Challenge My Story is a project that aims to explore differences and similarities in challenges that young men and women in Jordan face in relation to gender-related topics such as discrimination, harassment and physical or mental abuse. Through the empowering method of Digital Storytelling, the project encourages debate on gender equality and gender roles in the Jordanian society. In this way, the production of digitalised personal stories becomes an incubator for debate as the stories convey opportunities as well as barriers which young Jordanian women and men face.
2. - Berkeley University
- Training & Workshops
- International & local projects
- Projects: Youth at Risk, Community Building,
Social Change, Education ...
Our Story
3. What we do?
2007Oakland, USA
2012...The Faroe Islands
2013...UK, Romania, Finland, Slovenia,
Portugal, Spain
2014-15...Palestine, Jordan
2016...Marocco & Libanon
4. Areas
Teaching and facilitation in new media & storytelling
Documentation & research
Culture and history of preservation
Video production & methods
Participation and observation
Self Development
Local memory & civic planning
Social Innovation
User research
Human Rights
Community building projects
Creativity & Innovation
- Campaign Amnesty International
- To raise awareness of human rights
- Give a voice to refugees
- Learning to use visual storytelling
for communication
- To connect to danish society
6. Challenge My Story is a project that aims to explore
differences and similarities in challenges that young men and
women in Jordan face in relation to gender-related topics. With the
use of digital storytelling they explore and debate life experiences
and challenges they face in the Jordanian society
7. QuestionsSociety
- Describe a situation or experience you have had with direct and indirect discrimination as a
man/women either at your work, home, education, city, sports activities or travel?
- Have gender roles changed much in your lifetime? How?
- What do you think mens and womens roles will be in the future at home, in the workplace, in the
community, and in state? How will these roles be different from today?
- If you could change anything in your life, what would you change?
- Who do you think has life easier, girls or guys? Why? Have you experienced it?
- Do you see yourself as a typical man/woman? Why or why not?
- Is it considered more important for one gender to get an education?
- Who is regarded as the head of the family?
- Should boys and girls be brought up differently? Why?
- As a child and now young person who do you go to for emotional support? For financial support?
- Is there different expectations for you and your sister/brothers ?
#3: Min baggrund for at tale om digital storytelling6 m奪neder i Oakland: Udsatte b淡rn/unge, digital udfordrede b淡rn. Manglen p奪 digitale kompetencer.
R淡de kors
AD/HD - deprimeret
Internatinal skole og N淡rrebro Skole
Silkeborg Ungdomsskole - flygtninge i alderen 15-25 奪r
- International Day of sharing ligestories
#4: digital storyteller Anyone who has a desire to document life experience, ideas, or feelings through the use of story and digital media. Uusually someone who has little to no prior abilities experience in the realm of video production but can spend a few days participating in a workshop, to exploring explore and sharing share a story with creative, and technical assistance from compassionate, and talented technically skilled CDS staff.Center for Digital Storytelling (cen揃ter for dig揃i揃tal sto揃ry揃tell揃ing) The Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) is an international non-profit training, project development, and research organization dedicated to assisting people in using digital media to tell meaningful stories from their lives. Our focus is on building partnering with partnerships community, educational, and business institutions to develop large-scale initiatives in health, social services, education, historic and cultural preservation, community development, human rights, and environmental justice arenas, using methods and principles adapted from our original Digital Storytelling Workshop.
Bygger p奪 erfaringer inden for p脱dagogik, psykologi, mundtlige fort脱lletraditioner og hvad der i dag betegnes citizen journalism
De digitale kompetencer er og bliver kun vigtigere i fremtiden, eftersom evnen til at formidle, netv脱rke og nyt脱nke i h淡jere grad sker via nye medier. Derfor v脱gter vi de digitale medier i vores workshops.
Tal fra EU's statistiske kontor Eurostat viser, at den digitale kl淡ft i Europa vokser sig stadig st淡rre. I EU-gennemsnit er 85 procent af de studerende p奪 nettet, men kun 13 procent af pensionisterne. For de h淡jtuddannede er det 77 procent, mens det kun er 25 pct. af de lavtuddannede. (slide)
De digitale kompetencer, den personlige historie og produktet - en 2-3 minutters film er grundessensen af metoden: digital storytelling.
Samarbejdspartnere og programmer
Til sidst vil jeg kort opridse hvilke programmer som vi arbejder med:
Udover de traditionelle software filmediteringsprogrammer s奪som premiere og finat cut pro s奪 淡nsker vi ogs奪 at anvende mere tilgn脱gelige open source programmer s奪som Jaycut etc. Vi har f奪et et samarbejde igang med Bjarke som er iv脱rks脱tter I NeW York og har udviklet StoryPlanet som vil give muligheder for mere interactive historier men stadig med fokus p奪 den almene computerbruger.
(slide med et screendump af jaycut, og storyplanet)
Hvorfor interaktion igennem digital storytelling. Vend tilbage til starten om at alle har en historie at fort脱lle.
- N脱vn kommende projekter vi skal lave og evt hvordan lytterne kan bruge StoryLab (promovering)