Whether you realise it or not, you negotiate and resolve conflict every day. This course introduces you to a way of thinking about Negotiation and Conflict Resolution that will give you renewed confidence.
This course provides you with an introduction to negotiation and conflict resolution from both an academic perspective and also from a practical or skills based perspective. There are discussion boards which give you an opportunity to delve deeper into the issues with other people taking the course and also assessment items for you to undertake to help you recall key points along the way and to reinforce the learning. You will also receive some practical tips negotiation dos and donts, so you can continue to build on your skills in negotiation and conflict resolution after the course is complete.
2. Certificate of Achievement
Kumar Mukund
November 14th, 2017
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Final score: 95 %
Completed assessments
Module Score
Thinking Like a Negotiator 100%
The Five Phases of a Negotiation 80%
Conflict Resolution Theory and Practice 100%
Communication Skills 100%
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