The document discusses the challenges of implementing Web 2.0 tools internally and externally at the Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT). Internally, challenges include the agency's hierarchical culture, nature as a government organization, and aging workforce. External challenges involve gradual implementation to address privacy laws and budget cuts while maintaining the agency's size and performance objectives. The conclusion advocates for a step-by-step approach to overcoming the challenges of modernizing the AEAT.
3. Implementing Web 2.0 tools in the Spanish Tax Agency, both internally and externally Focus on challenges, both internal and external CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTING AEAT 2.0 OBJECTIVE
4. FIRST TIME HIERARCHY CULTURAL CONTEXT AGENCY¡¯S NATURE AGE Following American Example Gradually / Objectives Corporative Tools / Agreement Simple Creation / Consumption Human Resources Department? CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTING AEAT 2.0 INTERNAL CHALLENGES
5. POLITICS IN THE SIZE LAWS BUDGET CUTS Remain Tax Agency Size Slower / Human Resources Performance Objectives Privacy Guidelines CHALLENGES IMPLEMENTING AEAT 2.0 EXTERNAL CHALLENGES
#5: First Time: The Agency has been interested in learning about the topic during last two years but without deffinitive conclusion (only little examples like Youtube channel). No big examples in the Spanish Public Administration (just a little stpe in Open Government but no collaborative tools). Solution: Following American example in Open Government ( Orszag, P.R. (2009)) and the Intelligence Community (Andrus, C. (2005)). Hierarchy: Now, collaborative tools study depends on Human Resources Department but Open Government initiative depend on Organizational Department. There is few coordination. No possibility of depending directly from Director General. Solution: Maybe Human Resources Department? Theoretically Organizational Department would be better but Human Resources Department is bigger, with strong presence in regional offices and it is more interested. Cultural context: In 2007, Spain was the first European country in the use of Web 2.0 technologies (FIB (2007)). However, civil servants are not as familiarized with creating content with Web 2.0 tools (more with consuming). Solution: Gradually. Setting performance objectives for Web 2.0 use. Agency¡¯s Nature: Dealing with sensible information. Usually new tools are developed internally. No possibility of using external non-secure tools for giving sensible information (but they can be used for general information or publicity like the Youtube channel). Solution: Corporative tools or Agreements with private companies for corporative use. Always must fulfil security requirements. Age: The average of age is 47 years old (Agencia Tributaria (2009)). There is a problem with the technollogy divide. Solution: Make tools very simple and focused on usefulness. Maybe younger people and very interested people can be the main contributors. Older people not as interested can remain as mere consumers.
#6: Politics with the Size: Problem of setting a size bigger than the Agency (to ¡°connect the dots¡±) due to political problems with authonomy. NO SOLUTION NOW. Laws: Civil service law makes essential the perssuasion for using new tools. No laws about Open Government (except personal data law). Every step is voluntary. Big concern with privacy laws. Solutions: Set our own performance objectives. Ask the Law Office for Privacy Guidelines for content creation. Budget Cuts : Now we are in budget constrains (Pedroche, L. (2009)) so it will be difficult to make big investments. Solution: Slower but beginning now.
#7: Collaborative tools in the Intelligence Community and Open Government with Obama Administration seem to be very fast toward full implementation but Spanish Tax Agency need more time (better to be slow but secure than fast but being able to make a failure).