This document discusses understanding your audience and emphasizes empathy. It recommends determining who your visitors are, where they come from, how they interact with your site, why they behave how they do, and what tasks they need to complete. Web analytics can provide data on visitors like IP addresses and page views. Canned reports summarize basic statistics, while data mining allows custom reports. User testing and personas help focus design on audience needs and priorities. The matrix framework cross-references user roles, tasks, and the AIDA model of attention, interest, desire, and action.
2. Empathy : The Key Ingredient
Do onto others as they would have you do
onto them
3. Youre Wrong
Everything you think you knowabout the user
is probably wrong
The users arent who you think they are
They do things differently then you think
They have different reasons for needing your
product than you think.
4. Who is your audience? Where do they come
Where on your website does the interaction
When do your visitors make their decision?
Why do visitors behave the way they do?
What is the task you are asking them to
How does your site operate in order for visitors
to complete their task?
5. Web Analytics
Web Analytics can provide information like:
The IP address of your visitors
Which pages they viewed
Which browser software they are using
Whether they have been to your site before
6. Main uses of Web Analytics software
Canned reports
Data mining
Dynamic content presentation
7. Canned Reports
Specific reports can be generated to report on
a number of activities. The sets of reports
does not typically change. They normally
report simple statistics about the number of
visitors, popular entry pages, and distributions
of traffic by time of day.
8. Data Mining
Some systems have flexible reporting and
scripting launguages that allow you to
contruct your own specialized reports based
on historical data. This supports open ended
discovery and on going questioning.
9. Dynamic Content Presentation
Many web analytics systems have begun to
overlap with web content management
system and support the ability to change
content on the fly.
They encode business rules within your web
pages that can change specific portions of
your content based on actions of partiicular
10. Behavioral Styles
Any attempt to characterize your visitors is bound
to be incomplete. You are just trying to
understand then well enough to come up with
more effective landing pages.
The frameworks that can be used are:
Myers Briggs
Kiersey Bates
The Platinum Rule
No single framework is definitive or complete
11. User Centered design(UCD)
At the heart of UCD is Usability Testing.
During this process, representative users are given a
prototype or mock up of your design and asked to
complete a specific task.
A specific task is developed and the user ias asked to
complete the task.
The designers quietly observe the test.
If the goal for the task has been met, the testing is
complete and the current design is adopted.
If not then designers include their learnings for the
next test
12. Personas
One of the tools commenly used in Usability Testing and
Typical elements of Persona include:
A name and picture
Job title and major responsibilities
Goals and tasks in relation to your site
Environment ( Physical , social , technological)
A quote that sums up what matters most to the
persona with relevance for your site.
13. The Advantages of personas is CD are:
They help everyone have a consistent view of
major audience groups
They are easy to communicate
They increase empathy toward the audience and
help focus on their needs
They help prioritize possible new product
14. The Matrix
The Matrix = ROLES * TASKS * AIDA
Define Key User Classes and Roles
Define Critical conversion tasks for each class
Determine required decision process support
for each task
15. Basically The Matrix ensures that you have
thought through in detail how to uide the
right people , through the right activities, in
the correct order