Use a variety of techniques like color, pictures, voiceovers, video, sound, animation, games, activities, and simulations to make eLearning more engaging according to a document from the Chicago eLearning Showcase. These techniques should appeal to different learning styles and include social elements like learning buddies, mentoring, coaching, and asking experts. eLearning should also provide hands-on practice, feedback, demonstrations, workshops, and exercises to be engaging.
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CETS 2010, Judy Martins, HANDOUT, Making eLearning More Engaging
1. Suggested Techniques for Making eLearning more Engaging
from the Chicago eLearning Showcase 8/11/2010
Use the following techniques:
Pictures, especially photographs
Voice overs
Matching activities
Drag and drop exercises
Variety of media
Simulations, based upon the job you are training
Social media
Learning buddies
Peer or Manager Coaching
Ask–the-expert link
Use all 8 (Gardner) learning styles
A companion guide sent to student or printable
Hands-on practice with timely feedback
Demonstrate Proper use of tools
Virtual workshops
Compare & contrast exercises
For more ideas on Creating Engaging eLearning, please contact:
Judy Martins, CEO,
Mid American Regional Training INStitute
At 224-217-5115