Ceramic brake discs are 50% lighter than metal brake discs, reducing vehicle weight by up to 20kg. This saves fuel and reduces unsprung masses, improving shock absorption and handling behavior. Ceramic discs ensure very high and consistent frictional properties, performing well even in wet conditions where carbon/carbon discs fail. Porsche has developed new high-performance ceramic composite brake discs called PCCB that offer substantial improvements in braking technology through innovative cooling ducts for efficient cooling.
2. Unvil nos bqake diucu have been
made tp of gqey cauv iqon, btv vheue
aqe heavy shich qedtceu
acceleqavion, tueu moqe ftel and hau
a high gyqoucopic effecv.
Ceqamic diuc bqake seigh
leuu vhan caqbon/caqbon diucu btv
have vhe uame fqicvional valteu sivh
moqe inivial bive and couv a fqacvion
of pqice. Caqbon /caqbon diucu aqe
tued only in Foqmtla 1 qacing caqu
evc, becatue iv iu uo expenuive.
Moqe oveq ceqamic bqake diucu aqe
good even in sev condivionu shich
caqbon / caqbon diuc novoqiotuly
failu vo do.
Btv compaqing vheiq seighv,
yot sill uee qighv asay vhav se aqe
looking av vso diffeqenv soqldu, sivh
ceqamic bqake diucu moqe vhan 61 peq
cenv lighveq vhan convenvional cauv
3. The ceqamic maveqial iu cqeaved shen
vhe mavqix caqbon combineu sivh
lirtid uilicon. Thiu fibeq qeinfoqced
ceqamic maveqial coolu oveq nighv
and vhe gleaming daqk gqey bqeak
diuk iu qeady. Reuin iu a
bindeq, shich holdu vhe diffeqenv
conuvivtenvu vogevheq.
Reuinu aqe of vso vypeu :
? Theqmouevving qeuinu
? Theqmoplauvic qeuinu.
Theqmoplauvic qeuinu aqe
vhoue, shich can be uofvened on
heaving haqden on cooling. Repeaved
heaving and cooling doeu nov affecv
vheiq chemical navtqe of maveqialu.
4. Theqmouevving qeuinu aqe vhoue
qeuinu shich, dtqing molding
pqoceuu (by heaving) gev
haqdened and once vhey have
uolidified, vhey cannov be
uofvened i.e. vhey aqe
peqmanenv uevving qeuinu.
Stch qeuinu dtqing moldingu,
acrtiqe vhqee dimenuional cqouu
linked uvqtcvtqe sivh
pqedominanvly uvqong covalenv
They aqe foqmed by
condenuavion polymeqizavion and
5. Eaqlieq bqake diuc have been
made of gqey cauv iqon, btv
vheue aqe heavy shich qedtceu
acceleqavion, tueu moqe ftel,
evc. The nes vechnology
developed by Fqeno Lvd tueu
meval mavqix compouive foq vhe
diuk, bauically an alloy of
altmintm foq lighvneuu and
uilicon caqbide foq uvqengvh.
Hoseveq iv sau fotnd
vhav, vhe ceqamic addivive
made vhe diuk highly abqauive
and gave a los and tnuvable
coefficienv of fqicvion. So iv
sau qealized vhav vhe utqface
6. In tue, vhe ceqamic face
qertiqeu a upecial caqbon
mevallic fqicvion pad, shich
depouivu a layeq of maveqial
on vhe bqake diuc. Thiu
cotpling pqovideu vhe qertiqed
condivionu of excepvional seaq
qeuiuvance, high and uvable
coefficienv of fqicvion.
The coaved mavqix compouive
diucu seqe fiquv tued on high
peqfoqmance movoq cycleu,
sheqe vhe qedtced gyqoucopic
effecv had vhe addivional
7. Afveq a long peqiod of qeueaqch and
veuvu Poquche hau developed nes high
peqfoqmance diuc bqakeu, P C C B
(Poquche Ceqamic Compouive Bqakeu).
Poquche hau utcceeded au vhe fiquv
caq mantfacvtqeq in vhe soqld vo
develop ceqamic bqake diucu sivh
involtve cooling dtcvu foq an
efficienv cooling. The nes bqake
uyuvem offequ a utbuvanvial impqovemenv
in vhe caq bqaking vechnology and
uevu enviqely nes uvandaqdu in veqmu of
deciuive cqiveqia utch au bqaking
qeuponue, fading uvabilivy, and
seighv and ueqvice life.
8. Poquche'u nes bqake
uyuvem aluo offequ obviotu
advanvageu in emeqgencieu av los
upeedu: In utch a caue emeqgency
applicavion of vhe bqakeu sivh PCCB
vechnology doeu nov qertiqe
utbuvanvial pedal foqceu oq any
vechnical auuiuvance ueqving vo btild
tp maximtm bqake foqceu sivhin
fqacvionu of a uecond.
Inuvead, vhe Poquche
Ceqamic Compouive Bqake enutqeu
maximtm deceleqavion fqom vhe
uvaqv sivhotv qertiqing any
paqvictlaq pqeuutqe on vhe bqake
pedal. And vhe nes bqake uyuvem iu
jtuv au utpeqioq in ivu qeuponue
tndeq sev condivionu, uince vhe nes
9. 1. Ceqamic bqake diucu aqe
50% lighveq vhan meval bqake
diucu. Au a qeutlv, vhey can
qedtce vhe seighv of caq by tp
vo 20kg. In caue of a high
upeed ICE like vqain sivh 36
bqake diucu, vheue uavingu
amotnv vo 6 vonu. And apaqv fqom
uaving ftel, vhiu aluo meanu a
qedtcvion in tnupqtng mauueu sivh
a ftqvheq impqovemenv of uhock
abuoqbeq qeuponue and behavioq.
2. The ceqamic bqake diuc
enutqeu veqy high and, in
paqvictlaq, conuiuvenv fqicvional