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CEVA Club Directors
      October 14th, 2012
       Tiger Woods Center
           Bay Hill Hall
Partner Presentations
Sports Authority
Tricia Miller

CEVA Discount Weekend Dec. 8th & 9th

20% Off, No limit on items.
Partner Presentations
Referee Photo Inc.
Rick OConnor
Partner Presentations
Aries Apparel
Diana Mardsen

Laurie Bailey
Partner Presentations
Partner Presentations
Scott Zanon

Marketing Director Team Sports

Maria Carlini

Team Sports Volleyball Specialist
CEVA Staff:

 Breen Goodwin, Executive Director
 Joe Boken, Operations Director
 Mike Benkoski, Membership & Communications
CEVA Board of Directors

 Members of CEVA BOD
 Role/Expectation of CEVA BOD

Junior Girls Committee

 Members of CEVA Jr. Girls Committee
 Role/Expectation of CEVA Jr. Girls Committee
CEVA Region of USA Volleyball

 Role of CEVA Office
 Role of CEVA Club Directors/Admins
 Working Together

 CEVA Staff is here to serve the Club Directors, players
   and parents. We are growing the game together.
Hotels and Travel

 Patrick Higgins & Mike Chandler
 Approach to Sports Housing
   Budget Saving Strategy (Stay-to-save)
   Benefits to staying at official CEVA hotels
   Our Approach to enhancing the experience

   Question and Answer
Please review the documents in your folder.

 Junior Girls Handbook (not included)
 List of all other season documents
 All available on the CEVA website.
Membership & Registration
Fees and Sanctions
 Please refer to attached Document
 Power League Entry $600
 CEVA Presidents Day $450
 CEVA Friendship $65
   2-Day $300
   1-Day $175
Membership & Registration
2012  2013 Season Tryouts Dates

 Saturday, November 3rd  12s/14s
 Saturday, November 17th  16s/18s
 Tryout Information Form (form included): Please submit
  ASAP whether you are having tryouts or NOT.

CONFLICTS: Saturday, November 3rd

 CYO Competition  plan accordingly
 State Playoff Competition  plan accordingly
Membership & Registration
Getting Players & Coaches Registered BEFORE Tryouts

 ALL adults must be registered and completed background
  screening prior to tryouts.

 All Webpoint registrations will now be processed via credit
  card and are nonrefundable.

 Players have the choice of two membership options for
   Membership Deposit: $10 (good for 5 days of tryouts)
   Full Junior Girls membership: $55
Membership & Registration
Paperwork to collect at Tryouts

 Player Membership Card (or registration confirmation)
   Check Membership Dates
   Check Level of Play
 Medical Release Form
 Concussion Form
Membership & Registration
Player Membership Card

   Membership Dates
   Level of Play, LOP
Membership & Registration
Unregistered Players
 Computer or Laptop ideal
 Hardcopy member form is last resort
   Parent/Guardian Signature required 3 places
   Forms must be sent to CEVA Office by Monday 9am after
   CEVA will collect membership payment from players.
 Medical Release Form
 Concussion Form
 All Documents on our website.
Membership & Registration
CEVA Commitment Policy
 Full policy in Junior Girls Handbook
 This policy was put in place to better serve players and
  their families. We are following the best practice policies
  of many other USA Volleyball Regions.
 Clubs are encouraged to work together in scheduling
 All clubs are strongly encouraged to use the CEVA
  Commitment Letter.
   In the event a player commits to more than one club, the
     CEVA office can only take action based on writing, not
Membership & Registration
Upgrade Membership after Players Commit to your club

 Players who registered for a Membership Deposit must
  upgrade their membership in Webpoint BEFORE
  participating in any practice, competition or fundraiser.

 Players who choose UNDECIDED for a club may log
  back into Webpoint and choose your club after signing
  the CEVA Letter of Commitment.
 Write down questions
 Fill out form
 Answer at the end or via email
 Club Directors/Administrators will build their own teams
  in Webpoint this season.
 Club Directors/Administrators need to register by
  October 31st to keep their Admin access
 Club Admin Handbook for Webpoint is available on
  documents tab of website
 Rosters will be locked again on April 1st  all
  adjustments need to be made prior to this date.
Roster Requirements
   CEVA Membership (includes all signed waivers)
   IMPACT Certification
   Cleared background screening ($18 via Webpoint)
     There is no longer a baseline fingerprint requirement
   Referee and Scorer
     Take the clinic (either online or in person) and take the quiz(s)
       via volleyballreftraining.com
   Concussion Training
     Complete online video and submit signed paperwork to club
Roster Requirements
   CEVA Membership (includes all signed waivers)
   Scorer Certification
     Take the clinic (either online or in person) and take the quiz(s)
       via volleyballreftraining.com
      Each team should have at least 3 certified scorers
   Concussion Training (Submit signed paperwork to club director)
   Medical Release Form (Submit signed paperwork to club director)
     All players need appropriate uniform numbers listed on the
       Webpoint roster
Ref/Score Training
 Refer to Junior Girls Handbook Section 8.6 for specific

 All certifications done online
 Additional training online (all positions of work team)
 Club hosted clinics still available for training.
Uniform Requirements (Rule 4.3)

 Numbers must be contrasting colors ( centered and be no
   smaller than 4 on front and 6 on back (mainly for 12U)
    Contrasting color examples.

 It is recommended that the numbers are 6 on front and 8 on back

Libero Uniform Requirements: (Rule 19.2)

 Must contrast in color with that of predominate colors of jerseys of
   other team members. Libero uniform may be different design, but
   must be numbered like the rest of the team members.

 No combinations such as navy/black, purple/black, dark green/black,
   navy/maroon, white/light yellow.
2014 Libero Uniform Requirements:
 The Libero or her/his teammates must wear a solid color
   jersey. The solid color jersey must clearly contrast from the
   predominant color(s) of the teammates' jersey. Predominant
   colors are those that appear on approximately half of the body of
   the uniform jersey.
 To be considered solid colored:
   Sleeves must be same color as the body of the jersey.
   Piping/trim must be the same color as the body of jersey.
   Lettering and collars can be different color than the body of jersey.
   Numbers must be a contrasting color and meet all other
      specifications in Rule 4.3.3 and associated USAV regulations.

Club Management
Susan Barkley

Senior Manager, Region Services
Club Management
 My Club
 My Teams
 Search Members
 List Membership Cards
 Team Form Search
 Team Assignment
CEVA Club Directors' Meeting 2012
My Club
Main Info, Club Members, Teams
Who is in my Club?
Current, Lapsed,
         Unpaid, Pending
 Thanks to CEVA policies, only need to look at
  Current Members, not Unpaid members!

 Lapsed Members include those who have a lapsed
  membership and have not renewed membership (in
  any club) since that membership.

 Why is someone missing?
   They havent registered yet (check the CEVA
    Current Members listing), OR
   They havent selected your club (or any club).
My Teams

 Click the +New Team button to add a new Team.
Create a New Team
 Give careful consideration to Team names.
  (They cannot easily be changed!)
   Include the Club name,
   Include the Age Division, and
   Include the Team Rank.
 (There are lots of teams out there called 17s!)
 Recommendation: Use a Team name that does NOT
  need to be changed each season.
  (For example, dont use the name of the coach.)
 Complete the information in the various fields.
 The Team Code will generate based on the
  information you provide.

 The Team Rank options provided will be only those
  still available. (If you are creating multiple teams in
  an age group, only one can be ranked 1, etc.)
 Click on the particular Team link to change the
  Status from Active to Inactive if the Club no longer
  offers that specific Team. (This will help avoid
  assigning members to rosters incorrectly.)
 Other than changing the Team Status from Active to
  Inactive (or from Inactive to Active), you cant
  change much  so take your time, please, when
  creating your Teams!
Team Assignment
 Team Assignment provides a batch process to
  make multiple team assignments from one screen.
  This option allows assignment of Club members
  who have not yet been assigned to a team.

 Individual rosters may also be edited directly, which
  allows adults to be assigned to multiple rosters (as
  well as adding a member, removing a member,
  changing a members role, changing a jersey
Team Assignment  Batch Process
CEVA Club Directors' Meeting 2012
Roster Verifications
 Roster assignment verifications are enforced by the
  system, so you cant add someone who isnt qualified
  to be on a roster.
 Examples: An adult without background screening on
  a junior roster, a girl on a boys roster, or a player who
  is too old for the team level of play.
 Specific information is provided at the top of the
  screen for roster assignments that were not
 Those who were assigned no longer display on the
  list for the Team Assignment process.
 If you need to assign an adult to more than one roster,
  you need to go directly to the roster for any additional
Edit a Team Roster (Add or Edit)

 On the Players tab of the team, click the +Add Club
  Member to Team button to add a member.
 Click the Edit button to change the roster assignment of an
  existing team member.
 Change the name, position, or number, then click the
  Update Team Member button to save the change.
 Or click the Delete Team Member button to remove that
  member from the roster.
List Membership Cards
 A current member may print his/her own card by
  selecting the Print Membership Card menu option

 A Club Administrator may print membership cards for
  current members in the Club

   Select a Team

List Membership Cards -

 Select the Print Membership Card from the menu
  on the left.
 Current information displays  membership
  information, background screening, officials
  certifications, coaching certification. If something
  updates in the record, print the card with updated
 Or the member may find the membership card at
  the end of the Membership Confirmation. (Click
  the icon to the left of the membership that looks
  like a little piece of paper.)
List Membership Cards  Club Admin

 Select Club Mgmt  List Membership Cards from
  the menu.
 Two options: (1) Select a Team to display cards for
  that team only; or (2) Leave Team Selection as
  Select One to display cards for all current club
 Printing by Team will show only those on that roster,
  printing three cards on a page.
 Printing all membership cards will display all current
  members in the club, printing three cards on a page.
Search Members
 Use as many or as few search filters as
  appropriate for the results you need.

 May want to identify those in the club with
  Background Screening, or IMPACT certifications,
  members with a certain level of play, all junior
  girls, or all junior boys, or adult members, etc.
CEVA Club Directors' Meeting 2012
 The results may be exported to a Text or Excel file.

 From the results screen, a group email can be sent to all
  or selected individuals.
Officials Search
Team Form Search
 Basic Search

 Team Rosters

 The results from these screens will include only those
  members assigned to active rosters.
Team Form Search  Basic Search

 Search is based on roster assignments.
 Very helpful for Club directory or event program,
  since the export file contains Team information, not
  just membership information.

 Also helpful to email to selected Teams.
Team Form Search  Team Rosters

 Select by Team or narrow down the results by
  using the search filters, or simply click the Search
  Rosters button for all rosters.
 Rosters may also be pulled directly from the Team
  information, and any adult on a roster may view and
  print that roster.
Webpoint Registration
 Thank you for the opportunity to present this

 Good luck with your season!
Building a Team in Webpoint

 Make an appointment with Mike for late
  November/early December.

 We are happy to run you through building a team and
  you should be good to go for the rest of your club!!!

 Send Mike your list of issues via email and we can help
  you work through any missing players or other
  challenges you may have.
Age Waivers
Updated Age Waiver Policy  READ POLICY IN HANDBOOK
 Age Waivers will ONLY be considered for development or
  geographical needs
 Age Waiver forms must be completed in total and submitted
  by the club director
   No more than 2 per team
   No age waivers provided for top teams within a club with more
    than one team in an age group
   Only birthdays in July or August considered
   Players being considered for age waivers should NOT be
    impact players
Registration Paperwork
Streamlined Paperwork

 Complete the Club Coversheet
   (Team Coversheets are no longer required!!!)
 Club Coversheet is due December 5th
 Write down your questions
 Fill out form
 Answers after or via email
Rental Courts
CEVA Owned Rental Courts

 18 portable indoor volleyball courts
 6 portable outdoor volleyball courts
Facility Rules

 Easy rule of thumb --- WATER ONLY in the gym.
 There are few facilities who allow food and drink
  anywhere in the building or courts.

 Teams will be given warning and penalized for breaking
  the Food & Drink Policy (review 8.4 of Handbook)
Parents & Spectators
Parent & Spectator Code of Conduct
 Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct form is included in
   your documents packet (and online).
 Educate your parents!
 Post in your practice facilities
 Concussion videos links on CEVA website
    Bullying, hazing, harassment
    Recognize, Reduce, Respond
Incident/Injury Reports

 All coaches should carry a few copies with them
 When to fill out the form
   Athlete or coach gets injured at a CEVA/USAV sanctioned
     practice, tournament or fundraiser

 Incident/Injury Report comes to the office
 Medical Claim form goes to the parent
Certificate of Insurance Request
 Fill out the insurance request form found under Documents
 Go over this form with your facility to make sure we can
  meet their needs.
 Certificate Holder: the locations info
   Fill out the Attention to section
   List the contact of the facilitys email on the form
 RVA is for the office signature (please dont sign this)
 Process time: 5-7 days
Jr. Girls Committee Topics
 12s Step in Rule: CEVA Region allows players to take
  one step into the court to serve  standing on or behind
  the end line.

 Recruiting Policy
   Responding to inquires for basic information
   Private lessons
   Impact on Outdoor programming
CEVA Specific Rules
Different Regions have different rules

 Boys on a girls team
 Age Waivers
 Scorekeeping/Ref requirements
 If youre playing out of region and have questions,
  contact the office
College Showcase
 Junior Committee responsible for showcase
 Last weekend in January
 Location TBD.
CEVA/USA Volleyball Member Club Logo
CEVA Boys Program
The past
 2011 Saw first all boys team compete in CEVA
 Began boys tournaments to increase awareness and

 CEVA office ran the tournaments, coaching, and
  administration of these teams

 CEVA established a dedicated boys volleyball
The Present
 Currently have 8 boys tournaments scheduled from
  Jan-May as well as Presidents Day tournament

 Seattle (Alan Chinn) possible 20 teams this season
  from commitments from Club Directors

 Fall league with consistent teams
 More boys every tournament
The Future
 Take the lead and create the opportunity
 Ability to funnel interested boys to your program
 No longer turn kids away at the door
CEVA Boys Program
Fall Tournaments:          Winter and Spring Dates:

October 20th in Salem      January 19th and 26th

October 28th in Longview   February 9th and 23rd

                           April 14th and 27th

                           May 4th and 19th
 $60 per team
 Dont need a full team to participate
 More information can be found on the CEVA website
 Easy to dismiss 1 or 2 boys  but at what cost to our
  sport and our community?
 As leaders in our community how can WE make this
 Basketball cuts are coming, can we find a place for
  these athletes?
 The desire and market is there: Seaside/Seattle
 More boys and new blood every tournament
 Maybe he has a sister?
Write down questions

Fill out form

Answers after or via emails
CEVA Friendship Tournaments
 Saturday, December 15th
   18s AM
   16s PM
 Sunday, December 16th
   14s AM
   12s PM
 Registration for tourney
   Online Registration
   Deadline Nov. 30th
CEVA Power League
 Application Procedure
   Online Registration deadline: December 3rd
 Seeding Updates
   Challenge Date Dec. 11
 Qualifier Format Updates
   Crossovers have been updated
 Skipping Power League
Power League Registration

CEVA Power League
Presidents Day Weekend

Application Procedure
   Online Registration
   Deadline: Dec. 3rd
 Feb. 16th to 18th
   Girls: 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U
   Boys: 18U, 14U
 2013 in Eugene
Presidents Day Weekend Registration
CEVA Regional Championships

 Application Procedure
   Online Registration
   Deadline: Feb. 4
 April 20th and 21st
 Corvallis & Albany
CEVA Regional Championships Registration
USAV Girls Junior National Championships

 All teams interested in attending the USAV Girls Junior
  National Championships must submit all associated
  paperwork to the CEVA office by 5pm the Monday prior
  to the CEVA Regional Championships.

 Refer to Girls Junior Handbook Section 8.9
USAV Girls Junior National Championships

 New Patriot Division
     Team Limit per age group
     Registration process
     What happens if you qualify for a bid division?
     How the waitlist works
     Hotel situation
Club Hosted Tournaments

 Tournament Sanction Form
 Tournaments Directors must now be members and
  background screening per USAV Policy

 Send your Tournament Directors to our training on
  Saturday, December 1st

Fun Stuff
Spirit Contest

 Team of the Month
 Prizes, feature on Blog
 @CEVAVB on Twitter
 Instagram: CEVAVB
Contact Procedure
 CEVA Office to Club Directors/Administrators
 Club Directors/Administrators to Coaches
 Coaches to Parents/Players
 Works in reverse as well
Contact Information
 503-644-7468 (office line)
 503-389-0305 (urgent line)
 Breen: breen@columbiaempirevolleyball.com
 Joe: joeb@columbiaempirevolleyball.com
 Mike: mike@columbiaempirevolleyball.com
Important Deadlines
 Club Admin Renewal Oct. 31st
 CEVA Friendship Entry Nov. 30th
 Power League Entry Dec. 3rd
 CEVA Presidents Day Entry Dec. 3rd
 Club Coversheet Dec. 5th
 Regionals Entry Feb. 4th
 Roster Freeze April 1st

Thank you all for attending!


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CEVA Club Directors' Meeting 2012

  • 1. CEVA Club Directors Meeting October 14th, 2012 Tiger Woods Center Bay Hill Hall
  • 2. Partner Presentations Sports Authority Tricia Miller CEVA Discount Weekend Dec. 8th & 9th 20% Off, No limit on items.
  • 6. Partner Presentations NIKE Scott Zanon Marketing Director Team Sports LIDS Maria Carlini Team Sports Volleyball Specialist
  • 7. Welcome CEVA Staff: Breen Goodwin, Executive Director Joe Boken, Operations Director Mike Benkoski, Membership & Communications Manager
  • 8. Welcome CEVA Board of Directors Members of CEVA BOD Role/Expectation of CEVA BOD Junior Girls Committee Members of CEVA Jr. Girls Committee Role/Expectation of CEVA Jr. Girls Committee
  • 9. Welcome CEVA Region of USA Volleyball Role of CEVA Office Role of CEVA Club Directors/Admins Working Together CEVA Staff is here to serve the Club Directors, players and parents. We are growing the game together.
  • 10. Hotels and Travel Patrick Higgins & Mike Chandler Approach to Sports Housing Budget Saving Strategy (Stay-to-save) Benefits to staying at official CEVA hotels Our Approach to enhancing the experience Question and Answer
  • 11. Documents Please review the documents in your folder. Junior Girls Handbook (not included) List of all other season documents All available on the CEVA website.
  • 12. Membership & Registration Fees and Sanctions Please refer to attached Document Power League Entry $600 CEVA Presidents Day $450 CEVA Friendship $65 Regionals 2-Day $300 1-Day $175
  • 13. Membership & Registration 2012 2013 Season Tryouts Dates Saturday, November 3rd 12s/14s Saturday, November 17th 16s/18s Tryout Information Form (form included): Please submit ASAP whether you are having tryouts or NOT. CONFLICTS: Saturday, November 3rd CYO Competition plan accordingly State Playoff Competition plan accordingly
  • 14. Membership & Registration Getting Players & Coaches Registered BEFORE Tryouts ALL adults must be registered and completed background screening prior to tryouts. All Webpoint registrations will now be processed via credit card and are nonrefundable. Players have the choice of two membership options for tryouts Membership Deposit: $10 (good for 5 days of tryouts) Full Junior Girls membership: $55
  • 15. Membership & Registration Paperwork to collect at Tryouts Player Membership Card (or registration confirmation) Check Membership Dates Check Level of Play Medical Release Form Concussion Form
  • 16. Membership & Registration Player Membership Card Important: Name Membership Dates Level of Play, LOP
  • 17. Membership & Registration Unregistered Players Computer or Laptop ideal Hardcopy member form is last resort Parent/Guardian Signature required 3 places Forms must be sent to CEVA Office by Monday 9am after tryouts. CEVA will collect membership payment from players. Medical Release Form Concussion Form All Documents on our website.
  • 18. Membership & Registration CEVA Commitment Policy Full policy in Junior Girls Handbook This policy was put in place to better serve players and their families. We are following the best practice policies of many other USA Volleyball Regions. Clubs are encouraged to work together in scheduling tryouts. All clubs are strongly encouraged to use the CEVA Commitment Letter. In the event a player commits to more than one club, the CEVA office can only take action based on writing, not hearsay.
  • 19. Membership & Registration Upgrade Membership after Players Commit to your club Players who registered for a Membership Deposit must upgrade their membership in Webpoint BEFORE participating in any practice, competition or fundraiser. Players who choose UNDECIDED for a club may log back into Webpoint and choose your club after signing the CEVA Letter of Commitment.
  • 20. Questions? Write down questions Fill out form Answer at the end or via email
  • 21. Webpoint Basics Club Directors/Administrators will build their own teams in Webpoint this season. Club Directors/Administrators need to register by October 31st to keep their Admin access Club Admin Handbook for Webpoint is available on documents tab of website Rosters will be locked again on April 1st all adjustments need to be made prior to this date.
  • 22. Webpoint Roster Requirements Coaches CEVA Membership (includes all signed waivers) IMPACT Certification Cleared background screening ($18 via Webpoint) There is no longer a baseline fingerprint requirement Referee and Scorer Take the clinic (either online or in person) and take the quiz(s) via volleyballreftraining.com Concussion Training Complete online video and submit signed paperwork to club director
  • 23. Webpoint Roster Requirements Players CEVA Membership (includes all signed waivers) Scorer Certification Take the clinic (either online or in person) and take the quiz(s) via volleyballreftraining.com Each team should have at least 3 certified scorers Concussion Training (Submit signed paperwork to club director) Medical Release Form (Submit signed paperwork to club director) Uniforms All players need appropriate uniform numbers listed on the Webpoint roster
  • 24. Ref/Score Training Refer to Junior Girls Handbook Section 8.6 for specific requirements. Volleyballreftraining.com All certifications done online Additional training online (all positions of work team) Club hosted clinics still available for training.
  • 25. Uniforms Uniform Requirements (Rule 4.3) Numbers must be contrasting colors ( centered and be no smaller than 4 on front and 6 on back (mainly for 12U) Contrasting color examples. It is recommended that the numbers are 6 on front and 8 on back (Rule Libero Uniform Requirements: (Rule 19.2) Must contrast in color with that of predominate colors of jerseys of other team members. Libero uniform may be different design, but must be numbered like the rest of the team members. No combinations such as navy/black, purple/black, dark green/black, navy/maroon, white/light yellow.
  • 26. Uniforms 2014 Libero Uniform Requirements: The Libero or her/his teammates must wear a solid color jersey. The solid color jersey must clearly contrast from the predominant color(s) of the teammates' jersey. Predominant colors are those that appear on approximately half of the body of the uniform jersey. To be considered solid colored: Sleeves must be same color as the body of the jersey. Piping/trim must be the same color as the body of jersey. Lettering and collars can be different color than the body of jersey. Numbers must be a contrasting color and meet all other specifications in Rule 4.3.3 and associated USAV regulations.
  • 28. Club Management My Club My Teams Search Members List Membership Cards Team Form Search Team Assignment
  • 30. My Club Main Info, Club Members, Teams
  • 31. Who is in my Club?
  • 32. Current, Lapsed, Unpaid, Pending Thanks to CEVA policies, only need to look at Current Members, not Unpaid members! Lapsed Members include those who have a lapsed membership and have not renewed membership (in any club) since that membership. Why is someone missing? They havent registered yet (check the CEVA Current Members listing), OR They havent selected your club (or any club).
  • 33. My Teams Click the +New Team button to add a new Team.
  • 34. Create a New Team Give careful consideration to Team names. (They cannot easily be changed!) Requirements: Include the Club name, Include the Age Division, and Include the Team Rank. (There are lots of teams out there called 17s!) Recommendation: Use a Team name that does NOT need to be changed each season. (For example, dont use the name of the coach.)
  • 35. Complete the information in the various fields. The Team Code will generate based on the information you provide. The Team Rank options provided will be only those still available. (If you are creating multiple teams in an age group, only one can be ranked 1, etc.)
  • 36. Click on the particular Team link to change the Status from Active to Inactive if the Club no longer offers that specific Team. (This will help avoid assigning members to rosters incorrectly.)
  • 37. Other than changing the Team Status from Active to Inactive (or from Inactive to Active), you cant change much so take your time, please, when creating your Teams!
  • 38. Team Assignment Team Assignment provides a batch process to make multiple team assignments from one screen. This option allows assignment of Club members who have not yet been assigned to a team. Individual rosters may also be edited directly, which allows adults to be assigned to multiple rosters (as well as adding a member, removing a member, changing a members role, changing a jersey number).
  • 39. Team Assignment Batch Process
  • 42. Roster assignment verifications are enforced by the system, so you cant add someone who isnt qualified to be on a roster. Examples: An adult without background screening on a junior roster, a girl on a boys roster, or a player who is too old for the team level of play. Specific information is provided at the top of the screen for roster assignments that were not processed. Those who were assigned no longer display on the list for the Team Assignment process. If you need to assign an adult to more than one roster, you need to go directly to the roster for any additional assignments.
  • 43. Edit a Team Roster (Add or Edit) On the Players tab of the team, click the +Add Club Member to Team button to add a member.
  • 44. Click the Edit button to change the roster assignment of an existing team member. Change the name, position, or number, then click the Update Team Member button to save the change. Or click the Delete Team Member button to remove that member from the roster.
  • 45. List Membership Cards A current member may print his/her own card by selecting the Print Membership Card menu option A Club Administrator may print membership cards for current members in the Club Select a Team Club
  • 46. List Membership Cards - Member Select the Print Membership Card from the menu on the left.
  • 47. Current information displays membership information, background screening, officials certifications, coaching certification. If something updates in the record, print the card with updated information.
  • 48. Or the member may find the membership card at the end of the Membership Confirmation. (Click the icon to the left of the membership that looks like a little piece of paper.)
  • 49. List Membership Cards Club Admin Select Club Mgmt List Membership Cards from the menu.
  • 50. Two options: (1) Select a Team to display cards for that team only; or (2) Leave Team Selection as Select One to display cards for all current club members.
  • 51. Printing by Team will show only those on that roster, printing three cards on a page.
  • 52. Printing all membership cards will display all current members in the club, printing three cards on a page.
  • 53. Search Members Use as many or as few search filters as appropriate for the results you need. May want to identify those in the club with Background Screening, or IMPACT certifications, members with a certain level of play, all junior girls, or all junior boys, or adult members, etc.
  • 55. The results may be exported to a Text or Excel file. From the results screen, a group email can be sent to all or selected individuals.
  • 57. Team Form Search Basic Search Team Rosters The results from these screens will include only those members assigned to active rosters.
  • 58. Team Form Search Basic Search Search is based on roster assignments.
  • 59. Very helpful for Club directory or event program, since the export file contains Team information, not just membership information. Also helpful to email to selected Teams.
  • 60. Team Form Search Team Rosters Select by Team or narrow down the results by using the search filters, or simply click the Search Rosters button for all rosters.
  • 61. Rosters may also be pulled directly from the Team information, and any adult on a roster may view and print that roster.
  • 62. Webpoint Registration Thank you for the opportunity to present this information. Good luck with your season!
  • 63. Webpoint Building a Team in Webpoint Make an appointment with Mike for late November/early December. We are happy to run you through building a team and you should be good to go for the rest of your club!!! Send Mike your list of issues via email and we can help you work through any missing players or other challenges you may have.
  • 64. Age Waivers Updated Age Waiver Policy READ POLICY IN HANDBOOK Age Waivers will ONLY be considered for development or geographical needs Age Waiver forms must be completed in total and submitted by the club director HIGHLIGHTS: No more than 2 per team No age waivers provided for top teams within a club with more than one team in an age group Only birthdays in July or August considered Players being considered for age waivers should NOT be impact players
  • 65. Registration Paperwork Streamlined Paperwork Complete the Club Coversheet (Team Coversheets are no longer required!!!) Club Coversheet is due December 5th
  • 66. Questions? Write down your questions Fill out form Answers after or via email
  • 67. Rental Courts CEVA Owned Rental Courts 18 portable indoor volleyball courts 6 portable outdoor volleyball courts
  • 68. Facilities Facility Rules Easy rule of thumb --- WATER ONLY in the gym. There are few facilities who allow food and drink anywhere in the building or courts. Teams will be given warning and penalized for breaking the Food & Drink Policy (review 8.4 of Handbook)
  • 69. Parents & Spectators Parent & Spectator Code of Conduct Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct form is included in your documents packet (and online). Educate your parents! Post in your practice facilities Concussion videos links on CEVA website www.safesport.org Bullying, hazing, harassment Recognize, Reduce, Respond
  • 70. Insurance Incident/Injury Reports All coaches should carry a few copies with them When to fill out the form Athlete or coach gets injured at a CEVA/USAV sanctioned practice, tournament or fundraiser Incident/Injury Report comes to the office Medical Claim form goes to the parent
  • 71. Insurance Certificate of Insurance Request Fill out the insurance request form found under Documents Go over this form with your facility to make sure we can meet their needs. Certificate Holder: the locations info Fill out the Attention to section List the contact of the facilitys email on the form RVA is for the office signature (please dont sign this) Process time: 5-7 days
  • 72. Jr. Girls Committee Topics 12s Step in Rule: CEVA Region allows players to take one step into the court to serve standing on or behind the end line. Recruiting Policy Responding to inquires for basic information Private lessons Impact on Outdoor programming
  • 73. CEVA Specific Rules Different Regions have different rules Boys on a girls team Age Waivers Uniforms Scorekeeping/Ref requirements If youre playing out of region and have questions, contact the office
  • 74. College Showcase Junior Committee responsible for showcase Last weekend in January Location TBD.
  • 77. The past 2011 Saw first all boys team compete in CEVA Began boys tournaments to increase awareness and participation CEVA office ran the tournaments, coaching, and administration of these teams CEVA established a dedicated boys volleyball committee
  • 78. The Present Currently have 8 boys tournaments scheduled from Jan-May as well as Presidents Day tournament Seattle (Alan Chinn) possible 20 teams this season from commitments from Club Directors Fall league with consistent teams More boys every tournament
  • 79. The Future Take the lead and create the opportunity Ability to funnel interested boys to your program No longer turn kids away at the door
  • 80. CEVA Boys Program Fall Tournaments: Winter and Spring Dates: October 20th in Salem January 19th and 26th October 28th in Longview February 9th and 23rd April 14th and 27th May 4th and 19th
  • 81. Tournaments $60 per team Dont need a full team to participate More information can be found on the CEVA website
  • 82. PASSING THOUGHTS Easy to dismiss 1 or 2 boys but at what cost to our sport and our community? As leaders in our community how can WE make this happen? Basketball cuts are coming, can we find a place for these athletes? The desire and market is there: Seaside/Seattle More boys and new blood every tournament Maybe he has a sister?
  • 83. Questions? Write down questions Fill out form Answers after or via emails
  • 84. Tournaments CEVA Friendship Tournaments Saturday, December 15th 18s AM 16s PM Sunday, December 16th 14s AM 12s PM Registration for tourney Online Registration Deadline Nov. 30th
  • 85. Tournaments CEVA Power League Application Procedure Online Registration deadline: December 3rd Seeding Updates Challenge Date Dec. 11 Qualifier Format Updates Crossovers have been updated Skipping Power League Penalties
  • 87. Tournaments Presidents Day Weekend Application Procedure Online Registration Deadline: Dec. 3rd Feb. 16th to 18th Girls: 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U Boys: 18U, 14U 2013 in Eugene
  • 89. Tournaments CEVA Regional Championships Application Procedure Online Registration Deadline: Feb. 4 April 20th and 21st Corvallis & Albany
  • 91. Tournaments USAV Girls Junior National Championships All teams interested in attending the USAV Girls Junior National Championships must submit all associated paperwork to the CEVA office by 5pm the Monday prior to the CEVA Regional Championships. Refer to Girls Junior Handbook Section 8.9
  • 92. Tournaments USAV Girls Junior National Championships New Patriot Division Team Limit per age group Registration process What happens if you qualify for a bid division? How the waitlist works Hotel situation
  • 93. Tournaments Club Hosted Tournaments Tournament Sanction Form Tournaments Directors must now be members and background screening per USAV Policy Send your Tournament Directors to our training on Saturday, December 1st Insurance
  • 94. Fun Stuff Spirit Contest Team of the Month Prizes, feature on Blog Facebook @CEVAVB on Twitter Instagram: CEVAVB region@columbiaempirevolleyball.com
  • 95. Contact Procedure CEVA Office to Club Directors/Administrators Club Directors/Administrators to Coaches Coaches to Parents/Players Works in reverse as well
  • 96. Contact Information 503-644-7468 (office line) 503-389-0305 (urgent line) Breen: breen@columbiaempirevolleyball.com Joe: joeb@columbiaempirevolleyball.com Mike: mike@columbiaempirevolleyball.com www.columbiaempirevolleyball.com
  • 97. Important Deadlines Club Admin Renewal Oct. 31st CEVA Friendship Entry Nov. 30th Power League Entry Dec. 3rd CEVA Presidents Day Entry Dec. 3rd Club Coversheet Dec. 5th Regionals Entry Feb. 4th Roster Freeze April 1st
  • 98. CEVA Thank you all for attending! Questions?

Editor's Notes

  • #10: Working Together Introduce yourself to the folks right around you. These are your additional resources for growth and best practices for running the best club (and best business) you can.