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What we learned at CES &
Ogilvy & Mather
The 2013 International CES topped 150,000 attendees, covered 1.92 million square feet of exhibit space, unveiled 20,000 new products and
showcased hundreds of speakers discussing the state of the technology industry in just four days.

But with all the hype, commotion and can-not-miss content 鍖owing throughout the 4 day event, we wanted to 鍖nd the answers to the one
thing on the top of all of our minds, What does all of this mean for my brand?

Ogilvy & Mather broke down the 2013 International CES into bite size chunks of the most important brand takeaways and trends that youll
鍖nd compiled within What We Learned at CES & What Every Brand Should Know. Enjoy.
The Trends
   Trend 1: Life connected                 Trend 4: Humanizing technology               Trend 7: TV is no longer passive
   Trend 2: Social product networks        Trend 5: Emotional content distribution      Trend 8: Screen size doesnt matter
   Trend 3: Endless CRM opportunities      Trend 6: Home automation                     Trend 9: Bend it. Flex it. Wrap it. Twist it.
Trend One
                   LIFE CONNECTED
   Passive objects like your scale or fork are now quietly analyzing your every
 waking moment. Technology is enabling products and services to connect to
 eachother, record new types of data and sync our physical selves to our digital
selves. These new insights into consumer behaviors gives us the ability to reach
     them more e鍖ectively and make more adaptive products and services.
Withings - Wi鍖 Body Scale                  Hapilabs - Hapifork

                              Trend One
                            CES EXAMPLES

                               CES 2013
Trend Two
 Objects in your day-to-day life are not only analyzing your actions but can talk
 with you via mobile devices. Your plant now has the ability to text and let you
   know how it feels. Swap in your product and this gives us a new mode of
communication to consumers. Through consistent product-to-consumer contact,
            we might start seeing social product networks on the rise.
Moneual - Smart Plant Care                  Moneual - Smart Plant Care

                               Trend Two
                             CES EXAMPLES

                                CES 2013
Trend Three
  As more of our digital devices talk, this will open up new CRM channels and
 opportunities for your brand to leverage. CRM can be found everywhere, from
   the push noti鍖cations on mobile phones to LIVE conversation analysis over
FaceTime that can provide users with contextually relevant information. With new
           improvements in digital comes new CRM oppportunities.
Expect Labs - MindMeld                   Urban Airship - Push Messaging Platform

                           Trend Three
                         CES EXAMPLES

                             CES 2013
Trend Four
 Voice recognition. Facial recognition. Hand gestures. Next year well probably
see smell. But until then, the Human User Interface is upon us. No more GUI.
 Its all about your user-experience and making device UX a priority. How will
                  your marketing go beyond a click of a banner?
LG - Gesture Cam                  Fitbit - User Experience and Interface

                     Trend Four
                   CES EXAMPLES

                      CES 2013
Trend Five
   What if you could distribute your content based on how your consumer was
 feeling at an exact moment in time? And, what if we said you could capture this
  emotional data in the form of biometrics? Happy, sad and angry are about to
  become part of every markters toolkit. With these future distribution and data
    capture techniques, how will it a鍖ect your marketing decisions and KPIs?
Technicolor - Content Research + Development                  Intel - Perceptual Computing

                                                 Trend Five
                                               CES EXAMPLES

                                                  CES 2013
Trend Six
                  HOME AUTOMATION
 More and more homes will become smart homes. This is a huge opportunity for
brands, especially CPG brands, to add a new layer of utility, data capture and CRM
between interconnected devices and appliances. Brand utility can now be thought of
as a 360 degree experience that provides tools, content and automated control from
      your mobile device to appliances and connected products in your home.
Samsung - Smart Home                  Samsung - Smart Oven

                         Trend Six
                       CES EXAMPLES

                          CES 2013
Trend Seven
  Television has become truly active. Its not just a content portal but a
smart app portal, a connected home portal and a device portal. The TV is
                        now your lifestlye portal.
Panasonic - My Home Screen                   LG + Google TV - Content Discovery

                               Trend Seven
                             CES EXAMPLES

                                 CES 2013
Trend Eight
  Whats the di鍖erence between a 120 screen and the screen that sits neatly in
   your pocket? Its not the size. What matters is the content, utility, data and
accessibilty you give consumers across these screen experiences. And its not just
providing rich experiences across displays but providing these experiences based
                        on the location of your consumer.
Sharp - 85 8k TV                   Flingo - Samba, second-screen interactive TV

                      Trend Eight
                    CES EXAMPLES

                        CES 2013
Trend Nine
    Flexible-display technology will cover more objects than just televisions,
 tablets and mobile devices moving forward. Imagine this tech covering your
   products, branded objects, or apparel. Your brand creative will have more
              addressable consumer interactions than ever before.
Samsung - Youm, 鍖exible-display                  Samsung - Youm, 鍖exible display

                                    Trend Nine
                                  CES EXAMPLES

                                     CES 2013

More Related Content

Ces Ogilvy

  • 1. What we learned at CES & WHAT EVERY BRAND SHOULD KNOW Ogilvy & Mather 2013 INTERNATIONAL CES
  • 2. Overview WHAT WE LEARNED AT CES The 2013 International CES topped 150,000 attendees, covered 1.92 million square feet of exhibit space, unveiled 20,000 new products and showcased hundreds of speakers discussing the state of the technology industry in just four days. But with all the hype, commotion and can-not-miss content 鍖owing throughout the 4 day event, we wanted to 鍖nd the answers to the one thing on the top of all of our minds, What does all of this mean for my brand? Ogilvy & Mather broke down the 2013 International CES into bite size chunks of the most important brand takeaways and trends that youll 鍖nd compiled within What We Learned at CES & What Every Brand Should Know. Enjoy.
  • 3. The Trends WHAT EVERY BRAND SHOULD KNOW Trend 1: Life connected Trend 4: Humanizing technology Trend 7: TV is no longer passive Trend 2: Social product networks Trend 5: Emotional content distribution Trend 8: Screen size doesnt matter Trend 3: Endless CRM opportunities Trend 6: Home automation Trend 9: Bend it. Flex it. Wrap it. Twist it.
  • 4. Trend One LIFE CONNECTED Passive objects like your scale or fork are now quietly analyzing your every waking moment. Technology is enabling products and services to connect to eachother, record new types of data and sync our physical selves to our digital selves. These new insights into consumer behaviors gives us the ability to reach them more e鍖ectively and make more adaptive products and services.
  • 5. Withings - Wi鍖 Body Scale Hapilabs - Hapifork Trend One CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 6. Trend Two SOCIAL PRODUCT NETWORKS Objects in your day-to-day life are not only analyzing your actions but can talk with you via mobile devices. Your plant now has the ability to text and let you know how it feels. Swap in your product and this gives us a new mode of communication to consumers. Through consistent product-to-consumer contact, we might start seeing social product networks on the rise.
  • 7. Moneual - Smart Plant Care Moneual - Smart Plant Care Trend Two CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 8. Trend Three ENDLESS CRM OPPORTUNITIES As more of our digital devices talk, this will open up new CRM channels and opportunities for your brand to leverage. CRM can be found everywhere, from the push noti鍖cations on mobile phones to LIVE conversation analysis over FaceTime that can provide users with contextually relevant information. With new improvements in digital comes new CRM oppportunities.
  • 9. Expect Labs - MindMeld Urban Airship - Push Messaging Platform Trend Three CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 10. Trend Four HUMANIZING TECHNOLOGY Voice recognition. Facial recognition. Hand gestures. Next year well probably see smell. But until then, the Human User Interface is upon us. No more GUI. Its all about your user-experience and making device UX a priority. How will your marketing go beyond a click of a banner?
  • 11. LG - Gesture Cam Fitbit - User Experience and Interface Trend Four CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 12. Trend Five EMOTIONAL CONTENT DISTRIBUTION What if you could distribute your content based on how your consumer was feeling at an exact moment in time? And, what if we said you could capture this emotional data in the form of biometrics? Happy, sad and angry are about to become part of every markters toolkit. With these future distribution and data capture techniques, how will it a鍖ect your marketing decisions and KPIs?
  • 13. Technicolor - Content Research + Development Intel - Perceptual Computing Trend Five CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 14. Trend Six HOME AUTOMATION More and more homes will become smart homes. This is a huge opportunity for brands, especially CPG brands, to add a new layer of utility, data capture and CRM between interconnected devices and appliances. Brand utility can now be thought of as a 360 degree experience that provides tools, content and automated control from your mobile device to appliances and connected products in your home.
  • 15. Samsung - Smart Home Samsung - Smart Oven Trend Six CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 16. Trend Seven TV IS NO LONGER PASSIVE Television has become truly active. Its not just a content portal but a smart app portal, a connected home portal and a device portal. The TV is now your lifestlye portal.
  • 17. Panasonic - My Home Screen LG + Google TV - Content Discovery Trend Seven CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 18. Trend Eight SCREEN SIZE DOESNT MATTER Whats the di鍖erence between a 120 screen and the screen that sits neatly in your pocket? Its not the size. What matters is the content, utility, data and accessibilty you give consumers across these screen experiences. And its not just providing rich experiences across displays but providing these experiences based on the location of your consumer.
  • 19. Sharp - 85 8k TV Flingo - Samba, second-screen interactive TV Trend Eight CES EXAMPLES CES 2013
  • 20. Trend Nine BEND IT. FLEX IT. WRAP IT. TWIST IT. Flexible-display technology will cover more objects than just televisions, tablets and mobile devices moving forward. Imagine this tech covering your products, branded objects, or apparel. Your brand creative will have more addressable consumer interactions than ever before.
  • 21. Samsung - Youm, 鍖exible-display Samsung - Youm, 鍖exible display Trend Nine CES EXAMPLES CES 2013