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Building a Change Capable Organization

                                         What keeps you
                                         up at night?                                                        If youre bracing for the
                                         	 Can	we	build	a	more	
                                            nimble organization?                                             next wave of change,
                                         	 How	much	change	is	too	much?
                                         	 Can	we	build	change	capability	                                  youre not alone...
                                            throughout our organization?
                                         	 How	do	we	get	our	front-line	                                    CEOs Top Concern                                     Already at Saturation
                                            employees to adapt to change?
                                            What about our executives?                                       CEOs report that coping with change is               Making matters worse, two-thirds of
                                         	 How	do	we	ensure	that	our	                                       their most pressing challenge. While this            organizations surveyed by Prosci in 2009
                                                                                                             has been the top concern for global CEOs             are reporting that they are near or at the
                                            managerseffectively lead their teams
                                                                                                             since 2004, a recent report revealed that            point of change saturation. This saturation
                                            through transformative change?
                                                                                                             nearly 50% of executives lack confidence             dynamic, combined with the volume and
                                                                                                             in their organizations ability to manage            speed of change, is resulting in employee
                                                                                                             the changes they will face.1                         disengagement and resistance. Worse yet,
                                                                                                                                                                  as employees disengage, we are seeing
                                                                                                             48% are not confident that their                     a corresponding increase in project
                                                                                                             culture can quickly mobilize to                      failures and an overall decrease in
                                                                                         Stage 3             serve new markets and customers                      organizational productivity.
                                                                                         Build Change
                                                                 Stage 2                 Capacity Through
                                                                                         Enterprise          50% indicate their culture is not
                                                                 Focused Project                             adaptive enough to respond                           Responsiveness to Change =
                                         Stage 1                 Execution
                                                                                                             positively to change                                 Competitive Advantage
                                         CM Framework
                                         Design                                                                                                                   Agile, innovative, responsive, nimble,
                                                                                                             44% are not sure their workforce
                                                                                                                                                                  creative, flexible  these are the words
                                                                                                             is prepared to adapt to and
                                                                                                                                                                  that define the organizations that will
                                                                                                             manage change2
                                                                                                                                                                  succeed in todays business environment.
                                                                                                                                                                  Those organizations who successfully
                                                                                                                                                                  embed change capability into the fabric
                                         Change saturation is real                                           Change Intensity on the Rise                         of the company will develop a competitive
                                                                                                                                                                  advantage in the markets in which they
                                         and shows up in your                                                While organizations are marginally                   operate. To assist our clients in capturing
                                         people, projects, and                                               improving their capacity and skills to               this advantage, PeopleFirm has developed
                                                                                                             effectively manage change, the volume,               a proven strategy for building a
                                         bottom-line results!                                                complexity, and magnitude of the                     Change-Capable Organization.
                                         Source: Proscis 2009 Best Practices in Change Management           changes to be absorbed are increasing
                                         and benchmarking study
                                                                                                             at an unprecedented pace. In fact,
                                                                                                             most companies continue to struggle
                                                                                                             to manage change in support of
                                                                                                             large-scale projects, let alone build
                                                                                                             change capability across the enterprise.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1) IBM Global CEO Study: Capitalizing on Complexity, 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (2)	Accentures	2010	High	Performance	Workforce	Study

                                                                                                             An agile organization has more strategic insight into
                                                                                                              human capital strategy and the workforce capabilities
                                                                                                              needed to execute strategy rapidly and effectively.
                                                                                                             The Agile Organization, July 2010 Farley & Gossage

                                         Your People = Your Success
PeopleFirms 4 Cornerstones to
        Building a Change-Capable Organization
                                         Expertise                             Embed
    Grow Resilient Change Capabilities

                                                                                                                                 Every client has a unique path to
                                          Build deep change expertise             Root agility into the culture by integrating
                                          within the organization to ensure       change competence in the Talent                change competence. By applying
                                          knowledge sharing and continuous        Management processes including hiring,         PeopleFirms Change Capability
                                          learning across the organization.       learning & development, performance
                                                                                                                                 framework we help our clients
                                                                                  management, and rewards.
                                                                                                                                 build a customized roadmap
                                         Foundation                            Alignment                                         addressing their specific objectives
                                                                                                                                 and culture. Regardless of the
                                          Select a common change framework,       Integrate change into program                  path to competence, leadership
                                          approach, and training method to        governance, project management,
                                          establish a common language and         and strategic planning initiatives
                                                                                                                                 sponsorship and engaged
                                          understanding of change.                across the enterprise.                         support remain the crucial
                                                                                                                                 requirements for success.

                                                              Cultivate a Disciplined Approach

        Once leadership support is secured, building                          A strong Foundation is required to                 across the full breadth of organizational
        change capability requires investment and                             get started, including a common change             initiatives. At maturity, a Change Capable
        action along two key dimensions:                                      management framework. With maturity                organization will have Embedded this
                                                                              comes an increase in the breadth of change         expertise into their organizations culture,
        1. Grow change management know-how,
                                                                              capability, building Expertise at both             allowing the organization to accept,
           capabilities, and expertise within the
                                                                              individual and group levels across the             interpret, and quickly respond to
           organizations workforce.
                                                                              organization. Our model seeks to increase          the opportunities and challenges of
        2. Cultivate a disciplined approach to                                the number of employees with a strong              the 21st century.
           designing, managing, and executing                                 competence for change who have
           change programs.                                                   Alignment to a disciplined approach

           PeopleFirm, LLC                                                    About PeopleFirm
           Seattle Office:
                                                                              We are a consultancy passionate about our singular mission: helping our clients achieve
           2201 6th Avenue, Suite 1516
                                                                              a competitive advantage through their people. To that end our service focus is:
           Seattle, WA 98121

           Portland Office:                                                   People Strategy  We                                Organizational Performance - Our
           408 NW Fifth Ave                                                   assess organizational                               approach builds high-performing organizations
           Portland, OR 97209                                                 investment options across                           by maximizing individual and team contributions
                                                                              all areas related to people                         through strategic alignment, effective structures,
o        206.462.6462                                                         and talent management                               and supporting cultures.
f        888.651.1976                                                         with the goal of selecting                          Talent Management - Addressing the
                                                                              the best investment                                 employee lifecycle from entry to exit,
                                                                              course that propels the                             PeopleFirm designs and implements solutions
                                                                              organizations strategy.                            that optimize talent management processes
                                                                                                                                                                                       息 PeopleFirm, All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                  and improve employee experiences.
                                                                                                                                  Adoption and Change Execution  We are
                                                                                                                                  recognized for designing and leading change
                                                                                                                                  management programs that lower risks,
                                                                                                                                  accelerate results, and deliver value. Our
      Your People = Your Success                                                                                                  proven approach ensures change sticks.

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Change Capable Org 11

  • 1. Building a Change Capable Organization What keeps you up at night? If youre bracing for the Can we build a more nimble organization? next wave of change, How much change is too much? Can we build change capability youre not alone... throughout our organization? How do we get our front-line CEOs Top Concern Already at Saturation employees to adapt to change? What about our executives? CEOs report that coping with change is Making matters worse, two-thirds of How do we ensure that our their most pressing challenge. While this organizations surveyed by Prosci in 2009 has been the top concern for global CEOs are reporting that they are near or at the managerseffectively lead their teams since 2004, a recent report revealed that point of change saturation. This saturation through transformative change? nearly 50% of executives lack confidence dynamic, combined with the volume and in their organizations ability to manage speed of change, is resulting in employee the changes they will face.1 disengagement and resistance. Worse yet, as employees disengage, we are seeing 48% are not confident that their a corresponding increase in project culture can quickly mobilize to failures and an overall decrease in Stage 3 serve new markets and customers organizational productivity. Build Change Stage 2 Capacity Through Enterprise 50% indicate their culture is not Focused Project adaptive enough to respond Responsiveness to Change = Stage 1 Execution positively to change Competitive Advantage CM Framework Design Agile, innovative, responsive, nimble, 44% are not sure their workforce creative, flexible these are the words is prepared to adapt to and that define the organizations that will manage change2 succeed in todays business environment. Those organizations who successfully embed change capability into the fabric Change saturation is real Change Intensity on the Rise of the company will develop a competitive advantage in the markets in which they and shows up in your While organizations are marginally operate. To assist our clients in capturing people, projects, and improving their capacity and skills to this advantage, PeopleFirm has developed effectively manage change, the volume, a proven strategy for building a bottom-line results! complexity, and magnitude of the Change-Capable Organization. Source: Proscis 2009 Best Practices in Change Management changes to be absorbed are increasing and benchmarking study at an unprecedented pace. In fact, most companies continue to struggle to manage change in support of large-scale projects, let alone build change capability across the enterprise. (1) IBM Global CEO Study: Capitalizing on Complexity, 2010 (2) Accentures 2010 High Performance Workforce Study An agile organization has more strategic insight into human capital strategy and the workforce capabilities needed to execute strategy rapidly and effectively. The Agile Organization, July 2010 Farley & Gossage Your People = Your Success
  • 2. PeopleFirms 4 Cornerstones to Building a Change-Capable Organization Expertise Embed Grow Resilient Change Capabilities Every client has a unique path to Build deep change expertise Root agility into the culture by integrating within the organization to ensure change competence in the Talent change competence. By applying knowledge sharing and continuous Management processes including hiring, PeopleFirms Change Capability learning across the organization. learning & development, performance framework we help our clients management, and rewards. build a customized roadmap Foundation Alignment addressing their specific objectives and culture. Regardless of the Select a common change framework, Integrate change into program path to competence, leadership approach, and training method to governance, project management, establish a common language and and strategic planning initiatives sponsorship and engaged understanding of change. across the enterprise. support remain the crucial requirements for success. Cultivate a Disciplined Approach Once leadership support is secured, building A strong Foundation is required to across the full breadth of organizational change capability requires investment and get started, including a common change initiatives. At maturity, a Change Capable action along two key dimensions: management framework. With maturity organization will have Embedded this comes an increase in the breadth of change expertise into their organizations culture, 1. Grow change management know-how, capability, building Expertise at both allowing the organization to accept, capabilities, and expertise within the individual and group levels across the interpret, and quickly respond to organizations workforce. organization. Our model seeks to increase the opportunities and challenges of 2. Cultivate a disciplined approach to the number of employees with a strong the 21st century. designing, managing, and executing competence for change who have change programs. Alignment to a disciplined approach PeopleFirm, LLC About PeopleFirm Seattle Office: We are a consultancy passionate about our singular mission: helping our clients achieve 2201 6th Avenue, Suite 1516 a competitive advantage through their people. To that end our service focus is: Seattle, WA 98121 Portland Office: People Strategy We Organizational Performance - Our 408 NW Fifth Ave assess organizational approach builds high-performing organizations Portland, OR 97209 investment options across by maximizing individual and team contributions all areas related to people through strategic alignment, effective structures, o 206.462.6462 and talent management and supporting cultures. f 888.651.1976 with the goal of selecting Talent Management - Addressing the the best investment employee lifecycle from entry to exit, www.peoplefirm.com course that propels the PeopleFirm designs and implements solutions organizations strategy. that optimize talent management processes 息 PeopleFirm, All rights reserved. and improve employee experiences. Adoption and Change Execution We are recognized for designing and leading change management programs that lower risks, accelerate results, and deliver value. Our Your People = Your Success proven approach ensures change sticks.