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A Kids Guide to Concerts
Presented by:
Caldwell Fine Arts
November 6th, 2015
The Boise Cello Collective
Concert Hall
This is Jewett Auditorium it is a concert hall.
This is where we go to see concerts.
A concert is a performance where anyone who
wants to can come to hear musicians play music.
Parking Lot
Before the concert starts we will drive to the
concert hall where the concert will be held.
We will park our car in the parking lot while we are
at the concert.
These are the doors we will go through to enter
Jewett Auditorium.
Ticket Counter
Before we can go into the concert hall we need to
go buy our tickets at the ticket counter.
Someone will be there to help us.
Concert Hall Entrance
Once you have our tickets we can go into the con-
cert hall.
If the doors are open that means its okay to go in.
If they are closed then the musicians arent ready
to start yet.
Find Your Seat
When we are inside the concert hall before we can
sit down we need to find our seats.
All the seats have numbers.
Our seats will have a number on it that matches
the number on our tickets.
If we need help there are ushers at the door to
help us.
Once we are in our seats wait quietly for the
concert to start.
When the concert hall gets dark it is time for the
concert to start.
During the concert all the lights are out except for
onstage so everyone can see the musicians.
If you need to use the bathroom we tell our mom
or dad.
They will help us find the bathroom.
This is what the bathrooms look like.
If we need a quite place to rest there are soft
chairs in the lobby.
When the concert is over we can say hello to the
They are happy to talk to us.
Thank you for coming. We hope you had fun!

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cfa kids guide to concerts

  • 1. A Kids Guide to Concerts Presented by: Caldwell Fine Arts November 6th, 2015 The Boise Cello Collective
  • 2. Concert Hall This is Jewett Auditorium it is a concert hall. This is where we go to see concerts. A concert is a performance where anyone who wants to can come to hear musicians play music.
  • 3. Parking Lot Before the concert starts we will drive to the concert hall where the concert will be held. We will park our car in the parking lot while we are at the concert.
  • 4. Entrance These are the doors we will go through to enter Jewett Auditorium.
  • 5. Ticket Counter Before we can go into the concert hall we need to go buy our tickets at the ticket counter. Someone will be there to help us.
  • 6. Concert Hall Entrance Once you have our tickets we can go into the con- cert hall. If the doors are open that means its okay to go in. If they are closed then the musicians arent ready to start yet.
  • 7. Find Your Seat When we are inside the concert hall before we can sit down we need to find our seats. All the seats have numbers. Our seats will have a number on it that matches the number on our tickets. If we need help there are ushers at the door to help us.
  • 8. Stage Once we are in our seats wait quietly for the concert to start. When the concert hall gets dark it is time for the concert to start. During the concert all the lights are out except for onstage so everyone can see the musicians.
  • 9. Bathrooms If you need to use the bathroom we tell our mom or dad. They will help us find the bathroom. This is what the bathrooms look like.
  • 10. Lobby If we need a quite place to rest there are soft chairs in the lobby.
  • 11. Musicians When the concert is over we can say hello to the musicians. They are happy to talk to us.
  • 12. Goodbye Thank you for coming. We hope you had fun!