DeliveryBros is a last-mile delivery network in Lagos that addresses the pain point of long pickup and delivery times for online and offline purchases. Their on-demand delivery model uses a network of motorbikes and a matching algorithm to provide express 3-hour deliveries. Revenue is earned from a 25.5% fee charged to deliveries completed through their network. Since launching in January, DeliveryBros has grown to 73 motorbikes serving over 150 requests weekly, expanded to Abuja, and generated over 5 million naira in cash-on-delivery remittances. Their growth strategy aims to expand the fleet size and number of deliveries into new cities over the next three years.
Este documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto de empanadas de ma¨ªz fritas. Detalla los exponentes involucrados, el facilitador y la ubicaci¨®n. Explica brevemente el proceso de adquisici¨®n de ingredientes, producci¨®n y comercializaci¨®n del producto. Adem¨¢s, establece el precio de venta en 60 bol¨ªvares soberanos por unidad utilizando los m¨¦todos de costos y promedio de mercado. Finalmente, describe las opciones seleccionadas para la promoci¨®n del producto que incluyen revistas, vallas publicit
DeliveryBros is a last-mile delivery network in Lagos that addresses the pain point of long pickup and delivery times for online and offline purchases. Their on-demand delivery model uses a network of motorbikes and a matching algorithm to provide express 3-hour deliveries. Revenue is earned from a 25.5% fee charged to deliveries completed through their network. Since launching in January, DeliveryBros has grown to 73 motorbikes serving over 150 requests weekly, expanded to Abuja, and generated over 5 million naira in cash-on-delivery remittances. Their growth strategy aims to expand the fleet size and number of deliveries into new cities over the next three years.
Este documento presenta un resumen de un proyecto de empanadas de ma¨ªz fritas. Detalla los exponentes involucrados, el facilitador y la ubicaci¨®n. Explica brevemente el proceso de adquisici¨®n de ingredientes, producci¨®n y comercializaci¨®n del producto. Adem¨¢s, establece el precio de venta en 60 bol¨ªvares soberanos por unidad utilizando los m¨¦todos de costos y promedio de mercado. Finalmente, describe las opciones seleccionadas para la promoci¨®n del producto que incluyen revistas, vallas publicit
Developing great applications using ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET AJAXTatham Oddie
The document discusses developing applications using ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET AJAX. It covers what MVC is, how it is useful for web development, and how to use it. It also mentions routing, abstraction, view engines, alternatives to ASP.NET MVC, and when ASP.NET MVC will be available. AJAX is discussed as well.
Este documento describe 9 tipolog¨ªas de red diferentes y compara sus caracter¨ªsticas, ventajas y desventajas. La topolog¨ªa punto a punto es la m¨¢s corta y econ¨®mica pero no es muy segura. La topolog¨ªa de estrella es resistente a ca¨ªdas pero cara. La topolog¨ªa h¨ªbrida permite combinar dos tipolog¨ªas y aislar errores aunque es muy costosa.
The document discusses the equipment being researched for a music video production. A Canon camera with a 500mm lens is selected to perfectly capture focus and color, producing a professional end result. Digital powered lights are chosen to make the video look professional in dark scenes. Key lighting will improve video quality and allow the director to highlight certain things by placing lighting on objects, people, or scenes. Tripods are also viewed as important to provide steady shots instead of hand-holding the camera.
This document provides information about postgraduate courses offered at La Trobe University in Australia, specifically related to I.T., engineering, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. It outlines double masters programs, individual course offerings, facilities and services available to students. Course offerings include masters and graduate diplomas/certificates in various computer science, engineering, mathematical sciences, physical sciences, and biotechnology fields. Support services for international students and facilities like religious spaces, sports facilities, clubs and student exchange opportunities are also summarized.
The document discusses the technologies used to construct a product. A Nikon camera was used to record high quality scenes and upload clips to a computer. Adobe Premiere was used to edit the film together, while Word was used for evaluations. YouTube and Google were resources for researching film techniques and conducting searches.
Torrance real estate statistics and analysis for December 2016. Includes homes sales, listings and historical performance on a month to month and year over year basis.
This short document promotes the creation of Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and encourages the reader to get started making their own. It does so by including photos from five different photographers to illustrate the variety of visual content that can be used in Haiku Deck presentations.
Cada d¨ªa de la semana se describe brevemente el clima, desde el lunes al viernes se mencionan el sol, la lluvia, el fr¨ªo, la nieve y el viento respectivamente.
This document provides an overview of Drupal architecture, including:
- The typical technology stack of OS, web server, PHP, database, and Drupal software.
- How requests are routed through Drupal's bootstrap process and menu system before being returned as HTML.
- Common patterns in Drupal like hooks, structured data arrays, and modules altering output.
- Key concepts like entities, bundles, and fields that make up content types.
- Questions to consider when planning a Drupal site like available functionality and theming.
El Museo de Historia de Madrid fue fundado en 1929 para preservar la memoria hist¨®rica de la ciudad a trav¨¦s de piezas de su patrimonio hist¨®rico-art¨ªstico. La exposici¨®n permanente del museo abarca 480 a?os de historia de Madrid, desde 1561 cuando Felipe II estableci¨® la corte all¨ª hasta las primeras d¨¦cadas del siglo XX. A trav¨¦s de lienzos, planos, mobiliario, maquetas, mapas, porcelanas, abanicos, fotograf¨ªas y grabados, el museo ilustra los principales hitos
This document discusses determining whether two lines, m and n, are parallel based on given angle measurements. For the first example, where m¡Ï2 = 123¡ã and m¡Ï8 = 57¡ã, the angles are exterior angles on the same side of the transversal, which must be supplementary for the lines to be parallel. Since m¡Ï2 + m¡Ï8 = 180¡ã, the lines m and n are parallel. For the second example, where m¡Ï3 = 100¡ã and m¡Ï6 = 80¡ã, the angles are alternate interior angles, which must be congruent for the lines to be parallel. But m¡Ï3 ¡Ù m¡Ï6, so lines m and n are not
Este documento resume la teor¨ªa de la justicia de John Rawls. Rawls propone que los principios de justicia para la estructura b¨¢sica de una sociedad deber¨ªan ser acordados por personas libres e iguales desde una "posici¨®n original" detr¨¢s de un "velo de ignorancia", de modo que no conocen sus posiciones o habilidades particulares. Bajo estas condiciones, elegir¨ªan principios que maximicen las libertades b¨¢sicas y beneficien a los miembros menos favorecidos de la sociedad.
25 most popular cities that were well liked amongst travellers in 2016Rayna Tours
We have said goodbye to 2016 and have entered the New Year with lot of fantasy, cheer and hope. nevertheless, before we turn our backs to the past year entirely, it is time to look back at the wonderful cities that were a favourite among travellers in 2016.
Este documento discute el uso de terapias complementarias en medicina est¨¦tica. Brevemente describe: 1) C¨®mo muchas poblaciones utilizan medicina tradicional y complementaria para satisfacer sus necesidades de salud; 2) Que la medicina complementaria se usa junto con la medicina convencional para tratar diversas afecciones como dermatitis at¨®pica, acn¨¦ y verrugas; 3) Algunas terapias complementarias como dieta, suplementos, relajaci¨®n y hipnosis que pueden ayudar con estas condiciones.