The Pillar Team - Education & Talent outlined their 2012 mission to: 1) stage a schools competition, 2) complete an audit of enterprise teaching, 3) unify stakeholders under an MOU, 4) hold a youth workshop, and 5) provide entrepreneurial toolkits. Their tasks, timeline, and resources are then defined to accomplish these goals between January-September 2012 with the help of various volunteers.
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Champion presentation education
2. Pillar Team – Education & Talent
• 2012 Mission
1 - Stage 2nd BEF $20 Challenge Schools Competition
2 - Complete Audit of Enterprise Teaching in Education in Barbados
3 - Unify Enterprise in Education Stakeholders under one umbrella
4 - Stage a Youth Entrepreneurs Workshop
5 - Provide Entrepreneurial ‘Tool Kits’ for schools and general use
• Measures of Success
1 - Successfully Stage 2nd BEF $20 Challenge Schools Competition
2 - Deliver Audit of Enterprise Teaching in Education in Barbados
3 – At least 80% of identified stakeholders sign and apply MOU
4 – Successfully Stage a Youth Entrepreneurs Workshop
5 – Entrepreneurial ‘Tool Kits’ available online or as hard copy
3. Pillar Team – Education & Talent
Tasks Time Resource
1. Design and plan 2nd $20 Challenge Mar’ 12 KM, DB, DE, RB, AR, BT
- Get Approval from Ministry of Education Apr ‘12
- Launch and conduct 2nd $20 Challenge Jun – Sep ‘12 Plus new volunteers
2. Review status of current Audit of Jan’ 12 DB, KM, DE, BT, RB, AR
Enterprise Teaching in Education in
Barbados to decide next steps
- Deliver Audit of Enterprise Teaching in Plus new volunteers
Education in Barbados Sep’12
3. Convene a Special Meeting of the Various Feb’12 KM, DB, DE, AR, RB, BT
Enterprise in Education Stakeholders to
Confirm Signing of MOU, Review Respective Plus new volunteers
Programmes and Discuss and Plan Future
4. Pillar Team – Education & Talent
Task Time Resource
4. Meet with Enterprise in Education Feb’12 KM, DB, DE, RB, AR, BT
Stakeholders to Discuss Optimum Time to
Stage a Youth Entrepreneurs Workshop Plus new volunteers
5. Research best way to source / create Apr’12 DB, KM, RB, BT, DE, AR
Entrepreneurial ‘Tool Kits’ for schools and
general use Plus new volunteers
- Deliver Entrepreneurial ‘Tool Kits’ Sep’12