This document is an affidavit filed in support of a writ petition being filed in the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Chennai by P. Chandira and R. Thangavel against 9 respondents from NLC, Neyveli. The petitioners are seeking a writ of certiorari to promote R. Thangavel to Deputy General Manager, regularize his transfer period as duty, quash disciplinary proceedings against him, correct his performance rating, and provide compensation for losses suffered due to harassment. The petitioners state they have common grievances and are seeking permission to jointly file a single writ petition.
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CHANDRA-2B-1 (1)
(Special Original Jurisdiction)
(Under Art226 of Indian Constitutional Law)
W.P.No: /15
1) P.Chandira,M.E(M.B.A)(B.G.L)
W/o R.Thangavel,
E-77, Anna Road,Block-27, Neyveli-3
2) R.Thangavel,M.E.,
The Chief Manager,TPS-I,
NLC,Neyveli- 3 -------------Petitioner/Petitioner
1) The Chairman cum Managing Director,NLC,Neyveli
2) The Chief Vigilance officer, NLC,Neyveli
3) The Director(HR), NLC,Neyveli.
4)The Central Public Information officer,NLC, Neyveli.
5)Balasubramanian,the enquiry officer,NLC.Neyveli.
6)The Chief General Manager,Mine-I, NLC,Neyveli.
7)A.R.Ramachandran,the enquiry officer,NLC,Neyveli
8)Thiru.Paramasivam,the former CGM,TPS-I.Neyveli.
9)Thiru.Sureshbabu,the G.M,TPS-I,Neyveli. ----------Respondents/Respondents.
1. I, P. Chandira, wife of R. Thangavel, Hindu, aged 47 years, residing at E-
77, Anna Road, Block 27, Neyveli, now temporarily come down to Chennai, do
hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows.
2. 2. I am the 1st Petitioner herein and I am well acquainted with the facts of this
case. I am filing this affidavit on my behalf and on behalf of the 2nd Petitioner, who
is my husband. I am authorised by the 2nd Respondent to file this affidavit on his
behalf. The Petitioners submit that the above Writ Petition is being filed for issue
of a Certiorari calling for the records of the nine respondents. In the above
circumstances the petitioners humbly prayed that this Honble Court may please to
issue a writ of certiorari calling for the records of the nine respondents to promote
the second petitioner as the Deputy General Manager from 19.08.09 as he joined
his duty at Barshingsar Project, Rajasthan as directed in W.A.No:282/09 and
regularize the period as duty from the date of transfer order 02.04.08 to 18.08.09
and consequently quash
1) the Disciplinary Proceedings No: 7596/NLC/ BP/P&A/Disp/08 Dated: 11.11.08
against the 2nd petitioner
2) the Annual Performance rating of the 2nd petitioner for the period 2013-14 as as
good which is erroneously awarded by the eighth respondent instead of out
with the adequate compensation to the both the petitioner for the
loss, not tolerable mental agony,threatening,undue harassment suffered due to the
acts of the nine respondents deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of
the case with consequential benefits and thus render justice. The Petitioners crave
leave of this Honble Court to read the affidavit filed in support of the above writ
petition as part and parcel of this affidavit.
3. The Petitioners submit that the grievances of the Petitioners are common and
the compensation for the both the petitioners. Hence, the Petitioners pray that they
may be permitted to join together and file a single Writ Petition.
4. In these circumstances, the Petitioners pray that this Honble Court may be
pleased to permit the Petitioners to join together and file a single Writ Petition and
thus render justice.
Sincerely and solemnly sworn The 1st Petitioner-in-Person
At Chennai on 7th day of April-15
2nd Petitioner through his wife, herein 1st petitioner.