Adventure Trail Program
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Introduction to Outdoor Skills Tread Lightly! Hands-on skills course at a park
or a trail
Trip planning dynamics
Riding on Ice
12-14 yrs (middle school) Introduction to Outdoor Skills Tread Lightly! Hands-on skills course at a park
ATV Education Course or a trail
Snowmobile Ed Course Trip planning dynamics
Riding on Ice
15+ (high school-adult) Introduction to Outdoor Skills Tread Lightly! Hands-on skills course at a park
ATV Education Course or a trail
Snowmobile Ed Course Trip planning dynamics
Riding on Ice
Water Safety
Age Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
6-8 yrs (primary) Introduction to Water Safety Life jacket education
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Introduction to Water Safety Life jacket education Hands-on boat operation course
12-14 yrs (middle school) Introduction to Water Safety Boat Iowa course Hands-on boat operation course
15+ (high school-adult) Introduction to Water Safety Boat Iowa course Hands-on boat operation course
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
0-5 yrs (PreK – K)
6-8 yrs (primary)
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Introduction to Archery NASP basic archery program Competitive archery program –
Elementary Division
12-14 yrs (middle school) Introduction to Archery NASP basic archery program Competitive archery program –
Middle School Division
15+ (high school-adult) Introduction to Archery NASP basic archery program Competitive archery program –
HS Division
4. Shooting Sports
Age Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
0-5 yrs (PreK – K) Basic Firearms Safety – Eddie
Eagle Program (Pre K – 1)
6-8 yrs (primary) Basic Firearms Safety – Eddie
Eagle Program (Grades 2 & 3)
9-11 yrs (intermediate) Intro. to shooting sports (BB Intermediate Shooting Sports Rookie Competitive SCTP –
guns) (trap shooting – 20 gauge Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays
shotgun, .22 rifles, air 4H Competitive - .smallbore
rifles/pistols) Rifles, smallbore Pistols,
muzzleloader, shotgun, air rifle,
air pistol
12-14 yrs (middle school) Intro. to shooting sports (BB Hunter Education Course Competitive Scholastic Clay
guns) Intermediate Shooting Sports Target Programs – Trap, Skeet,
(trap shooting – 20 gauge and Sporting Clays
shotgun, .22 rifles, air 4H Competitive - .smallbore
rifles/pistols) Rifles, smallbore Pistols,
muzzleloader, shotgun, air rifle,
air pistol
15+ (high school-adult) Intro. to shooting sports (BB Hunter Education Course Competitive High School &
guns) Intermediate Shooting Sports Scholastic Clay Target
(trap shooting – 20 gauge Programs – Trap, Skeet, and
shotgun, .22 rifles, air Sporting Clays
rifles/pistols) 4H Competitive - .smallbore
Rifles, smallbore Pistols,
muzzleloader, shotgun, Air
rifle, Air Pistol